All Structures
Name | Unit | Description |
ColorspaceCollection | BGRABitmapTypes | The collection of all colorspaces and conversions between them. |
EAvifException | avifbgra | Exception when using libavif library |
EColorQuantizerMissing | BGRAGifFormat | Exception raised when no color quantizer is available |
IBGLFont | BGRAOpenGLType | Interface for a font drawn on OpenGL canvas |
IBGLRenderedFont | BGRAFontGL | Interface for font rendering with OpenGL |
IBGLTexture | BGRAOpenGLType | Interface for a texture in OpenGL (stored in VRAM) |
IBGRACanvasGradient2D | BGRACanvas2D | Interface for a gradient for TCanvas2D |
IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D | BGRACanvas2D | Interface for a texture/scanner for Tcanvas2D |
IBGRADirectionalLight3D | BGRASceneTypes | Interface of directional light for 3D scene |
IBGRAFace3D | BGRASceneTypes | Interface for a face in a 3D object |
IBGRALight3D | BGRASceneTypes | Interface of a light for a 3D scene |
IBGRAMaterial3D | BGRASceneTypes | Interface of material for the surface of a 3D object |
IBGRANormal3D | BGRASceneTypes | Interface of a normal of a 3D surface |
IBGRAObject3D | BGRASceneTypes | Interface of an object in a 3D scene |
IBGRAPart3D | BGRASceneTypes | Interface of a part of a 3D object, that can be moved independently of other parts. |
IBGRAPath | BGRABitmapTypes | Interface for path functions. |
IBGRAPointLight3D | BGRASceneTypes | Interface of point light for 3D scene |
IBGRAScanner | BGRABitmapTypes | Interface for a scanner. |
IBGRAVertex3D | BGRASceneTypes | Interface for a vertex of a 3D object |
TAdobeRGBA | BGRABitmapTypes | AdobeRGB color (8-bit channels) |
TAdobeRGBAColorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | AdobeRGB colorspace (8-bit channels) |
TAdobeRGBAHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TAdobeRGBA color |
TAffineBox | BGRABitmapTypes | Object representing an affine box. |
TAnimationControlChunk | BGRAPNGComn | PNG chunk to specify animation |
TArcDef | BGRABitmapTypes | Definition of an arc of an ellipse |
TAssemblyReference | BGRADNetDeserial | Reference to a .NET assembly |
TAttributeVariable | BGRACanvasGL | Attribute variable in shader (value defined per vertex) |
TAttributeVariableInteger | BGRAOpenGL3D | Attribute variable containg an integer |
TAttributeVariablePoint | BGRAOpenGL3D | Attribute variable containg a 2D point with integer coordinates |
TAttributeVariablePoint3D | BGRAOpenGL3D | Attribute variable containg a 3D point |
TAttributeVariablePointF | BGRAOpenGL3D | Attribute variable containg a 2D point |
TAttributeVariableSingle | BGRAOpenGL3D | Attribute variable containg a floating-point value |
TAvifReader | avifbgra | Reader for AVIF images or animations (not derived from TFPCustomImageReader) |
TAvifWriter | avifbgra | Writer for AVIF images or animations (not derived from TFPCustomImageWriter) |
TBasicLightingContext | BGRASSE | Base context necessary to compute lighting (can be aligned for SSE) |
TBGLArray | BGRAOpenGL | Array in OpenGL |
TBGLBitmap | BGRAOpenGL | RGBA bitmap that can be used with OpenGL by converting it into a texture |
TBGLBlurShader | BGRABlurGL | Shader computing a blurred image |
TBGLContext | BGRAOpenGL | Context for OpenGL surface |
TBGLCustomArray | BGRACanvasGL | Abstract array for OpenGL |
TBGLCustomBitmap | BGRAOpenGLType | Abstract RGBA bitmap that can be used with OpenGL by converting it into a texture |
TBGLCustomCanvas | BGRACanvasGL | Abstract canvas for OpenGL |
TBGLCustomElementArray | BGRACanvasGL | Abstract array of elements specifed by index for OpenGL |
TBGLCustomFont | BGRAOpenGLType | Abstract class for a font drawn on OpenGL canvas |
TBGLCustomFrameBuffer | BGRAOpenGLType | Abstract class for a frame buffer in OpenGL |
TBGLCustomLighting | BGRACanvasGL | Abstract class for lighting with OpenGL |
TBGLCustomShader | BGRACanvasGL | Abstract shader for OpenGL |
TBGLCustomSprite | BGRASpriteGL | Abstract class for a sprite with OpenGL |
TBGLCustomSpriteEngine | BGRASpriteGL | Abstract class for a sprite engine |
TBGLCustomTexture | BGRAOpenGLType | Abstract class for a texture in OpenGL (stored in VRAM) |
TBGLDefaultSprite | BGRASpriteGL | Default implementation for sprites with OpenGL |
TBGLDefaultSpriteEngine | BGRASpriteGL | Default implementation for a sprite rendering engine with OpenGL |
TBGLElementArray | BGRAOpenGL | Array of elements indicated by their index |
TBGLFrameBuffer | BGRAOpenGL | Frame buffer in OpenGL. |
TBGLLighting3D | BGRAOpenGL3D | Lighting for 3D scene |
TBGLPath | BGRACanvasGL | Path with OpenGL rendering |
TBGLRenderedFont | BGRAFontGL | Implementation of font rendering by using a bitmap cache |
TBGLRenderer3D | BGRAOpenGL3D | Renderer of 3D scenes using OpenGL |
TBGLScene3D | BGRAOpenGL3D | 3D scene rendered with OpenGL |
TBGLShader3D | BGRAOpenGL3D | Shader for 3D polygons |
TBGRA16BitPalette | BGRAPalette | Palette containing all possible 16-bit colors. |
TBGRA3X3FilterScanner | BGRAFilterScanner | Abstract scanner that applies a filter on a 3x3 window of pixels |
TBGRAAffineBitmapTransform | BGRATransform | Scanners that applies an affine transform to a bitmap. |
TBGRAAffineScannerTransform | BGRATransform | Scanner that transforms any other scanner. |
