All Functions and Procedures

Name Unit Description
* BGRABitmapTypes

Multiply each component separately

* BGRABitmapTypes

Scalar product (deprecated): multiplies x and y components and returns the sum

* BGRABitmapTypes

Multiply each component by factor

* BGRABitmapTypes

Scalar product: multiplies components and returns the sum

* BGRABitmapTypes

Multiplies both x and y by factor.

* BGRABitmapTypes

Multiplies both x and y by factor.

* BGRABitmapTypes

Multiplies components by factor.

* BGRABitmapTypes

Multiplies components by factor.

* BGRAColorInt


* BGRAColorInt


* BGRAMatrix3D


* BGRAMatrix3D


* BGRAMatrix3D


* BGRAMatrix3D




* BGRATransform


* BGRATransform

matrix multiplication by a vector (apply transformation to that vector)

* BGRATransform

matrix multiplication

* BGRATransform


** BGRABitmapTypes

Scalar product: multiplies x and y components and returns the sum

+ BGRABitmapTypes

Add each component separately

+ BGRABitmapTypes

Adds components separately.

+ BGRABitmapTypes

Adds x and y components separately.

+ BGRAColorInt




- BGRABitmapTypes

Returns a point with opposite values for all components

- BGRABitmapTypes

Returns a point with opposite values for x and y components

- BGRABitmapTypes

Subtract each component separately

- BGRABitmapTypes

Subtract x and y components separately.

- BGRABitmapTypes

Subtract components separately.





:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TGSBAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TLinearRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to THSLAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TStdHSVA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TYCbCr601

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TYCbCr601JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TYCbCr709

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TYCbCr709JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TFPColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TWordXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TLabA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TStdHSLA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TYCbCr709JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TYCbCr709

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TStdHSVA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TAdobeRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TStdHSLA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TByteMask

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TExpandedPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TStdCMYK

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TYCbCr601

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TYCbCr601JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TYCbCr601JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of color from TExpandedPixel to TBGRAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of color from TExpandedPixel to TColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of color from TColor to TExpandedPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Assigns TGSBAPixel to THSLAPixel without conversion, just copying for backward compatibility (use ToHSLAPixel instead for conversion)

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of color from TBGRAPixel to TExpandedPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of color from THSLAPixel to TBGRAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of color from TBGRAPixel to THSLAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of color from THSLAPixel to TExpandedPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TByteMask

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of color from THSLAPixel to TColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of color from TColor to THSLAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of color from TExpandedPixel to THSLAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of color from TGSBAPixel to TColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of color from TExpandedPixel to TGSBAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of color from TColor to TGSBAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TAdobeRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TBGRAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TLChA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TByteMask

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TByteMask

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Assigns THSLAPixel to TGSBAPixel, just copying for backward compatibility (use ToHSLAPixel instead for conversion)

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of color from TGSBAPixel to TExpandedPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of color from TGSBAPixel to TBGRAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of color from TBGRAPixel to TGSBAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TLinearRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to THSLAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TYCbCr709JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TWordXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TAdobeRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TStdHSLA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TStdHSVA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TYCbCr601

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TYCbCr601JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TYCbCr601

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TLabA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TYCbCr709

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TGSBAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TStdCMYK

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TGSBAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TExpandedPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TStdHSVA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TStdHSLA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TLinearRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to THSLAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TByteMask

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TExpandedPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TLinearRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TStdCMYK

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TByteMask

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TByteMask

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TLChA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TWordXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TLabA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TLChA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TStdRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TAdobeRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TStdHSLA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TStdHSVA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TStdCMYK

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TLinearRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TYCbCr601

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TStdCMYK

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TLabA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TExpandedPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TLinearRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to THSLAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TYCbCr601JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TYCbCr709

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TGSBAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TStdRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TWordXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TBGRAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TFPColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TYCbCr709

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TGSBAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TLinearRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to THSLAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TStdHSVA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TYCbCr601

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TYCbCr601JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TYCbCr709

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TYCbCr709JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TFPColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TWordXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TLabA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TStdHSLA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TWordXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TAdobeRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TStdHSLA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TLabA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TByteMask

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TExpandedPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TStdCMYK

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TStdRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TBGRAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TFPColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TGSBAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TFPColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TWordXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TYCbCr709

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TLinearRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to THSLAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TBGRAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TLChA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TYCbCr709JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TLabA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TYCbCr601JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TYCbCr709

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TStdCMYK

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TStdRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TBGRAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TLChA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TAdobeRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TStdHSVA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TYCbCr601

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TByteMask

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TExpandedPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TStdRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TLChA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TStdHSLA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TStdRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TAdobeRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TBGRAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TStdHSVA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TStdCMYK

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TStdHSLA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TStdCMYK

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TYCbCr601JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TExpandedPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TLinearRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TByteMask

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TYCbCr601

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TLChA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TStdRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TYCbCr709JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TYCbCr601JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TLinearRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TExpandedPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TByteMask

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TFPColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TLabA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TWordXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to THSLAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TExpandedPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TStdHSVA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TBGRAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TYCbCr709JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TLinearRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TYCbCr601JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TGSBAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TYCbCr601

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TByteMask

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TYCbCr709

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TYCbCr709JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TGSBAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TLabA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TLChA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TYCbCr709

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TYCbCr601

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to THSLAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TStdRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TAdobeRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TFPColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TWordXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TYCbCr709JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TWordXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TStdHSLA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TYCbCr601JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TLabA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TYCbCr709JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TStdHSVA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TStdCMYK

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TLinearRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TYCbCr709

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TYCbCr709JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TYCbCr601

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TAdobeRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TLabA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TBGRAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TExpandedPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TByteMask

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TLChA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TLChA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TStdRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TYCbCr709JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TYCbCr709

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TWordXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TStdRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TWordXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TLabA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TYCbCr709JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to THSLAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TLChA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TStdCMYK

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TByteMask

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TYCbCr601

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TYCbCr601JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TYCbCr709

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TLinearRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TWordXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TLabA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TAdobeRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TStdHSLA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TLChA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TYCbCr709

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TGSBAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TStdCMYK

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TStdHSVA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TYCbCr601

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TYCbCr601JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TLabA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TYCbCr709JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TYCbCr601

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TAdobeRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TWordXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TStdCMYK

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TByteMask

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TStdHSLA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TYCbCr601JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TYCbCr709

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TStdHSVA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TLChA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TYCbCr709

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TLinearRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TYCbCr601

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TYCbCr709JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TWordXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TStdRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TLabA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TYCbCr601JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TFPColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TBGRAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TLChA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TLinearRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TYCbCr601

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TGSBAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TWordXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to THSLAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TGSBAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TStdCMYK

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TStdHSVA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to THSLAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TLinearRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TYCbCr601JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TYCbCr709

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TStdCMYK

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TStdHSVA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TExpandedPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TStdRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TAdobeRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TStdHSLA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TStdHSLA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TAdobeRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TYCbCr709JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TByteMask

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TStdRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TFPColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TLinearRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TYCbCr709JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TYCbCr601

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TLinearRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TYCbCr709

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TYCbCr601JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TYCbCr709

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TFPColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TStdRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TAdobeRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to THSLAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TGSBAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TYCbCr601JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TStdHSLA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TStdHSVA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TStdCMYK

