Class TBGRACanvas2D
type TBGRACanvas2D = class(IBGRAPath)
Implementation of a canvas similar to HTML Canvas2d.
is the surface to use when rendering with TBGRASVG, TBGRACustomTypeWriter and TBGRAVectorizedFont.
Comparison between TBGRACanvas2D
and Javascript HTML canvas:
JavaScript |
uses BGRABitmap, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRACanvas2D; procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject); var bmp: TBGRABitmap; ctx: TBGRACanvas2D; gradient: IBGRACanvasGradient2D; begin bmp := TBGRABitmap.Create(ClientWidth, ClientHeight, StrToBGRA('#E0E2E5')); ctx := bmp.Canvas2d; // Draw the outer rounded rectangle gradient := ctx.createLinearGradient(100, 20, 100, 180); gradient.addColorStop(0, 'white'); gradient.addColorStop(1, '#7C878A'); ctx.fillStyle(gradient); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.roundRect(20, 20, 160, 160, 20);; ctx.shadowBlur := 10; ctx.shadowColor('rgba(0,0,0, .8)'); ctx.shadowOffsetX := 0; ctx.shadowOffsetY := 10; ctx.fill(); ctx.restore(); // Draw the blue circle with gradient gradient := ctx.createLinearGradient(100, 30, 100, 170); gradient.addColorStop(0, '#CAEBF5'); gradient.addColorStop(1, '#0F5369'); ctx.strokeStyle(gradient); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(100, 100, 70, 0, Pi * 2); ctx.lineWidth := 10; ctx.stroke(); gradient := ctx.createLinearGradient(100, 50, 100, 150); gradient.addColorStop(0, '#003C50'); gradient.addColorStop(1, '#53E6FF'); ctx.strokeStyle(gradient); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(100, 100, 60, 0, Pi * 2); ctx.lineWidth := 10; ctx.stroke(); bmp.Draw(Canvas, 0,0, true); bmp.Free; end; |
Try on JSFiddle var my_canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'), ctx = my_canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.fillStyle = "#E0E2E5"; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 200, 200); // Draw the outer rounded rectangle var gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(100, 20, 100, 180); gradient.addColorStop(0, "white"); gradient.addColorStop(1, "#7C878A"); ctx.fillStyle = gradient; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.roundRect(20, 20, 160, 160, 20);; ctx.shadowBlur = 10; ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(0,0,0, .6)"; ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0; ctx.shadowOffsetY = 10; ctx.fill(); ctx.restore(); // Draw the blue circle with gradient gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(100, 30, 100, 170); gradient.addColorStop(0, "#CAEBF5"); gradient.addColorStop(1, "#0F5369"); ctx.strokeStyle = gradient; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(100, 100, 70, 0, Math.PI * 2); ctx.lineWidth = 10; ctx.stroke(); gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(100, 50, 100, 150); gradient.addColorStop(0, "#003C50"); gradient.addColorStop(1, "#53E6FF"); ctx.strokeStyle = gradient; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(100, 100, 60, 0, Math.PI * 2); ctx.lineWidth = 10; ctx.stroke(); |
- IInterface
- TBGRACanvas2D
antialiasing: boolean; |
gradientGammaCorrection: boolean; |
linearBlend: boolean; |
constructor Create(ASurface: TBGRACustomBitmap); |
destructor Destroy; override; |
function createLinearGradient(x0,y0,x1,y1: single; Colors: TBGRACustomGradient): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload; |
function createLinearGradient(p0,p1: TPointF; Colors: TBGRACustomGradient): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload; |
function createLinearGradient(p0,p1: TPointF): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload; |
function createLinearGradient(x0,y0,x1,y1: single): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload; |
function createPattern(texture: IBGRAScanner): IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D; overload; |
function createPattern(image: TBGRACustomBitmap; repetition: string): IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D; overload; |
function createRadialGradient(p0: TPointF; r0: single; p1: TPointF; r1: single; Colors: TBGRACustomGradient; flipGradient: boolean=false): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload; |
function createRadialGradient(x0,y0,r0,x1,y1,r1: single; flipGradient: boolean=false): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload; |