TBGRAAnimatedGif | BGRAAnimatedGif | Class to read/write animated GIF, supports animated PNG as well when specified |
TBGRAAnimatedPng | BGRAAnimatedGif | Class to read/write animated PNG, supports animated GIF as well when specified. |
TBGRAApproxPalette | BGRAColorQuantization | |
TBGRAApproxPaletteViaLargerPalette | BGRAColorQuantization | Palette approximating via a large palette |
TBGRAArrow | BGRAArrow | Implementation of arrow computation |
TBGRAAvgLvlPalette | BGRAPalette | Abstract implementation of a BGRA palette using a binary tree. |
TBGRABitmap | BGRABitmap | Cross-platform 32-bit RGBA image compatible with Lazarus Component Library |
TBGRABitmapScanner | BGRATransform | Simple scanner for a bitmap |
TBGRABrush | BGRACanvas | Brush property for TBGRACanvas |
TBGRABufferedGradient | BGRAGradientScanner | Buffered gradient to accelerate computation of complex gradients |
TBGRACanvas | BGRACanvas | Improved canvas with gamma correction and transparency |
TBGRACanvas2D | BGRACanvas2D | Implementation of a canvas similar to HTML Canvas2d. |
TBGRACanvasState2D | BGRACanvas2D | Saved state of a TCanvas2D |
TBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D | BGRACanvas2D | Provides a texture to a TCanvas2D. |
TBGRAColorBox | BGRAColorQuantization | Box area in the colorspace allowing to split in two different areas |
TBGRAColorDefinition | BGRABitmapTypes | Definition of a single color in RGB colorspace |
TBGRAColoredObject | BGRACanvas | Any colored object |
TBGRAColorList | BGRABitmapTypes | Contains a fixed list of colors |
TBGRAColorQuantizer | BGRAColorQuantization | Implementation of color quantization. |
TBGRAColorTree | BGRAColorQuantization | Binary tree of colors for color approximation |
TBGRACompressableBitmap | BGRACompressableBitmap | Class to compress and store the compressed image. |
TBGRAConstantScanner | BGRAGradientScanner | Scanner of constant color |
TBGRAContourScanner | BGRAFilterScanner | Scanner that computes the contour of the elements of an image. |
TBGRACoordData3D | BGRACoordPool3D | 3D coordinate information (can be aligned for SSE) |
TBGRACoordPool3D | BGRACoordPool3D | Array of 3D coordinates for batch computation |
TBGRACustomApproxPalette | BGRAPalette | Abstract palette that can find an approximate matching color |
TBGRACustomArrow | BGRABitmapTypes | Generic class configuring and rendering an arrow. |
TBGRACustomBitmap | BGRABitmapTypes | Base class for TBGRABitmap. |
TBGRACustomColorQuantizer | BGRAPalette | Abstract class for color quantization. |
TBGRACustomFillInfo | BGRABitmapTypes | Abstract class defining any shape that can be filled |
TBGRACustomFontRenderer | BGRABitmapTypes | Abstract class for all font renderers |
TBGRACustomGradient | BGRABitmapTypes | Defines a gradient of color, not specifying its shape but only the series of colors |
TBGRACustomLayeredBitmap | BGRALayers | Abstract class for storing a layered bitmap |
TBGRACustomMultiGradient | BGRAGradientScanner | Abstract class multi color stops gradient |
TBGRACustomOriginalStorage | BGRALayerOriginal | Abstract original storage |
TBGRACustomPalette | BGRAPalette | Abstract class containing a palette |
TBGRACustomPath | BGRABitmapTypes | Generic class representing a path, providing methods for creation and exploration |
TBGRACustomPathCursor | BGRABitmapTypes | Class that contains a cursor to browse an existing path |
TBGRACustomPenStroker | BGRABitmapTypes | Generic class representing a pen stroker, used for drawing and styling lines with various attributes |
TBGRACustomScanner | BGRABitmapTypes | Base class for implementing IBGRAScanner interface |
TBGRACustomTextEffect | BGRACustomTextFX | Computes text effects based on a grayscale mask. |
TBGRACustomTypeWriter | BGRATypewriter | Abstract class for font rendering using cached glyphs |
TBGRACustomTypeWriterHeader | BGRATypewriter | Header of typewriter stream |
TBGRACustomWriterPNG | BGRABitmapTypes | Generic definition for a PNG writer with alpha option |
TBGRADefaultBitmap | BGRADefaultBitmap | Base implementation for all TBGRABitmap classes. |
TBGRAEmbossHightlightScanner | BGRAFilterScanner | Scanner that computes an embossed image and fills the shape with a highlight color. |
TBGRAExtendedBorderScanner | BGRATransform | Scanner that restricts the source to a rectangular area and pad the rest. |
TBGRAFilterScanner | BGRAFilterType | Abstract class for a scanner that applies a filter |
TBGRAFilterScannerGrayscale | BGRAFilterScanner | Scanner that converts colored pixel into grayscale with same luminosity |
TBGRAFilterScannerMultipixel | BGRAFilterType | Abstract class for a scanner that applies a filter on a group of pixels |
TBGRAFilterScannerNegative | BGRAFilterScanner | Scanner that computes the negative of the colors |
TBGRAFilterScannerNormalize | BGRAFilterScanner | Scanner that normalizes the value of color channels. |
TBGRAFilterScannerPixelwise | BGRAFilterType | Abstract class for a scanner that applies a filter per pixel |
TBGRAFilterScannerSwapRedBlue | BGRAFilterScanner | Scanner that swaps red and blue channels |
TBGRAFont | BGRACanvas | Font property for TBGRACanvas |
TBGRAFreeTypeDrawer | BGRAFreeType | Provides basic FreeType drawing by deriving the TFreeTypeDrawer type. |
TBGRAFreeTypeFontRenderer | BGRAFreeType | FreeType font renderer with effects. |