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TLinearRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to THSLAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TByteMask

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TLabA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TYCbCr709JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TYCbCr601

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TGSBAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TWordXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TBGRAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TFPColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TStdRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TFPColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TStdCMYK

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TAdobeRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TBGRAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TLabA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TLChA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TStdRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TAdobeRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TBGRAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TStdHSVA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TWordXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TLabA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TLChA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TWordXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TLChA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TYCbCr709JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TStdHSLA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TYCbCr601

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TYCbCr601JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TStdHSLA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TStdHSVA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TStdCMYK

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to THSLAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TGSBAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TByteMask

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TYCbCr601JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TYCbCr709

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TLabA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TLChA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TExpandedPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TStdHSLA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TBGRAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TFPColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TStdHSVA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TStdRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TAdobeRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TLabA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TLChA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TAdobeRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TStdRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TWordXYZA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TYCbCr709JPEG

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to THSLAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TGSBAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TYCbCr601

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TBGRAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TStdHSVA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TExpandedPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TExpandedPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TExpandedPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TLinearRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TStdCMYK

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TByteMask

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TLChA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TByteMask

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TStdHSLA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TFPColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TStdHSVA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TBGRAPixel

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TStdCMYK

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TAdobeRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TStdHSLA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TFPColor

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TStdRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TAdobeRGBA

:= BGRABitmapTypes

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TStdRGBA

= BGRABitmapTypes

Checks if both x and y are equal

= BGRABitmapTypes

Check whether to GUID are equal

= BGRABitmapTypes

Checks if all components x, y and z are equal

= BGRABitmapTypes

Checks if two pixels are equal.

= BGRAGrayscaleMask




= BGRATransform


= ExpandedBitmap


= LinearRGBABitmap


= WordXYZABitmap


= XYZABitmap


AddDensity BGRAFillInfo


AddParagraphBidiUTF8 BGRAUTF8


AddPixelInline BGRABlend


AddReferenceWhite BGRABitmapTypes

Add a new referene white given the description

AddReferenceWhite BGRABitmapTypes

Add a new referene white color for the given viewing angle and illuminant


Converts color from TAdobeRGBA to TXYZA using current reference white


Converts color from TAdobeRGBA to TXYZA with specifed reference white

AffineMatrix BGRATransform

fill a matrix

AffineMatrix BGRATransform


AffineMatrixIdentity BGRATransform

define the identity matrix (that do nothing)

AffineMatrixInverse BGRATransform

compute inverse (check if inversible before)

AffineMatrixLinear BGRATransform


AffineMatrixLinear BGRATransform

define a linear matrix

AffineMatrixRotationDeg BGRATransform

Positive degrees are clockwise (assuming the y-axis is pointing down)

AffineMatrixRotationRad BGRATransform

define a rotation matrix (positive radians are counter-clockwise) (assuming the y-axis is pointing down)

AffineMatrixScale BGRATransform

define a scaling matrix

AffineMatrixScaledRotation BGRATransform


AffineMatrixScaledRotation BGRATransform


AffineMatrixSkewXDeg BGRATransform


AffineMatrixSkewXRad BGRATransform


AffineMatrixSkewYDeg BGRATransform


AffineMatrixSkewYRad BGRATransform


AffineMatrixToMatrix4D BGRAMatrix3D


AffineMatrixTranslation BGRATransform

define a translation matrix

AlignmentToBidiTextAlignment BGRABitmapTypes

Converts an alignment to a bidi alignement relative to a bidi-mode

AlignmentToBidiTextAlignment BGRABitmapTypes

Converts an alignment to a bidi alignement independent of bidi-mode

AllocateBGRAPixelBuffer BGRABitmapTypes

Allocate a buffer of TBGRAPixel

AllocateExpandedPixelBuffer BGRABitmapTypes

Allocate a buffer of TExpandedPixel

AlphaFillInline BGRABlend

Set alpha value for a series of pixels

AlphaToMioMap BGRAReadBmpMioMap


AnalyzeBidiUnicode BGRAUnicode


AnalyzeBidiUnicode BGRAUnicode

Analyze unicode and return bidi levels for each character.

AnalyzeBidiUTF8 BGRAUTF8

Returns an array with bidirectional analysis with specified text direction.

AnalyzeBidiUTF8 BGRAUTF8

Returns an array with bidirectional analysis with specified text direction.

AnalyzeBidiUTF8 BGRAUTF8

Returns an array with bidirectional analysis with automatic text direction.

ApplyIntensityFast BGRABitmapTypes

Sets the intensity quickly, by fading towards black if lightness is less than 32768, and multiplying all components if lightness is more than 32768.

ApplyLightnessFast BGRABitmapTypes

Sets the lightness quickly, by fading towards black if lightness is less than 32768, and fading towards white if lightness is more than 32768

ApplyOpacity BGRABlend


ArcDef BGRABitmapTypes

Creates a structure for an arc definition

ArcEndPoint BGRAPath


ArcStartPoint BGRAPath


ArrayOfTBGRAPixel_InsertionSort BGRAPalette


ArrayOfTBGRAPixel_QuickSort BGRAPalette


ArrayOfWeightedColor_InsertionSort BGRAPalette


ArrayOfWeightedColor_QuickSort BGRAPalette


AvifLoadFromFile avifbgra

Load an AVIF image from the given file

AvifLoadFromFileNative avifbgra

Load an AVIF image from the given file without using the reader class

AvifLoadFromMemory avifbgra

Load an AVIF image from memory, without using the reader class

AvifLoadFromStream avifbgra

Load an AVIF image from the given stream

AvifSaveToFile avifbgra

Save an image into a file using AVIF format.

AvifSaveToFile avifbgra

Save an image into a file using AVIF format.

AvifSaveToMemory avifbgra

Save an image to memory using AVIF format.

AvifSaveToMemory avifbgra

Save an image to memory using AVIF format.

AvifSaveToStream avifbgra

Save an image into a stream using AVIF format.

AvifSaveToStream avifbgra

Save an image into a stream using AVIF format.

AvifValidateHeaderSignature avifbgra

Checks that the signature of the memory block correspond to a valid AVIF header

BezierCurve BGRABitmapTypes

Creates a rational Bézier curve

BezierCurve BGRABitmapTypes

Creates a structure for a cubic Bézier curve

BezierCurve BGRABitmapTypes

Creates a structure for a quadratic Bézier curve

BezierCurve BGRABitmapTypes

Creates a structure for a quadratic Bézier curve without curvature











BGLSpriteEngine BGRAOpenGL






















BGRA BGRABitmapTypes

Creates a opaque pixel with given RGB values

BGRA BGRABitmapTypes

Creates a pixel with given RGBA values

BGRAAlphaBrush BGRABlend


BGRABitDepthIconCursor BGRAIconCursor


BGRABitmapDraw BGRABitmap

Draw a bitmap from pure data

BGRABitmapVersionStr BGRABitmapTypes

String representation of the version, numbers separated by dots

BGRAColorCount BGRAColorQuantization


BGRADefaultWordBreakHandler BGRABitmapTypes

Default word break handler

BGRADiff BGRABitmapTypes

Computes the difference (with gamma correction) between two pixels, taking into account all dimensions, including transparency.