function createRadialGradient(x0,y0,r0,x1,y1,r1: single; Colors: TBGRACustomGradient; flipGradient: boolean=false): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload; |
function createRadialGradient(p0: TPointF; r0: single; p1: TPointF; r1: single; flipGradient: boolean=false): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload; |
class function CSSFontNameToLCL(AName: string): string; |
class function FontNameListToStr(AList: ArrayOfString): string; |
function getLineStyle: TBGRAPenStyle; |
function getShadowColor: TBGRAPixel; |
function isPointInPath(pt: TPointF): boolean; overload; |
function isPointInPath(x,y: single): boolean; overload; |
function measureText(AText: string): TCanvas2dTextSize; |
class function StrToFontNameList(AText: string): ArrayOfString; |
function toDataURL(mimeType: string = 'image/png'): string; |
procedure addPath(ASvgPath: string); overload; |
procedure addPath(APath: IBGRAPath); overload; |
procedure arc(x, y, radius, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single); overload; |
procedure arc(x, y, radius, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single; anticlockwise: boolean); overload; |
procedure arc(cx, cy, rx,ry, xAngleRadCW, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single; anticlockwise: boolean); overload; |
procedure arc(constref arcDef: TArcDef); overload; |
procedure arc(cx, cy, rx,ry, xAngleRadCW, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single); overload; |
procedure arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius: single); overload; |
procedure arcTo(p1,p2: TPointF; radius: single); overload; |
procedure arcTo(rx, ry, xAngleRadCW: single; largeArc,anticlockwise: boolean; x, y: single); |
procedure beginPath; |
procedure bezierCurveTo(cp1x,cp1y,cp2x,cp2y,x,y: single); overload; |
procedure bezierCurveTo(constref cp1,cp2,pt: TPointF); overload; |
procedure circle(x,y,r: single); |
procedure clearPath; |
procedure clearRect(x,y,w,h: single); |
procedure clip; |
procedure closedSpline(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle); |
procedure closePath; |
procedure copyStateFrom(AOtherCanvas2D: TBGRACanvas2D); |
procedure drawImage(image: TBGRACustomBitmap; dx,dy: single; AFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear); overload; |
procedure drawImage(image: TBGRACustomBitmap; dx,dy,dw,dh: single; AFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear); overload; |
procedure ellipse(x,y,rx,ry: single); |
procedure fill; overload; |
procedure fill(AFillProc: TBGRAPathFillProc; AData: pointer); overload; |
procedure fill(AFillProc: TBGRAPathFillProc; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AData: pointer); overload; |
procedure fillOverStroke; |
procedure fillRect(x,y,w,h: single); |
procedure fillStyle(color: TBGRAPixel); overload; |
procedure fillStyle(provider: IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D); overload; |
procedure fillStyle(color: string); overload; |
procedure fillStyle(texture: IBGRAScanner); overload; |
procedure fillStyle(color: TColor); overload; |
procedure fillText(AText: string; x,y: single); |
procedure lineStyle(const AValue: array of single); overload; |
procedure lineStyle(AStyle: TPenStyle); overload; |
procedure lineTo(constref pt: TPointF); overload; |
procedure lineTo(x,y: single); overload; |
procedure mask(image: TBGRACustomBitmap; dx,dy: single; AFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear); overload; |
procedure mask(image: TBGRACustomBitmap; dx,dy,dw,dh: single; AFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear); overload; |
procedure moveTo(x,y: single); overload; |
procedure moveTo(constref pt: TPointF); overload; |
procedure openedSpline(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle); |
procedure path(APath: IBGRAPath); overload; |
procedure path(ASvgPath: string); overload; |
procedure polylineTo(const pts: array of TPointF); |
procedure quadraticCurveTo(cpx,cpy,x,y: single); overload; |
procedure quadraticCurveTo(constref cp,pt: TPointF); overload; |
procedure rect(x,y,w,h: single); |
procedure resetTransform; |
procedure restore; |
procedure rotate(angleRadCW: single); |
procedure roundRect(x,y,w,h,radius: single); overload; |