TBGRAGenericPool | BGRACoordPool3D | Array of 3D points for batch computation |
TBGRAGlyph | BGRATypewriter | Abstract class for a glyph |
TBGRAGlyphDisplayInfo | BGRATypewriter | Information on how to display a glyph |
TBGRAGlyphsInfo | BGRAVectorize | General information on glyph stream |
TBGRAGradientOriginalDiff | BGRAGradientOriginal | Difference in a gradient original |
TBGRAGradientScanner | BGRAGradientScanner | Scanner that renders a gradient |
TBGRAGradientTriangleScanner | BGRAGradientScanner | Scanner of triangle scanner in linear RGBA colorspace |
TBGRAHueGradient | BGRAGradientScanner | Hue gradient between two colors |
TBGRAHueMultiGradient | BGRAGradientScanner | Multi-gradient using hue interpolation |
TBGRAIconCursor | BGRAIconCursor | An icon or cursor, with multiple images, one for each size and depth |
TBGRAIconCursorEntry | BGRAIconCursor | Image entry within an icon or cursor |
TBGRAImageOriginalDiff | BGRALayerOriginal | Difference in an image original |
TBGRAImageReader | BGRABitmapTypes | Bitmap reader with additional features |
TBGRAIndexedPalette | BGRAPalette | Indexed palette of colors |
TBGRAIndexedPaletteEntry | BGRAPalette | Indexed color in palette |
TBGRALayerCustomOriginal | BGRALayerOriginal | Abtract class for an original that renders a layer in a layered image |
TBGRALayeredBitmap | BGRALayers | Base implementation for a layered bitmap |
TBGRALayeredSVG | BGRASVGOriginal | Layered SVG. |
TBGRALayerGradientOriginal | BGRAGradientOriginal | Original for rendering a gradient |
TBGRALayerImageOriginal | BGRALayerOriginal | Original of an image in a layered image (affined transformed) |
TBGRALayerInfo | BGRALayers | Information about one layer |
TBGRALayerOriginalEntry | BGRALayers | Entry for one original in a list of originals |
TBGRALayerSVGOriginal | BGRASVGOriginal | Original for an SVG layer in a layered image |
TBGRALazPaintImage | BGRALazPaint | Layered image in LazPaint (LZP) format |
TBGRALCLBitmap | BGRALCLBitmap | Implementation of 32-RGBA bitmap based on LCL (Lazarus Component Library) |
TBGRALCLPtrBitmap | BGRALCLBitmap | Implementation of pointer to 32-RGBA data based on LCL (Lazarus Component Library) |
TBGRALight3D | BGRASceneTypes | Light for a 3D scene |
TBGRAMaterial3D | BGRASceneTypes | Material for the surface of a 3D object |
TBGRAMemOriginalStorage | BGRALayerOriginal | Storage available for an original |
TBGRAMemoryStreamBitmap | BGRADefaultBitmap | Bitmap relying on a memory stream containing RGBA pixel data |
TBGRAMultiGradient | BGRAGradientScanner | Multi-gradient using RGBA interpolation |
TBGRAMultishapeFiller | BGRAPolygon | Class that fills multiple shapes at once, joining them smoothly |
TBGRAMultiSliceScaling | BGRASliceScaling | Slice scaling of multiple bitmaps |
TBGRANormalData3D | BGRACoordPool3D | 3D normal information (can be aligned for SSE) |
TBGRANormalPool3D | BGRACoordPool3D | Array of 3D normals for batch computation |
TBGRAOpacityScanner | BGRAGradientScanner | Scanner applying an opacity |
TBGRAOpenRasterDocument | BGRAOpenRaster | Layered image using OpenRaster format |
TBGRAOriginalDiff | BGRALayerOriginal | Difference of an original in a layered bitmap |
TBGRAOriginalEditor | BGRALayerOriginal | Graphical editor for an original |
TBGRAPalette | BGRAPalette | Palette of colors, roughly sorted by luminosity |
TBGRAPath | BGRAPath | Path (in 2D) that allows to define custom shapes that can be drawn. |
TBGRAPathCursor | BGRAPath | |
TBGRAPen | BGRACanvas | Pen property for TBGRACanvas |
TBGRAPenStroker | BGRAPen | Class to hold pen stroker configuration and compute path |
TBGRAPerspectiveScannerTransform | BGRATransform | Scanner that performs a perspective transform (3D) |
TBGRAPhoxoDocument | BGRAPhoxo | Layered image in Phoxo format |
TBGRAPixel | BGRABitmapTypes | Each pixel is a sequence of 4 bytes containing blue, green, red and alpha channel. |
TBGRAPixelBasicHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for basic conversions of TBGRAPixel |
TBGRAPixelColorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | StdRGB colorspace (8-bit channels) |
TBGRAPixelHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TBGRAPixel color |
TBGRAPolygonalGlyph | BGRATypewriter | Polygonal or curved glyph |
TBGRAPtrBitmap | BGRADefaultBitmap | |
TBGRAQuadLinearScanner | BGRATransform | Scanner for a texture mapped to a quadrilateral shape |
TBGRARandomScanner | BGRAGradientScanner | Scanner of random color. |
TBGRAReaderAvif | BGRAReadAvif | Reader for AVIF still image format. |
TBGRAReaderBMP | BGRAReadBMP | Reader for BMP format |
TBGRAReaderBmpMioMap | BGRAReadBmpMioMap | Reader for iGO bitmap format (MioMap) |
TBGRAReaderCur | BGRAReadIco | Image reader for CUR format |
TBGRAReaderGIF | BGRAAnimatedGif | Static GIF reader |
TBGRAReaderGif | BGRAReadGif | Reader for GIF still image format. |
TBGRAReaderIco | BGRAReadIco | Image reader for ICO format |
TBGRAReaderIcoOrCur | BGRAReadIco | Image reader for ICO and CUR format |
TBGRAReaderJpeg | BGRAReadJpeg | Reader for JPEG image format |
TBGRAReaderLazPaint | BGRAReadLzp | Reader for LZP image format (flattened) |
TBGRAReaderLazPaintWithLayers | BGRALazPaint | Reader for LazPaint (LZP) image format. |
TBGRAReaderOXO | BGRAPhoxo | Reader for Phoxo image (flattened) |