BGRADitherIconCursor BGRAIconCursor


BGRADrawLineAliased BGRAPen

aliased version

BGRADrawLineAntialias BGRAPen

antialiased version with bicolor dashes (to draw a frame)

BGRADrawLineAntialias BGRAPen

antialiased version

BGRAEraseBrush BGRABlend


BGRAEraseLineAliased BGRAPen


BGRAEraseLineAntialias BGRAPen


BGRAFillClearTypeGrayscaleMask BGRAGrayscaleMask


BGRAFillClearTypeGrayscaleMask BGRAText


BGRAFillClearTypeMask BGRABlend


BGRAFillClearTypeMask BGRAText


BGRAFillClearTypeMaskPtr BGRABlend


BGRAFillClearTypeRGBMask BGRABlend


BGRAFillClearTypeRGBMask BGRAText


BGRAFillRoundRectAliased BGRAPolygonAliased


BGRAGetGamma BGRABitmapTypes

Gets the gamma value used for the sRGB colorspace

BGRAGradientFill BGRADefaultBitmap


BGRALayerOriginalEntry BGRALayers


BGRALayerOriginalEntry BGRALayers


BGRAMaskBrush BGRABlend


BGRAOriginalTextSize BGRAText


BGRAOriginalTextSizeAngle BGRAText


BGRAOriginalTextSizeEx BGRAText


BGRAOriginalTextSizeExAngle BGRAText


BGRAOriginalTextSizeStyle BGRAText


BGRAPenStyle BGRABitmapTypes

Creates a pen style with the specified length for the dashes and the spaces

BGRAPixelToStdRGBA BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a TBGRAPixel color to a TSTdRGBA

BGRARegisteredPaletteFormatFilter BGRAPalette


BGRARegisterPaletteFormat BGRAPalette


BGRAReplace BGRABitmap

Replace the content of the variable Destination with the variable Temp and frees previous object contained in Destination.

BGRARequiredBitDepth BGRAPalette


BGRARequiredBitDepth BGRAPalette


BGRARoundRectAliased BGRAPolygonAliased


BGRARoundRectAliased BGRAPolygonAliased

Aliased round rectangle

BGRAScannerBrush BGRABlend


BGRASetGamma BGRABitmapTypes

Sets the gamma value used for the sRGB colorspace

BGRAShapeComputeMinMax BGRAFillInfo


BGRAShapeComputeMinMax BGRAFillInfo


BGRASolidBrushIndirect BGRABlend

Brush providers

BGRATextFitInfo BGRAText


BGRATextFitInfoAngle BGRAText




BGRATextOutAngle BGRAText


BGRATextOutImproveReadability BGRATextFX






BGRATextSizeAngle BGRAText


BGRATextSizeStyle BGRAText


BGRATextStrikeOut BGRAText


BGRATextStrikeOut BGRAText


BGRATextUnderline BGRAText


BGRATextUnderline BGRAText


BGRAToColor BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a pixel into a TColor value, discarding the alpha value

BGRAToColor16Bit BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a TBGRAPixel into a 16-bit packed color

BGRAToColorF BGRABitmapTypes

Creates a TColorF array from an array of TBGRAPixel

BGRAToColorF BGRABitmapTypes

Creates a TColorF from a TBGRAPixel

BGRAToColorInt BGRAColorInt


BGRAToColorIntMultiply BGRAColorInt


BGRAToFPColor BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a pixel into a TFPColor

BGRAToGrayscale BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a color into grayscale

BGRAToGrayscaleLinear BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a color into grayscale assuming linear colorspace


Converts a pixel from sRGB to correct HSL color space


Converts a pixel from sRGB to HSL color space

BGRAToMask BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a color from TBGRAPixel to TByteMask (grayscale) taking into account gamma correction

BGRAToMioMap BGRAReadBmpMioMap


BGRAToPackedRgbTriple BGRAGifFormat




BGRAToStr BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a TBGRAPixel value into a string, using color names provided in AColorList, and considering that a color matches in the color list if its difference is within AMaxDiff

BGRAWordDiff BGRABitmapTypes

Computes the difference (with gamma correction) between two pixels, taking into account all dimensions, including transparency.

BidiTextAlignmentToAlignment BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a bidi alignment to a classic alignement according to bidi-mode

BitmapFillRect BGRAText


BitmapTextExtent BGRAText


BitmapTextExtentAngle BGRAText


BitmapTextExtentStyle BGRAText


BitmapTextFitInfo BGRAText


BitmapTextFitInfoAngle BGRAText


BitmapTextOut BGRAText


BitmapTextOutAngle BGRAText


BitmapTextRect BGRAText


BlendMaskPixelInline BGRABlend


BlendPixels BGRABlend

Perform advanced blending operation

BlendPixelsOver BGRABlend

Perform blending operation and merge over destination

BlendXorPixelInline BGRABlend


BorderAndFillRoundRectangleAntialias BGRAPolygon


BorderEllipse BGRAPolygon


BorderEllipse BGRAPolygon


BorderEllipseAntialias BGRAPolygon


BorderEllipseAntialias BGRAPolygon


BorderEllipseAntialiasWithTexture BGRAPolygon


BorderEllipseWithTexture BGRAPolygon


BorderRoundRectangleAntialias BGRAPolygon


BorderRoundRectangleAntialiasWithTexture BGRAPolygon


ByteMaskToExpandedPixel BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a TByteMask to a TExpandedPixel using the specified 8-bit alpha value

ByteSqrt BGRABitmapTypes

Returns the square root of the given byte, considering that 255 is equal to unity

ByteStdHSLToRGB BGRABitmapTypes

Convert from sHSL the sRGB (byte, lossless).

ByteStdHSVToRGB BGRABitmapTypes

Convert from sHSV the sRGB (byte, lossless).

CalculateChunkCRC BGRAPNGComn


CeilLn2 BGRAGifFormat


CheckPutImageBounds BGRABitmapTypes

Checks the bounds of an image in the given clipping rectangle

CheckSignature BGRAPNGComn


CheckStreamForLayers BGRAStreamLayers


ChromaticAdaptWordXYZ BGRABitmapTypes

Perform chromatic adaptation from one reference white to another (16-bit integer channels)

ChromaticAdaptXYZ BGRABitmapTypes

Perform chromatic adaptation from one reference white to another (floating point channels)

CleanTextOutString BGRABitmapTypes

Removes line ending and tab characters from a string (for a function like TextOut that does not handle this).

CleanTextOutString BGRAText


ClearPoint3D_128 BGRASSE


ClearTypeDrawPixel BGRABlend


ClosedSplineStartPoint BGRAPath


clRgbBtnHighlight BGRAGraphics

does not work on system color

clRgbBtnShadow BGRAGraphics


Color16BitToBGRA BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a 16-bit packed color into a TBGRAPixel

ColorBurnPixelInline BGRABlend


ColorDodgePixelInline BGRABlend


ColorF BGRABitmapTypes

Creates a TColorF structure

ColorFToBGRA BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a TColorF into a TBGRAPixel

ColorFToColorInt65536 BGRAColorInt


ColorImportance BGRABitmapTypes

Returns the importance of the color.