procedure roundRect(x,y,w,h,rx,ry: single); overload; |
procedure save; |
procedure scale(x,y: single); overload; |
procedure scale(factor: single); overload; |
procedure setTransform(m11,m21, m12,m22, m13,m23: single); |
procedure shadowColor(color: TBGRAPixel); overload; |
procedure shadowColor(color: string); overload; |
procedure shadowColor(color: TColor); overload; |
procedure shadowNone; |
procedure skewx(angleRadCW: single); |
procedure skewy(angleRadCW: single); |
procedure spline(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle= ssOutside); |
procedure splineTo(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle= ssOutside); |
procedure stroke(ADrawProc: TBGRAPathDrawProc; AData: pointer); overload; |
procedure stroke(ADrawProc: TBGRAPathDrawProc; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AData: pointer); overload; |
procedure stroke; overload; |
procedure strokeOverFill; |
procedure strokeRect(x,y,w,h: single); |
procedure strokeResetTransform; |
procedure strokeScale(x,y: single); |
procedure strokeSkewx(angleRadCW: single); |
procedure strokeSkewy(angleRadCW: single); |
procedure strokeStyle(color: TBGRAPixel); overload; |
procedure strokeStyle(provider: IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D); overload; |
procedure strokeStyle(color: TColor); overload; |
procedure strokeStyle(texture: IBGRAScanner); overload; |
procedure strokeStyle(color: string); overload; |
procedure strokeText(AText: string; x,y: single); |
procedure text(AText: string; x,y: single); |
procedure toSpline(closed: boolean; style: TSplineStyle= ssOutside); |
procedure transform(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix); overload; |
procedure transform(m11,m21, m12,m22, m13,m23: single); overload; |
procedure translate(x,y: single); |
procedure unclip; |
property currentPath: ArrayOfTPointF read GetCurrentPathAsPoints; |
property direction: TFontBidiMode read GetTextDirection write SetTextDirection; |
property fillMode: TFillMode read GetFillMode write SetFillMode; |
property font: string read GetFontString write SetFontString; |
property fontEmHeight: single read GetFontEmHeight write SetFontEmHeight; |
property fontName: string read GetFontName write SetFontName; |
property fontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer read GetFontRenderer write SetFontRenderer; |
property fontStyle: TFontStyles read GetFontStyle write SetFontStyle; |
property globalAlpha: single read GetGlobalAlpha write SetGlobalAlpha; |
property hasShadow: boolean read GetHasShadow; |
property height: Integer read GetHeight; |
property lineCap: string read GetLineCap write SetLineCap; |
property lineCapLCL: TPenEndCap read GetLineCapLCL write SetLineCapLCL; |
property lineJoin: string read GetlineJoin write SetLineJoin; |
property lineJoinLCL: TPenJoinStyle read GetlineJoinLCL write SetLineJoinLCL; |
property lineWidth: single read GetLineWidth write SetLineWidth; |
property matrix: TAffineMatrix read GetMatrix write SetMatrix; |
property miterLimit: single read GetMiterLimit write SetMiterLimit; |
property pixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean read GetPixelCenteredCoordinates write SetPixelCenteredCoordinates; |
property shadowBlur: single read GetShadowBlur write SetShadowBlur; |
property shadowFastest: boolean read GetShadowFastest write SetShadowFastest; |
property shadowOffset: TPointF read GetShadowOffset write SetShadowOffset; |
property shadowOffsetX: single read GetShadowOffsetX write SetShadowOffsetX; |
property shadowOffsetY: single read GetShadowOffsetY write SetShadowOffsetY; |
property strokeMatrix: TAffineMatrix read GetStrokeMatrix write SetStrokeMatrix; |
property surface: TBGRACustomBitmap read FSurface; |
property textAlign: string read GetTextAlign write SetTextAlign; |
property textAlignLCL: TAlignment read GetTextAlignLCL write SetTextAlignLCL; |
property textBaseline: string read GetTextBaseline write SetTextBaseline; |
property width: Integer read GetWidth; |
antialiasing: boolean; |
Whether to apply |
gradientGammaCorrection: boolean; |
Whether to use gamma correction in gradient interpolation.
It is less accurate but it reflects more how HTML Canvas works. |
linearBlend: boolean; |
Whether to use linear blending when merging colors.