TBGRAReaderPCX | BGRAReadPCX | Reader for PCX image format |
TBGRAReaderPNG | BGRAReadPng | Reader for PNG image format |
TBGRAReaderPSD | BGRAReadPSD | Reader for Photoshop image format |
TBGRAReaderTarga | BGRAReadTGA | Reader for TGA image format |
TBGRAReaderTiff | BGRAReadTiff | Reader for TIFF format |
TBGRAReaderWebP | BGRAReadWebP | Reader for WebP image format |
TBGRAReaderXPM | BGRAReadXPM | Reader for XPM image format |
TBGRAReferencePalette | BGRAPalette | Palette of colors indirectly specify by a pointer |
TBGRARenderer3D | BGRARenderer3D | Software renderer for 3D scenes |
TBGRAResourceManager | BGRABitmapTypes | Generic class for embedded resource management |
TBGRAScannerOffset | BGRATransform | Scanner that adds an offset |
TBGRAScene3D | BGRAScene3D | 3D scene |
TBGRAShader3D | BGRARenderer3D | Shader for 3D software rendering |
TBGRASharpenScanner | BGRAFilterScanner | Scanner that computes a sharpened image by comparing neighbouring pixels |
TBGRASimpleGradient | BGRAGradientScanner | Abstract simple RGBA gradient between two colors |
TBGRASimpleGradientWithGammaCorrection | BGRAGradientScanner | Simple RGBA gradient between two colors with gamma correction |
TBGRASimpleGradientWithoutGammaCorrection | BGRAGradientScanner | Simple RGBA gradient between two colors without gamma correction |
TBGRASliceScaling | BGRASliceScaling | Class to configure and render slice scaling of a bitmap |
TBGRASolidColorMaskScanner | BGRAGradientScanner | Scanner filling a mask with a solid color |
TBGRASphereDeformationScanner | BGRATransform | Scanners that distorts as a shere shape |
TBGRASVG | BGRASVG | Reading, writing and rendering for an SVG document. |
TBGRASVGOriginalDiff | BGRASVGOriginal | Difference of SVG original |
TBGRASystemFontRenderer | BGRAText | Font renderer using system rendering (LCL, mseGUI). |
TBGRATextEffect | BGRATextFX | Implementation of text effects using system rendering. |
TBGRATextEffectFontRenderer | BGRATextFX | Font renderer with shadow and outline effects. |
TBGRATextureMaskScanner | BGRAGradientScanner | Scanner filling a mask with a texture |
TBGRATriangleLinearMapping | BGRATransform | Scanner that provides an optimized transformation for linear texture mapping on triangles |
TBGRATwirlScanner | BGRATransform | Scanner that applies a twirl transformation. |
TBGRAVectorizedFont | BGRAVectorize | Allows to vectorize and to load vectorized font and draw them |
TBGRAVectorizedFontHeader | BGRAVectorize | Header of a serialized vectorized font |
TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer | BGRAVectorize | Font renderer using vectorized fonts and with effects. |
TBGRAVerticalCylinderDeformationScanner | BGRATransform | Scanners that distorts as a cylinder shape |
TBGRAWeightedPalette | BGRAPalette | Palette of weighted colors. |
TBGRAWeightedPaletteEntry | BGRAPalette | Weighted color in palette |
TBGRAWriterAvif | BGRAWriteAvif | Extends the TFPCustomImageWriter to write the AVIF image format |
TBGRAWriterBMP | BGRAWriteBMP | Extends the TFPWriterBMP to save resolution |
TBGRAWriterBmpMioMap | BGRAWriteBmpMioMap | Extends the TFPCustomImageWriter to write the BMP MioMap (iGO) image format |
TBGRAWriterGIF | BGRAAnimatedGif | Static GIF writer |
TBGRAWriterJPEG | BGRAWriteJpeg | Extends the TFPWriterJPEG to save resolution |
TBGRAWriterLazPaint | BGRAWriteLzp | Extends the TFPCustomImageWriter to write LazPaint image format |
TBGRAWriterLazPaintWithLayers | BGRALazPaint | Writer for LazPaint (LZP) image format. |
TBGRAWriterOXO | BGRAPhoxo | Writer for Phoxo image (flattened) |
TBGRAWriterPCX | BGRAWritePCX | Extends the TFPWriterPCX to save resolution |
TBGRAWriterPNG | BGRAWritePNG | Extends the TFPCustomImageWriter to write the PNG image format |
TBGRAWriterTiff | BGRAWriteTiff | Extends the TFPCustomImageWriter to write the TIFF image format |
TBGRAWriterWebP | BGRAWriteWebP | Extends the TFPCustomImageWriter to write the WebP image format |
TBidiCaretPos | BGRATextBidi | Position of carte in bidirectional text |
TBidiLayoutTree | BGRATextBidi | Tree of bidirectional text with actual size computation |
TBidiLayoutTreeData | BGRATextBidi | Parameters for TBidiLayoutTree |
TBidiTextLayout | BGRATextBidi | Computes, updates, and render text using Unicode bidirectional algorithm |
TBidiTree | BGRAUnicodeText | Tree of Unicode bidirectional text. |
TBidiUTF8Info | BGRAUTF8 | Unicode layout information along with offset for each UTF8 character |
TBitmapResourceEntry | BGRAWinResource | BMP resource entry |
TBitmapTracker | BGRALCLBitmap | Tracker of bitmap changes |
TBox3D | BGRASceneTypes | Bounds of a 3D box |
TBridgedConversion | BGRABitmapTypes | Color conversion involving two steps |
TBrokenLineInfo | BGRATextBidi | Information about a broken line (limited by layout with or a separator) |
TByteMask | BGRABitmapTypes | Grayscale color (8-bit channels) |
TByteMaskColorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | Grayscale colorspace (8-bit channels) |
TByteMaskHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TByteMask color |
TCamera3D | BGRAScene3D | Camera for a 3D scene |
TCanvas2dTextSize | BGRACanvas2D | Text measurement in TBGRACanvas2D |
TColorColorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | StdRGB colorspace (8-bit channels) |
TColorHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TColor color |
TColorInt65536 | BGRAColorInt | RGBA color defined by integers from 0 to 65536 |
TCSSUnitConverter | BGRAUnits | Converter for CSS units |
TCubicBezierCurve | BGRABitmapTypes | Definition of a Bézier curve of order 3. |
TCubicKernel | BGRAResample | Cubic interpolation is very smooth but can be a bit blurry |
TCustomBlurTask | BGRAFilterBlur | Blur task for custom filter |
TCustomColorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | Base class for a colorspace |
TCustomFillPolyInfo | BGRAFillInfo | Abstract class to provide fill information for a polygon |
TCustomPhongShading | BGRAPhongTypes | Abstract class for Phong shading |
TCustomPointRecord | BGRAFillInfo | Base record to describe a point in a polygon to be filled |
TCustomRenderer3D | BGRASceneTypes | Abstract class for 3D rendering |
TCustomResourceEntry | BGRAWinResource | Abstract resource entry |
TCustomSerializedObject | BGRADNetDeserial | Abstract class for a serialized .NET object |
TCustomUniversalBitmap | BGRABitmapTypes | Base class for the universal bitmap (of any colorspace) |
TCustomUniversalDrawer | BGRABitmapTypes | Abstract class for a drawer on an universal bitmap |
TDefaultSolidBrushIndirectFixedData | BGRABitmapTypes | Default data structure for a solid brush |
TDimensionMinMax | BGRAColorQuantization | Range according to one dimension of a color |
TDitheringTask | BGRADithering | Abstract dithering task |
TDitheringToIndexedImage | BGRADithering | Handles dithering of an image |
TDotNetDeserialization | BGRADNetDeserial | Deseralize .NET objets from a stream |
TEasyBezierCurve | BGRABitmapTypes | Object representing an easy-to-use Bezier curve. |
TEntryFilename | BGRAMultiFileType | Filename for an entry in a multifile container |
TExpandedBitmap | ExpandedBitmap | Bitmap with TExpandedPixel format, linear RGB with word values (16-bit per channel). |
TExpandedPixel | BGRABitmapTypes | Stores a gamma expanded RGB color. |
TExpandedPixelBasicHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for basic conversions of TExpandedPixel |
TExpandedPixelColorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | LinearRGB colorspace (16-bit channels) |
TExpandedPixelHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TExpandedPixel color |
TFaceRenderingDescription | BGRASceneTypes | Information about a face to render |
TFieldType | BGRADNetDeserial | Description of a .NET field |
TFillBorderEllipseInfo | BGRAFillInfo | Fill information for the border of an ellipse |
TFillBorderRoundRectInfo | BGRAFillInfo | Fill information for the border of a round rectangle |
TFillEllipseInfo | BGRAFillInfo | Fill information for an ellipse |
TFillPolyInfo | BGRAFillInfo | Fill information for a polygon |
TFillRectangleInfo | BGRAFillInfo | Fill information for rectangle |
TFillRoundRectangleInfo | BGRAFillInfo | Fill information for a round rectangle |
TFillShapeInfo | BGRAFillInfo | Abstract class to provide fill information for any shape |
TFilterTask | BGRAFilterType | Task to apply a filter on an image |
TFloatWithCSSUnit | BGRAUnits | |
TFloydSteinbergDitheringTask | BGRADithering | Task for Floyd-Steinberg dithering |
TFontPixelMetric | BGRABitmapTypes | Measurements of a font |
TFontPixelMetricF | BGRABitmapTypes | Measurements of a font in floating point values |
TFormDataEntry | BGRALazResource | Entry for form data in Lazarus resource |
TFPColorBasicHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for basic conversions of TFPColor |
TFPColorColorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | StdRGB colorspace (16-bit channels) |
TFPColorHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TFPColor color |
TFPReaderOpenRaster | BGRAOpenRaster | Reader for ORA image format (flattened) |
TFPReaderPaintDotNet | BGRAPaintNet | Reader for PDN files (flattened) |
TFPReaderSVG | BGRASVG | Reader for SVG image format |
TFPWriterOpenRaster | BGRAOpenRaster | Writer for ORA image format (flattened) |
TFrameControlChunk | BGRAPNGComn | PNG chunk for frame in animation |
TFrameDataChunk | BGRAPNGComn | PNG chunk for frame data |
TGenericUniversalBitmap | BGRABitmapTypes | Abstract class for a bitmap in a specific colorspace |
TGIFData | BGRAGifFormat | Data describing a GIF file |
TGIFExtensionBlock | BGRAGifFormat | GIF extension block |
TGIFGraphicControlExtension | BGRAGifFormat | GIF graphic control extension |
TGIFImageDescriptor | BGRAGifFormat | Image descriptor of GIF frame |
TGIFScreenDescriptor | BGRAGifFormat | Screen descriptor for GIF rendering |
TGifSubImage | BGRAGifFormat | One image in the GIF animation |
TGlyphCursorUtf8 | BGRAUTF8 | Cursor to go through a UTF8 text glyph by glyph. |
TGlyphUtf8 | BGRAUTF8 | Information about one glyph in a UTF8 text |
TGrayscaleMask | BGRAGrayscaleMask | 8-bit grayscale image. |
TGrayscaleTask | BGRAFilters | Grayscale task converts colored pixel into grayscale with same luminosity |
TGroupCursorEntry | BGRAWinResource | Entry for an cursor (group of images) |
TGroupIconDirEntry | BGRAWinResource | Icon image entry in resource |
TGroupIconEntry | BGRAWinResource | Entry for an icon (group of images) |
TGroupIconHeader | BGRAWinResource | Icon header (group of images) |