ColorInt65536 BGRAColorInt


ColorInt65536 BGRAColorInt


ColorInt65536ToColorF BGRAColorInt


ColorIntToBGRA BGRAColorInt


ColorToBGRA BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a TColor value into an opaque pixel

ColorToBGRA BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a TColor value into a pixel with given opacity

ColorToRGB BGRAGraphics


CombineLightness BGRABitmapTypes

Combines two lightnesses together.

CompareTiffWriteEntries BGRAWriteTiff


CompressDeflate BGRAWriteTiff


ComputeAliasedRowBounds BGRAFillInfo


ComputeArc BGRAPath


ComputeArc65536 BGRAPath


ComputeArc65536 BGRAPath


ComputeArcRad BGRAPath


ComputeArcRad BGRAPath


ComputeBezierCurve BGRAPath


ComputeBezierCurve BGRAPath


ComputeBezierSpline BGRAPath


ComputeBezierSpline BGRAPath


ComputeClosedSpline BGRAPath


ComputeClosedSpline BGRAPath


ComputeEasyBezier BGRAPath


ComputeEasyBezier BGRATypewriter


ComputeEasyBezier BGRATypewriter


ComputeEllipse BGRAPath

Compute points to draw an antialiased ellipse

ComputeEllipse BGRAPath


ComputeOpenedSpline BGRAPath


ComputeOpenedSpline BGRAPath


ComputeRoundRect BGRAPath


ComputeRoundRect BGRAPath


ComputeWidePolylinePoints BGRAPen

Compute the path for a polyline

ComputeWidePolyPolylinePoints BGRAPen

Compute the path for a poly-polyline

ConcatPointsF BGRABitmapTypes

Concatenates arrays of TPointF

ContainsBidiIsolateOrFormattingUTF8 BGRAUTF8


CopyPixelsWithOpacity BGRABlend


CorrectedColorInline BGRABlend


CorrectedHueInline BGRABlend


CorrectedLightnessInline BGRABlend


CorrectedSaturationInline BGRABlend


Cos65536 BGRABitmapTypes

Returns an integer approximation of the cosine.

CreateBGRAImageReader BGRABitmapTypes

Create an image reader for the given format

CreateBGRAImageWriter BGRABitmapTypes

Create an image writer for the given format.

CreateBlurTask BGRAFilters


CreateBrushTexture BGRAPen

create standard brush texture

CreateConeMap BGRAGradients

Create a grayscale height map for a cone (may not be precise enough)

CreateConePreciseMap BGRAGradients

Create a precise height map for a cone (not grayscale anymore but more precise)

CreateCyclicPerlinNoiseMap BGRAGradients

Creates a tilable random grayscale image.

CreateDitheringTask BGRADithering


CreateDitheringTask BGRADithering


CreateDitheringTask BGRADithering


CreateDitheringTask BGRADithering


CreateGrayscaleTask BGRAFilters


CreateHorizontalCylinderPreciseMap BGRAGradients

Create a precise height map for an horizontal cylinder (not grayscale anymore but more precise)

CreateInterpolator BGRAResample

Create an instance of a predefined kernel matching spline style

CreateMotionBlurTask BGRAFilters


CreatePerlinNoiseMap BGRAGradients

Creates a non-tilable random grayscale image

CreateRadialBlurTask BGRAFilters


CreateRadialBlurTask BGRAFilters


CreateRadialPreciseBlurTask BGRAFilters


CreateRectangleMap BGRAGradients

Create a rectangle height map with a border

CreateRectanglePreciseMap BGRAGradients

Create a precise height map for a rectangle height map with a border (not grayscale anymore but more precise)

CreateRectanglePreciseMap BGRAGradients


CreateRoundRectangleMap BGRAGradients

Create a round rectangle height map with a border

CreateRoundRectanglePreciseMap BGRAGradients


CreateRoundRectanglePreciseMap BGRAGradients

Create a precise height map for a round rectangle height map with a border (not grayscale anymore but more precise)

CreateSphereMap BGRAGradients

Create a grayscale height map for a sphere (may not be precise enough)

CreateSpherePreciseMap BGRAGradients

Create a precise height map for a sphere (not grayscale anymore but more precise)

CreateSVGElementFromNode BGRASVGShapes


CreateVerticalConePreciseMap BGRAGradients

Create a precise height map for a vertical cone (not grayscale anymore but more precise)

CreateVerticalCylinderPreciseMap BGRAGradients

Create a precise height map for a vertical cylinder (not grayscale anymore but more precise)

DarkenPixelInline BGRABlend


Dec64 BGRAClasses


Dec64 BGRAClasses


DecF BGRAClasses


DecF BGRAClasses


DecodeLazRLE BGRALzpCommon


DecompressDeflate BGRAReadTiff


DecompressLZW BGRAReadTiff


DecompressPackBits BGRAReadTiff


DefaultSolidBrushIndirectSetPixels BGRABitmapTypes


DefaultSolidBrushIndirectSkipPixels BGRABitmapTypes




DetectFileFormat BGRABitmapTypes

Detect the file format of a given file

DetectFileFormat BGRABitmapTypes

Detect the file format of a given stream.

DifferencePixelInline BGRABlend


DitheredFillRect BGRADithering


DitherImageTo16Bit BGRADithering


DivByAntialiasPrecision BGRAFillInfo


DivByAntialiasPrecision256 BGRAFillInfo


DivByAntialiasPrecision65536 BGRAFillInfo


DividePixelInline BGRABlend


DoesQuadIntersect BGRABitmapTypes

Checks if the quad formed by the 4 given points intersects itself

DoesSegmentIntersect BGRABitmapTypes

Checks if two segment intersect

DoubleGradientAlphaFill BGRAGradients


DoubleGradientAlphaFill BGRAGradients


DoubleGradientAlphaFill BGRAGradients


DoubleGradientAlphaFill BGRAGradients


DownSample BGRAResample

Computes a resampled image, downsampling by the provided factorX and factorY

DownSamplePutImage BGRAResample

Puts a resampled image on the destination, downsampling by the provided factorX and factorY

DownSamplePutImageGrayscale BGRAGrayscaleMask


DownSamplePutImageGrayscale BGRAGrayscaleMask


DownSamplePutImageGrayscale BGRAGrayscaleMask


DownSamplePutImageGrayscale BGRAGrayscaleMask


DownSamplePutImageGrayscale BGRAGrayscaleMask


DrawExpandedPixelInlineNoAlphaCheck BGRABlend


DrawExpandedPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck BGRABlend


DrawExpandedPixelsInline BGRABlend


DrawPixelInlineDiff BGRABlend

Draw a pixel to the extent the current pixel is close enough to compare value.

DrawPixelInlineExpandedOrNotWithAlphaCheck BGRABlend


DrawPixelInlineNoAlphaCheck BGRABlend

alpha in 'c' parameter

DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck BGRABlend


DrawPixelInlineWithAlphaCheck BGRABlend

Draw one pixel with alpha blending

DrawPixelsInline BGRABlend


DrawPixelsInlineDiff BGRABlend

Draw a series of pixel to the extent the current pixel is close enough to compare value

DrawPixelsInlineExpandedOrNot BGRABlend


DrawThumbnailCheckers BGRAThumbnail


DrawThumbnailCheckers BGRAThumbnail


DuplicatePenStyle BGRAPen


EasyBezierCurve BGRABitmapTypes

Create a TEasyBezierCurve object with a subsection of the array of points, with only one curve mode

EasyBezierCurve BGRABitmapTypes

Create a TEasyBezierCurve object with a subsection of the array of points, with a curve mode for each point

EasyBezierCurve BGRABitmapTypes

Create a TEasyBezierCurve object with a curve mode for each point

EasyBezierCurve BGRABitmapTypes

Create a TEasyBezierCurve object with only one curve mode

EncodeLazRLE BGRALzpCommon

routines to compress and uncompress byte-sized values (you need to separate the channels to obtain any compression)

EntryFilename BGRAMultiFileType


EntryFilename BGRAMultiFileType


ErasePixelInline BGRABlend

Erase a series of pixels, i.e.