In this case, gamma correction won't be applied. It is less accurate but it reflects more how HTML Canvas works. |
constructor Create(ASurface: TBGRACustomBitmap); |
destructor Destroy; override; |
Destroys the canvas context including the font renderer. |
function createLinearGradient(x0,y0,x1,y1: single; Colors: TBGRACustomGradient): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload; |
Creates a linear gradient with custom color stops. |
function createLinearGradient(p0,p1: TPointF; Colors: TBGRACustomGradient): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload; |
Creates a linear gradient with custom color stops using TPointF. |
function createLinearGradient(p0,p1: TPointF): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload; |
Creates a linear gradient between two points using TPointF. |
function createLinearGradient(x0,y0,x1,y1: single): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload; |
Creates a linear gradient between two points. |
function createPattern(texture: IBGRAScanner): IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D; overload; |
Creates a pattern using a scanner interface. |
function createPattern(image: TBGRACustomBitmap; repetition: string): IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D; overload; |
Creates a pattern using an image.
repetition can be:
function createRadialGradient(p0: TPointF; r0: single; p1: TPointF; r1: single; Colors: TBGRACustomGradient; flipGradient: boolean=false): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload; |
Creates a radial gradient with custom color stops using TPointF. |
function createRadialGradient(x0,y0,r0,x1,y1,r1: single; flipGradient: boolean=false): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload; |
Creates a radial gradient between two circles. |
function createRadialGradient(x0,y0,r0,x1,y1,r1: single; Colors: TBGRACustomGradient; flipGradient: boolean=false): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload; |
Creates a radial gradient with custom color stops. |
function createRadialGradient(p0: TPointF; r0: single; p1: TPointF; r1: single; flipGradient: boolean=false): IBGRACanvasGradient2D; overload; |
Creates a radial gradient between two circles using TPointF. |
class function CSSFontNameToLCL(AName: string): string; |
class function FontNameListToStr(AList: ArrayOfString): string; |
Converts a list of font names to a string. |
function getLineStyle: TBGRAPenStyle; |
Gets the current line style. |
function getShadowColor: TBGRAPixel; |
Retrieves the current color used for shadows. |
function isPointInPath(pt: TPointF): boolean; overload; |
function isPointInPath(x,y: single): boolean; overload; |
function measureText(AText: string): TCanvas2dTextSize; |
class function StrToFontNameList(AText: string): ArrayOfString; |
Converts a string of font names to a list. |
function toDataURL(mimeType: string = 'image/png'): string; |
Converts the image to code that can be put in an image href |
procedure addPath(ASvgPath: string); overload; |
Adds an SVG path to the current drawing. |
procedure addPath(APath: IBGRAPath); overload; |
Adds a path to the current drawing. |
procedure arc(x, y, radius, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single); overload; |
Adds an arc around the specified point in the clockwise direction. |
procedure arc(x, y, radius, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single; anticlockwise: boolean); overload; |
procedure arc(cx, cy, rx,ry, xAngleRadCW, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single; anticlockwise: boolean); overload; |
procedure arc(constref arcDef: TArcDef); overload; |
Adds an elliptical |
procedure arc(cx, cy, rx,ry, xAngleRadCW, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single); overload; |
Adds an elliptical arc around the specified point in the clockwise direction. |
procedure arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius: single); overload; |
Adds an arc from current position. |
procedure arcTo(p1,p2: TPointF; radius: single); overload; |
procedure arcTo(rx, ry, xAngleRadCW: single; largeArc,anticlockwise: boolean; x, y: single); |
Adds an elliptic arc of the given angle from current position. |
procedure beginPath; |
procedure bezierCurveTo(cp1x,cp1y,cp2x,cp2y,x,y: single); overload; |
Adds a cubic Bézier curve to a specified point. |
procedure bezierCurveTo(constref cp1,cp2,pt: TPointF); overload; |
Adds a cubic Bézier curve to a specified point using TPointF. |
procedure circle(x,y,r: single); |
Adds a full |
procedure clearPath; |
Clears the area represented by the current path, making the canvas transparent |
procedure clearRect(x,y,w,h: single); |
Directly clears a rectangle, making it fully transparent. |
procedure clip; |
Clips the drawing region to the current path. |
procedure closedSpline(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle); |
procedure closePath; |
Closes the current path. |
procedure copyStateFrom(AOtherCanvas2D: TBGRACanvas2D); |
Save the current state and copy the canvas state from another canvas. |
procedure drawImage(image: TBGRACustomBitmap; dx,dy: single; AFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear); overload; |
Draws an image at the specified location. |
procedure drawImage(image: TBGRACustomBitmap; dx,dy,dw,dh: single; AFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear); overload; |
Draws an image with scaling. |
procedure ellipse(x,y,rx,ry: single); |
Adds a full |
procedure fill; overload; |
Fills the current path with the current |
procedure fill(AFillProc: TBGRAPathFillProc; AData: pointer); overload; |
Fills the current path using the specified function. |
procedure fill(AFillProc: TBGRAPathFillProc; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AData: pointer); overload; |
Fills the current path using the specified function and transformation matrix. |
procedure fillOverStroke; |
procedure fillRect(x,y,w,h: single); |
Directly fills a rectangle with the current fill style. |
procedure fillStyle(color: TBGRAPixel); overload; |
Sets the fill style to a solid color specified as TBGRAPixel |
procedure fillStyle(provider: IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D); overload; |
Sets the fill style to a texture using a texture provider. |
procedure fillStyle(color: string); overload; |
Sets the fill style to a solid color specified as CSS string |
procedure fillStyle(texture: IBGRAScanner); overload; |
Sets the fill style to a texture defined by IBGRAScanner interface.