TGroupIconOrCursorEntry | BGRAWinResource | Entry for an icon or cursor (group of images) |
TGSBAPixel | BGRABitmapTypes | Pixel color defined in corrected HSL colorspace. |
TGSBAPixelBasicHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for basic conversion of TGSBAPixel |
TGSBAPixelColorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | GSB colorspace (16-bit channels) |
TGSBAPixelHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TGSBAPixel color |
THeaderChunk | BGRAPNGComn | PNG header chunk |
THSLAPixel | BGRABitmapTypes | Pixel color defined in linear HSL colorspace with gamma correction. |
THSLAPixelBasicHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for basic conversions of THSLAPixel |
THSLAPixelColorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | HSL colorspace (16-bit channels) |
THSLAPixelHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for THSLAPixel color |
TIconFileDirEntry | BGRAWinResource | Icon image entry in stream |
TIlluminantSpectrumPoint | BGRABitmapTypes | Definition of the illuminant lightness for a wavelength |
TIntersectionInfo | BGRABitmapTypes | Contains an intersection between an horizontal line and any shape. |
TLabA | BGRABitmapTypes | CIE Lab color (32-bit floating point channels) |
TLabAColorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | CIE Lab colorspace (32-bit floating point channels) |
TLabAHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TLabA color |
TLanczosKernel | BGRAResample | Lanczos kernel provides smooth but contrasted interpolation |
TLazPaintImageHeader | BGRALzpCommon | Format of header for LazPaint files |
TLazResourceContainer | BGRALazResource | Lazarus resource container |
TLazResourceEntry | BGRALazResource | Entry in a Lazarus resource |
TLChA | BGRABitmapTypes | CIE LCh color (32-bit floating point channels) |
TLChAColorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | CIE LCh colorspace (32-bit floating point channels) |
TLChAHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TLChA color |
TLCLFontRenderer | BGRAText | Font renderer using LCL calls to the operating system |
TLinearColorGradientIntersectionInfo | BGRAPolygonAliased | Intersection info for linear gradient |
TLinearColorInfo | BGRAPolygonAliased | segment information for linear color |
TLinearRGBA | BGRABitmapTypes | LinearRGB color (32-bit floating point channels) |
TLinearRGBABitmap | LinearRGBABitmap | Bitmap with TLinearRGBA pixel format (linear RGB with floating point values). |
TLinearRGBAColorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | LinearRGB colorspace (32-bit floating point channels) |
TLinearRGBAHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TLinearRGBA color |
TLinearTextureInfo | BGRAPolygonAliased | segment information for linear texture |
TLinearTextureMappingIntersectionInfo | BGRAPolygonAliased | Intersection information for linear texture mapping |
TLineDef | BGRABitmapTypes | Defition of a line in the euclidian plane |
TMargins | BGRASliceScaling | Margins where the bitmap is not stretched |
TMemDirectory | BGRAMemDirectory | Directory structure in memory |
TMemDirectoryEntry | BGRAMemDirectory | Entry in a directory structure in memory |
TMemoryBlockAlign128 | BGRASSE | Class to allocate memory that is aligned to 128 bits boundaries |
TMinimumBitmapHeader | BGRAReadBMP | Minimum header for BMP format (non OS/2) |
TMioHeader | BGRAReadBmpMioMap | Header format for iGo bitmap |
TMitchellKernel | BGRAResample | Filter that provides smooth interpolation but less blurry than TCubicKernel |
TMotionBlurTask | BGRAFilterBlur | Blur task for motion blur |
TMultiFileContainer | BGRAMultiFileType | Generic definition of a multifile container |
TMultiFileEntry | BGRAMultiFileType | Entry in a multifile container |
TNameOrId | BGRAWinResource | Contain a name or integer identifier for a resource |
TNearestColorTask | BGRADithering | Task for trivial dithering consisting in finding the nearest color |
TnGradientInfo | BGRAGradients | Functions to draw multiple gradients. |
TOnePassFillPolyInfo | BGRAFillInfo | Fill information for a polygon assuming that queries are always in increasying Y. |
TOnePassRecord | BGRAFillInfo | Linked list of coordinates for one-pass drawing |
TOS2BitmapHeader | BGRAReadBMP | Header for OS/2 bitmap format |
TPackedRGBTriple | BGRAGifFormat | 8-bit RGB values |
TPaintDotNetFile | BGRAPaintNet | Layered image reader for Paint.NET |
TPaperSize | BGRAPapers | Description of a paper size |
TParagraphInfo | BGRATextBidi | Information about a paragraph |
TPartEnumerator | BGRATextBidi | Enumerator for text parts |
TPartInfo | BGRATextBidi | Information about a part of text (having same lavel and direction) |
TPathCallbackData | BGRABitmapTypes | Data to be passed to the callback function of the path |
TPerspectiveColorGradientIntersectionInfo | BGRAPolygonAliased | Intersection information for gradient with perspective gradient |
TPerspectiveColorInfo | BGRAPolygonAliased | segment information for linear color |
TPerspectiveTextureInfo | BGRAPolygonAliased | segment information for perspective texture. |
TPerspectiveTextureMappingIntersectionInfo | BGRAPolygonAliased | Intersection information for perspective texture mapping |
TPerspectiveTransform | BGRATransform | Computes a perspective transform (3D) of coordinates |