ExclusionPixelInline BGRABlend


ExpandedDiff BGRABitmapTypes

Computes the difference (with gamma correction) between two pixels, taking into account all dimensions, including transparency.

ExpandedPixelToByteMask BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a TExpandedPixel color to a TByteMask (grayscale)

ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a TExpandedPixel to a TLinearRGBA

ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a TExpandedPixel to a TStdRGBA (applying gamma compression)

ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA BGRABitmapTypes


ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA BGRABitmapTypes


ExpandedToFPColor BGRABitmapTypes

Converts from TExpandedPixel to TFPColor (with gamma compression by default)

ExpandedToGSBA BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a pixel from gamma expanded RGB to correct HSL color space

ExpandedToHSLA BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a pixel from gamma expanded RGB to HSL color space

FastBGRAExpandedDiff BGRABitmapTypes

Fast computation of difference, without weighing the alpha channel

FastBGRALinearDiff BGRABitmapTypes

Fast computation of difference, without weighing the alpha channel and without gamma correction

FastBlendPixelInline BGRABlend

Draw one pixel with linear alpha blending

FastBlendPixelInline BGRABlend


FastBlendPixelsInline BGRABlend

Draw a series of pixels with linear alpha blending

FastRoundDiv255 BGRABlend


FastRoundDiv257 BGRABitmapTypes

Fonction to divide by 257 (not quite the same as shr 8)









FillEllipseAntialias BGRAPolygon


FillEllipseAntialias BGRAPolygon


FillEllipseAntialiasWithTexture BGRAPolygon


FillInline BGRABlend

Replace a series of pixels

FillPolyAliased BGRAPolygon


FillPolyAliased BGRAPolygon


FillPolyAliasedWithTexture BGRAPolygon


FillPolyAntialias BGRAPolygon


FillPolyAntialias BGRAPolygon


FillPolyAntialiasWithTexture BGRAPolygon


FillRoundRectangleAntialias BGRAPolygon


FillRoundRectangleAntialiasWithTexture BGRAPolygon


FillShapeAliased BGRAPolygon


FillShapeAliased BGRAPolygon


FillShapeAntialias BGRAPolygon


FillShapeAntialias BGRAPolygon


FillShapeAntialias BGRAPolygon


FillShapeAntialiasWithTexture BGRAPolygon


FilterBlur BGRAFilters

General purpose blur filter, with a blur mask as parameter to describe how pixels influence each other

FilterBlurCustom BGRAFilterBlur


FilterBlurMotion BGRAFilterBlur


FilterBlurMotion BGRAFilters


FilterBlurRadial BGRAFilterBlur


FilterBlurRadial BGRAFilterBlur


FilterBlurRadial BGRAFilters


FilterBlurRadial BGRAFilters


FilterBlurRadialPrecise BGRAFilters

The precise blur allow to specify the blur radius with subpixel accuracy

FilterContour BGRAFilters

Compute a contour, as if the image was drawn with a 2 pixels-wide black pencil

FilterCylinder BGRAFilters

Distort the image as if it were on a vertical cylinder

FilterEmboss BGRAFilters


FilterEmboss BGRAFilters

Emboss filter compute a color difference in the angle direction

FilterEmbossHighlight BGRAFilters

Emboss highlight computes a sort of emboss with 45 degrees angle and with standard selection color (white/black and filled with blue)

FilterEmbossHighlightOffset BGRAFilters


FilterGrayscale BGRAFilters


FilterGrayscale BGRAFilters

Grayscale converts colored pixel into grayscale with same luminosity

FilterMedian BGRAFilters

The median filter consist in calculating the median value of pixels.

FilterNormalize BGRAFilters

Normalize use the whole available range of values, making dark colors darkest possible and light colors lightest possible

FilterNormalize BGRAFilters


FilterPixelate BGRAFilters


FilterPlane BGRAFilters

Compute a plane projection towards infinity (SLOW)

FilterRotate BGRAFilters

Rotate filter rotate the image and clip it in the bounding rectangle

FilterSharpen BGRAFilters


FilterSharpen BGRAFilters

Sharpen filter add more contrast between pixels

FilterSmartZoom3 BGRAFilters

SmartZoom x3 is a filter that upsizes 3 times the picture and add pixels that could be logically expected (horizontal, vertical, diagonal lines)

FilterSphere BGRAFilters

Distort the image as if it were on a sphere

FilterTwirl BGRAFilters


FilterTwirl BGRAFilters

Twirl distortion, i.e.





FindLayerOriginalClass BGRALayerOriginal




FineInterpolation BGRAResample

Computes fine interpolation between 0 and 1 for rfBox, rfLinear, rfHalfCosine and rfCosine filters.

FineInterpolation256 BGRAResample

Computes fine interpolation between 0 and 256 for rfBox, rfLinear, rfHalfCosine and rfCosine filters.

FineResample BGRAResample

Uses floating point coordinates to get an antialiased resample.

FixLCLFontFullHeight BGRAText


FixSystemFontFullHeight BGRAText


FloatWithCSSUnit BGRAUnits


FontEmHeightSign BGRAText


FontFullHeightSign BGRAText


FPColorToBGRA BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a TFPColor value into a pixel.

FPColorToExpanded BGRABitmapTypes

Converts from TFPColor to TExpandedPixel (with gamma expansion by default)

FPColorToStdRGBA BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a TFPColor color to a TStdRGBA

FPColorToTColor BGRAGraphics


GammaCompression BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a pixel from gamma expanded RGB to sRGB

GammaCompression BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a pixel from gamma expanded RGB to sRGB

GammaCompressionF BGRABitmapTypes

Applies gamma compression to a TColorF value (yielding non linear values)

GammaCompressionW BGRABitmapTypes

Apply gamma compression with word values

GammaCompressionWF BGRABitmapTypes

Computes gamma compression of a 16-bit integer (linear value) into a float value (non linear value)

GammaExpansion BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a pixel from sRGB to gamma expanded RGB

GammaExpansionF BGRABitmapTypes

Applies gamma expansion to a TColorF value (yielding linear values)

GammaExpansionFW BGRABitmapTypes

Computes gamma expansion of a float (non linear value) into a 16-bit integer (linear value)

GammaExpansionW BGRABitmapTypes

Apply gamma expansion with word values

GetAlphaJoinFactor BGRAPen

length added to ensure accepable alpha join (using TBGRAMultishapeFiller is still better)



GetBitmapThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GetBitmapThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GetBmpMioMapThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GetBmpThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GetByteStdLightness BGRABitmapTypes

Compute the lightness in sHSL (byte)

GetChunkCode BGRAPNGComn


GetChunkType BGRAPNGComn


GetCurThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GetFileThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GetFineClearTypeAuto BGRAText


GetFirstStrongBidiClassUTF8 BGRAUTF8


GetFontHeightSign BGRAText


GetGifThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GetHue BGRABitmapTypes

Returns the hue of a gamma expanded pixel

GetIcoThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GetIntensity BGRABitmapTypes

Returns the intensity of a pixel.