The texture can be a TBGRABitmap object or any custom scanner. |
procedure fillStyle(color: TColor); overload; |
procedure fillText(AText: string; x,y: single); |
procedure lineStyle(const AValue: array of single); overload; |
Sets the style for lines. |
procedure lineStyle(AStyle: TPenStyle); overload; |
Sets the style for lines using a predefined style. |
procedure lineTo(constref pt: TPointF); overload; |
procedure lineTo(x,y: single); overload; |
Connects with a line to a specified point. |
procedure mask(image: TBGRACustomBitmap; dx,dy: single; AFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear); overload; |
Applies the specified mask at the specified location for future drawings. |
procedure mask(image: TBGRACustomBitmap; dx,dy,dw,dh: single; AFilter: TResampleFilter = rfLinear); overload; |
Applies the specified |
procedure moveTo(x,y: single); overload; |
Moves the pen to a new location. |
procedure moveTo(constref pt: TPointF); overload; |
Moves the pen to a new location using TPointF. |
procedure openedSpline(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle); |
procedure path(APath: IBGRAPath); overload; |
Replaces the current defined path. |
procedure path(ASvgPath: string); overload; |
Replaces the current defined |
procedure polylineTo(const pts: array of TPointF); |
Add multiple connected lines. |
procedure quadraticCurveTo(cpx,cpy,x,y: single); overload; |
Adds a quadratic Bézier curve to a specified point. |
procedure quadraticCurveTo(constref cp,pt: TPointF); overload; |
Adds a quadratic Bézier curve to a specified point using TPointF. |
procedure rect(x,y,w,h: single); |
Adds a rectangle specified by its top-left corner, width and height |
procedure resetTransform; |
Resets the current transformation matrix to the identity matrix. |
procedure restore; |
Restores the most recently saved canvas state by popping the top entry in the drawing state stack.
If there is no saved state, this method does nothing. |
procedure roundRect(x,y,w,h,radius: single); overload; |
Adds a rounded rectangle. |
procedure roundRect(x,y,w,h,rx,ry: single); overload; |
Adds a rounded rectangle with different x and y radii. |
procedure save; |
Saves the entire state of the canvas by pushing the current state onto a stack.