TPhongShading | BGRAGradients | Renders shape and height maps using Phong shading. |
TPhoxoBlockHeader | BGRAPhoxo | PhoXo block header |
TPhoxoHeader | BGRAPhoxo | PhoXo file header |
TPhoxoLayerHeader | BGRAPhoxo | PhoXo layer header |
TPNGFrame | BGRAReadPng | Frame in an animated PNG stream |
TPNGFrameToWrite | BGRAWritePNG | Information about frame to write in PNG |
TPNGPhysicalDimensions | BGRAPNGComn | PNG resolution chunk |
TPoint3D | BGRABitmapTypes | Point in 3D with single-precision floating point coordinates |
TPoint3D_128 | BGRASSE | Point in 3D / 4D |
TPointFHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TPointF structure providing additional functionality for point manipulation |
TPolygonLinearColorGradientInfo | BGRAPolygonAliased | Fill information for a polygon with linear gradient |
TPolygonLinearTextureMappingInfo | BGRAPolygonAliased | Fill information for a polygon with linear texture mapping |
TPolygonPerspectiveColorGradientInfo | BGRAPolygonAliased | Fill information for a polygon with perspective gradient |
TPolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderInfo | BGRAPolygonAliased | Fill information for a polygon with perspective texture mapping with shading |
TPolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingInfo | BGRAPolygonAliased | Fill information for a polygon with perspective texture mapping with simple lighting |
TPolySlice | BGRAFillInfo | Horizontal strip of a polygon being filled |
TProjection3D | BGRAMatrix3D | Parameters to adjust a projection of 3D in 2D |
TPSDResourceBlock | BGRAReadPSD | Image Resource Blocks |
TPSDResourceBlockData | BGRAReadPSD | Data block |
TQuadraticBezierCurve | BGRABitmapTypes | Definition of a Bézier curve of order 2. |
TQuickImageInfo | BGRABitmapTypes | Image information from superficial analysis |
TRadialBlurTask | BGRAFilterBlur | Blur task for radial blur |
TRationalQuadraticBezierCurve | BGRABitmapTypes | Quasi-standard rational quadratic Bezier curve. |
TRectFHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TRectF structure providing additional functionality for rectangle manipulation |
TRenderedGlyph | BGRAFontGL | Glyph rendered as a texture |
TRenderingOptions | BGRASceneTypes | Options when rendering a 3D scene |
TResourceInfo | BGRAWinResource | Information about resource entry |
TSceneLightingContext | BGRASceneTypes | Context when computing lighting |
TSerializedArray | BGRADNetDeserial | Information about a serialized .NET array |
TSerializedClass | BGRADNetDeserial | Information about a serialized .NET class |
TSerializedType | BGRADNetDeserial | Description of a .NET type |
TSerializedValue | BGRADNetDeserial | Information about a serialized .NET value |
TSimpleFillPolyInfo | BGRAFillInfo | Fill information for a simple polygons |
TSpectralLocusPoint | BGRABitmapTypes | Definition of a point on the spectral locus in XYZ colorspace |
TSplineKernel | BGRAResample | Spline kernel provides customizable wide interpolation filter using Coeff property |
TStdCMYK | BGRABitmapTypes | StdCMYK color (32-bit floating point channels) |
TStdCMYKColorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | StdCMYK colorspace (32-bit floating point channels) |
TStdCMYKHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TStdCMYK color |
TStdHSLA | BGRABitmapTypes | StdHSL color (32-bit floating point channels) |
TStdHSLAColorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | StdHSL colorspace (32-bit floating point channels) |
TStdHSLAHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TStdHSLA color |
TStdHSVA | BGRABitmapTypes | StdHSV color (32-bit floating point channels) |
TStdHSVAColorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | StdHSV colorspace (32-bit floating point channels) |
TStdHSVAHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TStdHSVA color |
TStdRGBA | BGRABitmapTypes | StdRGB color (32-bit floating point channels) |
TStdRGBAColorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | StdRGB colorspace (32-bit floating point channels) |
TStdRGBAHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TStdRGBA color |
TStyleAttribute | BGRASVGType | One or more CSS attributes |
TSVGAltGlyph | BGRASVGShapes | SVG alternate glyph (deprecated) |
TSVGAltGlyphDef | BGRASVGShapes | SVG collection of alternate glyph definitions (deprecated) |
TSVGAltGlyphItem | BGRASVGShapes | SVG alternate definition for a glyph (deprecated) |
TSVGCircle | BGRASVGShapes | SVG circle object |
TSVGClipPath | BGRASVGShapes | SVG clipping path |
TSVGColorProfile | BGRASVGShapes | SVG color profile for images (deprecated) |
TSVGContent | BGRASVGShapes | Content for an SVG element. |
TSVGCustomElement | BGRASVGType | Abstract SVG element |
TSVGDataLink | BGRASVGType | |
TSVGDefine | BGRASVGShapes | SVG definitions |
TSVGElement | BGRASVGType | SVG element on any type |
TSVGElementWithContent | BGRASVGShapes | Any SVG element containing subelements |
TSVGElementWithGradient | BGRASVGShapes | Any SVG element that is filled with a gradient |
TSVGEllipse | BGRASVGShapes | SVG ellipse object |
TSVGGlyphRef | BGRASVGShapes | SVG single glyph for an alternate definition (deprecated) |
TSVGGradient | BGRASVGShapes | SVG gradient |
TSVGGroup | BGRASVGShapes | SVG group |