GetIntensity BGRABitmapTypes

Returns the intensity of an gamma-expanded pixel.

GetJpegThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GetLastStrongBidiClassUTF8 BGRAUTF8


GetLazPaintThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GetLCLFontPixelMetric BGRAText


GetLightness BGRABitmapTypes

Returns the lightness of a pixel.

GetLightness BGRABitmapTypes

Returns the lightness of an gamma-expanded pixel.

GetOpenRasterThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GetPaintDotNetThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GetPaperSize BGRAPapers

Returns the smallest Paper in PaperSizes array that can contain the specified dimensions

GetPcxThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GetPhoxoThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GetPixelStrictComparer BGRAColorQuantization


GetPixelValueComparer BGRAColorQuantization


GetPngThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GetPowerOfTwo BGRAOpenGLType


GetPsdThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GetReferenceWhite BGRABitmapTypes

Retrieves a copy of the current reference white used for color conversions

GetReferenceWhite BGRABitmapTypes

Gets the reference white parameters by its viewing angle and illuminant

GetReferenceWhiteByIndex BGRABitmapTypes

Gets the reference white by its index

GetReferenceWhiteCount BGRABitmapTypes

Returns the number of reference white that have been defined

GetReferenceWhiteIndirect BGRABitmapTypes

Gets a pointer to the reference white parameters by its viewing angle and illuminant

GetReferenceWhiteIndirect BGRABitmapTypes

Gets a pointer to the current reference white used for color conversions

GetSignature BGRAPNGComn


GetStreamThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GetStreamThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GetSVGFactory BGRASVGShapes


GetTargaThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GetTiffThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GetUnicodeBidiClass BGRAUnicode

Returns the Bidi class as defined by Unicode used to determine text direction

GetUnicodeBidiClassEx BGRAUnicode

Same as above but returns additional classes: ubcCombiningLeftToRight and ubcMirroredNeutral

GetUnicodeBracketInfo BGRAUnicode


GetUnicodeCombiningClass BGRAUnicode

Returns the Combining class defined by unicode for non-spacing marks and combining marks or 255 if the character is not to be combined

GetUnicodeDisplayOrder BGRAUnicode


GetUnicodeDisplayOrder BGRAUnicode


GetUnicodeDisplayOrder BGRAUnicode

Determine diplay order, provided the display surface is horizontally infinite

GetUnicodeJoiningType BGRAUnicode

Returns how the letter can be joined to the surrounding letters (for example in arabic)

GetUTF8DisplayOrder BGRAUTF8

Display order of characters.

GetXPixMapThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GetXwdThumbnail BGRAThumbnail


GIFDecodeLZW BGRAGifFormat


GIFEncodeLZW BGRAGifFormat

Encode an image supplied as an sequence of bytes, from left to right and top to bottom.

GIFLoadFromStream BGRAGifFormat


GIFSaveToStream BGRAGifFormat


GlowPixelInline BGRABlend


GrayscaleToBGRA BGRABitmapTypes

Create a gray color with the given lightness


Converts a pixel from corrected HSL to sRGB


Converts a pixel from corrected HSL to sRGB

GSBAToExpanded BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a pixel from corrected HSL to gamma expanded RGB

GSBAToExpanded BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a pixel from corrected HSL to gamma expanded RGB


Converts a pixel from corrected HSL to HSL


Converts a pixel from corrected HSL to HSL

GtoH BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a G hue (GSBA) to a H hue (HSLA)

HalfUp BGRABitmapTypes

Rounds the number to the nearest integer.

HalfUp64 BGRABitmapTypes

Rounds the number to the nearest 64-bit integer.

HandleLinearRGBAOverflow BGRABitmapTypes

Handle overflow by bringing values to the range 0 to 1.

HardLightPixelInline BGRABlend


HSLA BGRABitmapTypes

Creates an opaque pixel with given HSL values

HSLA BGRABitmapTypes

Creates a pixel with given HSLA values, where A stands for alpha


Converts a pixel from HSL colorspace to sRGB

HSLAToExpanded BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a pixel from HSL colorspace to gamma expanded RGB


Converts a pixel from HSL to corrected HSL

Html5ArcTo BGRAPath


HtoG BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a H hue (HSLA) to a G hue (GSBA)

HueDiff BGRABitmapTypes

Computes the hue difference

Inc64 BGRAClasses


Inc64 BGRAClasses


IncF BGRAClasses


IncF BGRAClasses


InterpolateBilinear BGRABlend


InterpolateBilinearMask BGRABlend


IntersectLine BGRABitmapTypes

Computes the intersection of two lines.

IntersectLine BGRABitmapTypes

Computes the intersection of two lines.

IsAffineMatrixIdentity BGRATransform

check if the matrix is the identity

IsAffineMatrixInversible BGRATransform

check if matrix is inversible

IsAffineMatrixOrthogonal BGRATransform


IsAffineMatrixScale BGRATransform

check if the matrix is a scaling (including a projection i.e.

IsAffineMatrixScaledRotation BGRATransform


IsAffineMatrixTranslation BGRATransform

check if the matrix is a translation (including the identity)

IsAnimatedChunkType BGRAPNGComn


IsClearPenStyle BGRAPen


IsClockwise BGRABitmapTypes

Checks if the points follow a clockwise curve

IsConvex BGRABitmapTypes

Checks if the polygon formed by the given points is convex.

IsEmptyPoint BGRABitmapTypes

Checks if the given point is equivalent to EmptyPoint

isEmptyPointF BGRABitmapTypes

Checks if the structure is empty (equal to EmptyPointF)

IsEmptyRectF BGRABitmapTypes

Checks if the given TRectF structure is empty (of zero size)

IsLargeArc BGRAPath


IsModifierCombiningMark BGRAUnicode


IsMostlyClockwise BGRABitmapTypes

Checks if the curve is clockwise on the whole but accepting some counter-clockwise points

IsPaintDotNetFile BGRAPaintNet


IsPaintDotNetFileUTF8 BGRAPaintNet


IsPaintDotNetStream BGRAPaintNet


IsPoint3D_128_Zero BGRASSE


IsPointInEllipse BGRAFillInfo


IsPointInPolygon BGRAFillInfo


IsPointInRectangle BGRAFillInfo


IsPointInRoundRectangle BGRAFillInfo


IsRealColor XYZABitmap

Checks that the color is real, meaning that it can be experienced.



IsSolidPenStyle BGRAPen

check special pen styles

IsUnicodeCrLf BGRAUnicode


IsUnicodeIsolateOrFormatting BGRAUnicode


IsUnicodeMirrored BGRAUnicode

Returns if the symbol can be mirrored horizontally for right-to-left text

IsUnicodeParagraphSeparator BGRAUnicode


IsUnicodeSpace BGRAUnicode


IsZeroWidthUnicode BGRAUnicode




LabAToLChA BGRABitmapTypes

Converts color from TLabA to TLChA

LabAToXYZA BGRABitmapTypes


LabAToXYZA BGRABitmapTypes


LazPaintImageHeader_SwapEndianIfNeeded BGRALzpCommon


LChAToLabA BGRABitmapTypes

Converts color from TLChA to TLabA

LCLFontAvailable BGRAText


LCLKeyToSpecialKey BGRALayerOriginal





little endian stream functions

LEReadLongint BGRAUTF8








LEWriteLongint BGRAUTF8


LEWriteSingle BGRAUTF8


LightenPixelInline BGRABlend


LinearAddPixelInline BGRABlend


LinearColorInline BGRABlend


LinearDifferencePixelInline BGRABlend


LinearExclusionPixelInline BGRABlend


LinearHueInline BGRABlend


LinearLightnessInline BGRABlend


LinearMultiplyPixelInline BGRABlend

layer blend modes

LinearMultiplySaturationInline BGRABlend


LinearNegationPixelInline BGRABlend


LinearOverlayPixelInline BGRABlend


LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a TLinearRGBA into a TExpandedPixel (clamped to 0..65535)

LinearRGBAToStdRGBA BGRABitmapTypes


LinearRGBAToXYZA BGRABitmapTypes


LinearRGBAToXYZA BGRABitmapTypes


LinearSaturationInline BGRABlend


LinearSubtractInversePixelInline BGRABlend


LinearSubtractPixelInline BGRABlend



Determines XYZ coordinates from cone stimulations (L, M, S)

LoadLayerBitmapFromStream BGRAStreamLayers


LoadLayersFromStream BGRAStreamLayers


LoadPaintDotNetFile BGRAPaintNet


LoadPaintDotNetFileUTF8 BGRAPaintNet


LoadStringsFromFileUTF8 BGRAUTF8


MakeBitmapFileHeader BGRAReadBMP


MapHeight BGRABitmapTypes

Get height [0..1] stored in a TBGRAPixel

MapHeightToBGRA BGRABitmapTypes

Get TBGRAPixel to store height [0..1]

Margins BGRASliceScaling


MaskToBGRA BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a TByteMask to a TBGRAPixel using the specified alpha value

Matrix3D BGRAMatrix3D


Matrix3D BGRAMatrix3D


Matrix3D BGRAMatrix3D


MatrixIdentity3D BGRAMatrix3D


MatrixIdentity4D BGRAMatrix3D


MatrixInverse3D BGRAMatrix3D


MatrixRotateX BGRAMatrix3D


MatrixRotateY BGRAMatrix3D


MatrixRotateZ BGRAMatrix3D


MatrixScale3D BGRAMatrix3D


MatrixTranslation3D BGRAMatrix3D


MergeBGRA BGRABitmapTypes

Merge two gamma expanded pixels (implicit gamma correction)

MergeBGRA BGRABitmapTypes

Merge given colors without gamma correction

MergeBGRA BGRABitmapTypes

Merge two colors without gamma correction

MergeBGRA BGRABitmapTypes

Merge two gamma expanded pixels with the given weights

MergeBGRA BGRABitmapTypes

Merge two colors without gamma correction.

MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection BGRABitmapTypes

Merge two colors with gamma correction.

MioMapToAlpha BGRAReadBmpMioMap


MioMapToBGRA BGRAReadBmpMioMap


MultiplyVect3DWithoutTranslation BGRAMatrix3D


NegationPixelInline BGRABlend


nGradientAlphaFill BGRAGradients


nGradientAlphaFill BGRAGradients


nGradientAlphaFill BGRAGradients


nGradientAlphaFill BGRAGradients


nGradientInfo BGRAGradients


NiceGlowPixelInline BGRABlend


NonLinearReflectPixelInline BGRABlend


Normalize3D BGRABitmapTypes

Normalize the vector, i.e.

Normalize3D_128_SqLen BGRASSE


OnLayeredBitmapLoaded BGRALayers


OnLayeredBitmapLoadFromStreamStart BGRALayers


OnLayeredBitmapLoadProgress BGRALayers


OnLayeredBitmapLoadStart BGRALayers


OnLayeredBitmapSaved BGRALayers


OnLayeredBitmapSaveProgress BGRALayers


OnLayeredBitmapSaveStart BGRALayers


OnLayeredBitmapSaveToStreamStart BGRALayers


OrthoProjectionToOpenGL BGRAOpenGLType


OverlayPixelInline BGRABlend


PackedRgbTribleToBGRA BGRAGifFormat


PartialStrToBGRA BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a string into a TBGRAPixel value.

PenStyleEqual BGRAPen




Point BGRAClasses


Point3D BGRABitmapTypes

Creates a new structure with values (x, y, z)



Point3D_128 BGRASSE


Point3D_128 BGRASSE


Point3D_128 BGRASSE


Point3D_128 BGRASSE


PointF BGRABitmapTypes

Creates a new structure with values x and y

PointF BGRABitmapTypes

Creates a new structure converting integer values to single-precision floating-point coordinates

PointsF BGRABitmapTypes

Creates an array of TPointF

PolygonLinearColorGradientAliased BGRAPolygonAliased


PolygonLinearColorGradientAliased BGRAPolygonAliased


PolygonLinearTextureMappingAliased BGRAPolygonAliased


PolygonLinearTextureMappingAliased BGRAPolygonAliased


PolygonLinearTextureMappingAliasedWithLightness BGRAPolygonAliased


PolygonPerspectiveColorGradientAliased BGRAPolygonAliased


PolygonPerspectiveColorGradientAliased BGRAPolygonAliased


PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased BGRAPolygonAliased


PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased BGRAPolygonAliased


PolygonPerspectiveMappingShaderAliased BGRAPolygonAliased


PolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingAliased BGRAPolygonAliased


PolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingAliased BGRAPolygonAliased


PolygonPerspectiveTextureMappingAliasedWithLightness BGRAPolygonAliased


PolylineLen BGRABitmapTypes

Compute the length of the polyline contained in the array.

PositiveMod BGRABitmapTypes

Computes the value modulo cycle, and if the value is negative, the result is still positive

PrecalcSin65536 BGRABitmapTypes

  • Compute all sin values now

ProjectionToOpenGL BGRAOpenGL3D


PSDResolutionUnitToResolutionUnit BGRAReadPSD


PtInRect BGRABitmapTypes

Checks if a point is in a rectangle with integer coordinates.

PutPixels BGRABlend

Draw a series of pixels with alpha blending

Rect BGRAClasses


RectF BGRABitmapTypes

Creates a TRectF structure with specified left, top, right, and bottom coordinates

RectF BGRABitmapTypes

Creates a TRectF structure from two TPointF points representing the top-left and bottom-right corners

RectF BGRABitmapTypes

Creates a TRectF structure from a TRect structure (integer coordinates converted to single precision)

RectWithSize BGRABitmapTypes

Creates a rectangle with integer coordinates with the specified width and height

RectWithSizeF BGRABitmapTypes

Creates a TRectF structure with a specified position (left, top) and size (width, height)

RedGreenBlue BGRAGraphics


ReflectPixelInline BGRABlend


RegisterLayeredBitmapReader BGRALayers


RegisterLayeredBitmapWriter BGRALayers


RegisterLayerOriginal BGRALayerOriginal


RegisterLazPaintFormat BGRALazPaint


RegisterLoadingHandler BGRALayers


RegisterOpenRasterFormat BGRAOpenRaster


RegisterPaintNetFormat BGRAPaintNet


RegisterPhoxoFormat BGRAPhoxo


RegisterSavingHandler BGRALayers


RegisterStreamLayers BGRAStreamLayers


RegisterSvgFormat BGRASVG


RemoveLineEnding BGRABitmapTypes

Remove the line ending at the specified position or return False.