TSVGImage | BGRASVGShapes | SVG image object |
TSVGLine | BGRASVGShapes | SVG line object |
TSVGLinearGradient | BGRASVGShapes | SVG linear gradient |
TSVGLink | BGRASVGShapes | SVG link (for browsing) |
TSVGLinkListeners | BGRASVGType | Listeners on link changes between SVG elements |
TSVGMarker | BGRASVGShapes | SVG marker (for chart) |
TSVGMask | BGRASVGShapes | SVG mask (alpha) |
TSVGOrient | BGRASVGType | Orientation to use for a marker relative to path |
TSVGParser | BGRASVGType | Parser for SVG attributes |
TSVGPath | BGRASVGShapes | SVG path object |
TSVGPattern | BGRASVGShapes | SVG pattern (for filling) |
TSVGPolypoints | BGRASVGShapes | SVG polyline object |
TSVGPreserveAspectRatio | BGRASVGType | SVG parameter to specify aspect ratio and alignment |
TSVGRadialGradient | BGRASVGShapes | SVG radial gradient |
TSVGRectangle | BGRASVGShapes | SVG rectangle object |
TSVGRuleset | BGRASVGShapes | Set of rules for a selector in CSS |
TSVGSize | BGRASVGType | Size defined in CSS units |
TSVGStopGradient | BGRASVGShapes | SVG gradient color-stop |
TSVGStyle | BGRASVGShapes | SVG style definition (CSS) |
TSVGText | BGRASVGShapes | SVG text object |
TSVGTextElement | BGRASVGShapes | Any SVG text object or subelement |
TSVGTextElementWithContent | BGRASVGShapes | Any SVG text element with subelements |
TSVGTextPath | BGRASVGShapes | SVG text on path |
TSVGTextPositioning | BGRASVGShapes | Any SVG element with position of subelements |
TSVGTRef | BGRASVGShapes | Hypertext reference in SVG text |
TSVGTSpan | BGRASVGShapes | SVG span of text |
TSVGUnits | BGRASVG | Converter for units within an SVG document or group |
TSVGViewBox | BGRASVGType | SVG bounding box for coordinates |
TTiffWriterEntry | BGRAWriteTiff | Entry in a TIFF file |
TUnformattedResourceEntry | BGRAWinResource | Resource entry without formatting |
TUniBrushContext | BGRABitmapTypes | Working area to be provided to a brush |
TUnicodeAnalysis | BGRAUnicodeText | Analyze Unicode text to build a tree |
TUnicodeBidiInfo | BGRAUnicode | Bidirectional layout information for one Unicode character |
TUnicodeBracketInfo | BGRAUnicode | Pair of matching brackets |
TUniformVariable | BGRAOpenGL3D | Uniform variable in shader (constant for one primitve) |
TUniformVariableInteger | BGRAOpenGL3D | Uniform variable containg an integer |
TUniformVariableMatrix4D | BGRAOpenGL3D | Uniform variable containg a 4D matrix |
TUniformVariablePoint | BGRAOpenGL3D | Uniform variable containg a 2D point with integer coordinates |
TUniformVariablePoint3D | BGRAOpenGL3D | Uniform variable containg a 3D point |
TUniformVariablePointF | BGRAOpenGL3D | Uniform variable containg a 2D point |
TUniformVariableSingle | BGRAOpenGL3D | |
TUniversalBrush | BGRABitmapTypes | Unversal brush (can be initialized for any colorspace and mode) |
TUniversalDrawer | UniversalDrawer | Drawer implementation that is colorspace agnostic |
TUnzipperStreamUtf8 | UnzipperExt | Unzipping class with custom input stream that can extract a specific file |
TWebPHeader | BGRAReadWebP | Header for WebP files |
TWideKernelFilter | BGRAResample | Abstract class to define a wide kernel. |
TWinResourceContainer | BGRAWinResource | Container for Windows resources. |
TWordXYZA | BGRABitmapTypes | CIE XYZ color (16-bit channels) |
TWordXYZABitmap | WordXYZABitmap | Bitmap with TWordXYZA pixel format, CIE 1931 XYZ with word values (16-bit per channel). |
TWordXYZAColorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | CIE XYZ colorspace (16-bit channels) |
TWordXYZAHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TWordXYZA color |
TXYZA | BGRABitmapTypes | CIE XYZ color (32-bit floating point channels) |
TXYZABitmap | XYZABitmap | Bitmap with TXYZA pixel format, CIE 1931 XYZ with floating point values. |
TXYZAColorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | CIE XYZ colorspace (32-bit floating point channels) |
TXYZAHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TXYZA color |
TXYZReferenceWhite | BGRABitmapTypes | Definition of a reference white |
TYCbCr601 | BGRABitmapTypes | YCbCr BT.601 color (32-bit floating point channels) |
TYCbCr601Colorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | YCbCr BT.601 colorspace (32-bit floating point channels) |
TYCbCr601Helper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TYCbCr601 color |
TYCbCr601JPEG | BGRABitmapTypes | YCbCr BT.601 JPEG color (32-bit floating point channels) |
TYCbCr601JPEGColorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | YCbCr BT.601 JPEG colorspace (32-bit floating point channels) |
TYCbCr601JPEGHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TYCbCr601JPEG color |
TYCbCr709 | BGRABitmapTypes | YCbCr BT.709 color (32-bit floating point channels) |
TYCbCr709Colorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | YCbCr BT.709 colorspace (32-bit floating point channels) |
TYCbCr709Helper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TYCbCr709 color |
TYCbCr709JPEG | BGRABitmapTypes | YCbCr BT.709 JPEG color (32-bit floating point channels) |
TYCbCr709JPEGColorspace | BGRABitmapTypes | YCbCr BT.709 JPEG colorspace (32-bit floating point channels) |
TYCbCr709JPEGHelper | BGRABitmapTypes | Helper for TYCbCr709JPEG color |
TYCbCrStdParameters | BGRABitmapTypes | Parameters for a YCbCr colorspace |