RemoveLineEnding BGRAText

this works with UTF8 strings as well

RemoveLineEndingUTF8 BGRABitmapTypes

Remove the line ending at the specified position or return False.

RemoveLineEndingUTF8 BGRAText

this works with UTF8 strings however the index is the byte index

ResolutionUnitToPSdResolutionUnit BGRAReadPSD


ResolutionUnitToTifResolutionUnit BGRAReadTiff


ResourceFile BGRABitmapTypes

Return the full path for a resource file on the disk.

RGBToByteStdHSL BGRABitmapTypes

Convert from sRGB the sHSL (byte, lossless).

RGBToByteStdHSV BGRABitmapTypes

Convert from sRGB the sHSV (byte, lossless).

RGBToColor BGRAGraphics


SaveLayerBitmapToStream BGRAStreamLayers


SaveLayersToStream BGRAStreamLayers


SaveStringsToFileUTF8 BGRAUTF8


ScannerPutPixels BGRABlend

Blend pixels with scanner content

ScreenPixelInline BGRABlend


SetIntensity BGRABitmapTypes

Sets the intensity of a pixel

SetIntensity BGRABitmapTypes

Sets the intensity of a gamma-expanded pixel

SetLightness BGRABitmapTypes

Sets the lightness of a gamma-expanded pixel

SetLightness BGRABitmapTypes

Sets the lightness of a pixel

SetLightness BGRABitmapTypes

Sets the lightness of a gamma expanded pixel, provided you already know the current value of lightness curLightness.

SetReferenceWhite BGRABitmapTypes

Use the specified reference white parameters when converting colors

SetReferenceWhite BGRABitmapTypes

Use the reference white, specified by viewing angle and illumant, when converting colors

SimpleStretch BGRAResample

Computes a resampled image with pixels are boxes, with antialising between boxes.

Sin65536 BGRABitmapTypes

Returns an integer approximation of the sine.

Size BGRAClasses


Sizes_CmToInch BGRAPapers


Sizes_InchToCm BGRAPapers


SoftLightPixelInline BGRABlend


SpectrumRangeReflectToXYZA BGRABitmapTypes

Computes reflected color in XYZ for a given wavelength range

SplineVertexToSide BGRAPath

———————– Spline ——————











StdRGBAToBGRAPixel BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a TStdRGBA color to a TBGRAPixel (clamped to 0..255)

StdRGBAToExpandedPixel BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a TStdRGBA to a TExpandedPixel (applying gamma expansion)

StdRGBAToFPColor BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a TStdRGBA color to a TFPColor (clamped to 0..65535)

StdRGBAToLinearRGBA BGRABitmapTypes








StdRGBAToYCbCr601 BGRABitmapTypes




StdRGBAToYCbCr709 BGRABitmapTypes




StdRGBToYCbCr BGRABitmapTypes


StretchPutImage BGRAResample

Puts a resampled image on the destination.

StrToBGRA BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a fully defined string into a TBGRAPixel value.

StrToBGRA BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a string into a TBGRAPixel value.

StrToBlendOperation BGRABitmapTypes

Returns the blend mode expressed by the string

StrToGradientType BGRABitmapTypes

Returns the gradient type represented by the given string

StrToResampleFilter BGRABitmapTypes

Gives the sample filter represented by a string

SubtractInversePixelInline BGRABlend


SubtractPixelInline BGRABlend


SuggestImageExtension BGRABitmapTypes

Returns a likely image extension for the format

SuggestImageFormat BGRABitmapTypes

Returns the file format that is most likely to be stored in the given filename (according to its extension)

SvgArcTo BGRAPath


SvgSoftLightPixelInline BGRABlend


SystemFontAvailable BGRAText




TColorToFPColor BGRAGraphics


TextShadow BGRAGradients

Creates a bitmap with the specified text horizontally centered and with a shadow

TextShadow BGRATextFX

Compute an image containing a text with shadow

TifResolutionUnitToResolutionUnit BGRAReadTiff


TryCreateLayeredBitmapReader BGRALayers


TryCreateLayeredBitmapWriter BGRALayers


TryStrToBGRA BGRABitmapTypes

Converts a string into a TBGRAPixel value into parsedValue.

UnicodeCharToUTF8 BGRAUTF8


UnregisterLoadingHandler BGRALayers


UnregisterSavingHandler BGRALayers




UTF8CharacterLength BGRAUTF8




UTF8CodepointToUnicode BGRAUTF8




UTF8CompareText BGRAUTF8


UTF8EmbedDirection BGRAUTF8

Adds special unicode characters to make it a quote in a specific direction.









UTF8OverrideDirection BGRAUTF8

Adds special unicode characters around the text to change it's direction.

UTF8ReverseString BGRAUTF8




UTF8ToUnicodeArray BGRAUTF8






VectDet BGRABitmapTypes

Computes the determinant of the two vectors (equal to the determinant of the square matrix with those vectors as columns)

VectLen BGRABitmapTypes

Returns the length of the vector (dx, dy)

VectLen BGRABitmapTypes

Returns the length of the vector represented by (x, y)

VectLen3D BGRABitmapTypes

Computes the length of the vector from the origin to the point

VectorizeMonochrome BGRAVectorize

Vectorize a monochrome bitmap (actually checking the green channel)

VectorizeMonochrome BGRAVectorize

Vectorize a rectangular area in a monochrome bitmap (actually checking the green channel)

VectProduct3D BGRABitmapTypes

Computes the vectorial product w.

WideKernelResample BGRAResample

WideKernelResample can be called for custom filter kernel, derived from TWideKernelFilter.

WinReadByte BGRADNetDeserial


WinReadInt64 BGRADNetDeserial


WinReadLongint BGRADNetDeserial


WinReadLongword BGRADNetDeserial


WinReadQWord BGRADNetDeserial


WinReadSmallInt BGRADNetDeserial


WinReadWord BGRADNetDeserial


WordXYZAToExpandedPixel BGRABitmapTypes


WordXYZAToExpandedPixel BGRABitmapTypes




XorInline BGRABlend

Xor a series of pixels

XorPixels BGRABlend



Converts color from TXYZA to TAdobeRGBA using specifed reference white


Converts color from TXYZA to TAdobeRGBA using current reference white

XYZAToLabA BGRABitmapTypes


XYZAToLabA BGRABitmapTypes


XYZAToLinearRGBA BGRABitmapTypes


XYZAToLinearRGBA BGRABitmapTypes





Determines cone stimulations (L, M, S) from XYZ coordinates



YCbCr601ToStdRGBA BGRABitmapTypes


YCbCr601ToStdRGBA BGRABitmapTypes




YCbCr709ToStdRGBA BGRABitmapTypes


YCbCrToStdRGB BGRABitmapTypes