The drawing state consists of: |
procedure scale(x,y: single); overload; |
Apply scaling to the canvas with independent x and y scales. |
procedure scale(factor: single); overload; |
Apply uniform scaling to the canvas. |
procedure setTransform(m11,m21, m12,m22, m13,m23: single); |
Resets the current transform to the identity matrix, then applies the new transformation. |
procedure shadowColor(color: TBGRAPixel); overload; |
Sets the color of the shadow specified as TBGRAPixel |
procedure shadowColor(color: string); overload; |
Sets the color of the shadow specified as CSS string |
procedure shadowColor(color: TColor); overload; |
Sets the color of the shadow specified as TColor |
procedure shadowNone; |
Removes any shadow effect from future drawings. |
procedure skewx(angleRadCW: single); |
Skews the drawing on the canvas along the X axis by the given angle in radians. |
procedure skewy(angleRadCW: single); |
Skews the drawing on the canvas along the Y axis by the given angle in radians. |
procedure spline(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle= ssOutside); |
Adds a
It will be closed if the last point is equal to the first one. |
procedure splineTo(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle= ssOutside); |
Continues from current position with an opened spline. |
procedure stroke(ADrawProc: TBGRAPathDrawProc; AData: pointer); overload; |
Strokes the current path using the specified function. |
procedure stroke(ADrawProc: TBGRAPathDrawProc; const AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AData: pointer); overload; |
Strokes the current path using the specified function and transformation matrix. |
procedure stroke; overload; |
Strokes the current path with the current |
procedure strokeOverFill; |
procedure strokeRect(x,y,w,h: single); |
Directly strokes a rectangle with the current stroke style. |
procedure strokeResetTransform; |
Resets the stroke transformation matrix to the identity matrix, removing any stroke transformations. |
procedure strokeScale(x,y: single); |
Apply scaling to the stroke. Can specify x and y scales independently. |
procedure strokeSkewx(angleRadCW: single); |
Skews the stroke on the canvas along the X axis by the given angle in radians. |
procedure strokeSkewy(angleRadCW: single); |
Skews the stroke on the canvas along the Y axis by the given angle in radians. |
procedure strokeStyle(color: TBGRAPixel); overload; |
Sets the stroke to a solid color specified as TBGRAPixel |
procedure strokeStyle(provider: IBGRACanvasTextureProvider2D); overload; |
Sets the stroke to a texture using a texture provider. |
procedure strokeStyle(color: TColor); overload; |
procedure strokeStyle(texture: IBGRAScanner); overload; |
Sets the stroke to a texture defined by IBGRAScanner interface.
The texture can be a TBGRABitmap object or any custom scanner. |
procedure strokeStyle(color: string); overload; |
Sets the stroke to a solid color specified as CSS string |
procedure strokeText(AText: string; x,y: single); |
Draws directly the outline of the specified text using current stroke style. |
procedure text(AText: string; x,y: single); |
Adds the path of a |
procedure toSpline(closed: boolean; style: TSplineStyle= ssOutside); |
procedure transform(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix); overload; |
Applies a pre-built transformation matrix to the canvas. |
procedure transform(m11,m21, m12,m22, m13,m23: single); overload; |
Applies a transformation matrix to the canvas. |
procedure translate(x,y: single); |
Translates the canvas origin to a new location. |
procedure unclip; |
Reintroduce the current path in the drawing region. |
property currentPath: ArrayOfTPointF read GetCurrentPathAsPoints; |
The current path as an array of points. |
property direction: TFontBidiMode read GetTextDirection write SetTextDirection; |
The |
property fillMode: TFillMode read GetFillMode write SetFillMode; |
The rule to use for filling shapes (non-zero winding, even-odd alternate). |
property font: string read GetFontString write SetFontString; |
Combined |
property fontEmHeight: single read GetFontEmHeight write SetFontEmHeight; |
property fontName: string read GetFontName write SetFontName; |
property fontRenderer: TBGRACustomFontRenderer read GetFontRenderer write SetFontRenderer; |
The renderer used for custom font drawing. |
property fontStyle: TFontStyles read GetFontStyle write SetFontStyle; |
The style of the font using LCL enumeration set. |
property globalAlpha: single read GetGlobalAlpha write SetGlobalAlpha; |
The global alpha (transparency) applied to drawings. |
property hasShadow: boolean read GetHasShadow; |
Indicates if any shadow is set.
A shadow is visible if the shadow color is set and the offset or the radius is set. |
property height: Integer read GetHeight; |
The |
property lineCap: string read GetLineCap write SetLineCap; |
The shape used at the end of lines ( |
property lineCapLCL: TPenEndCap read GetLineCapLCL write SetLineCapLCL; |
Line cap style using LCL enumeration. |
property lineJoin: string read GetlineJoin write SetLineJoin; |
The type of corner created when two lines meet ( |
property lineJoinLCL: TPenJoinStyle read GetlineJoinLCL write SetLineJoinLCL; |
Line join style using LCL enumeration. |
property lineWidth: single read GetLineWidth write SetLineWidth; |
The width of lines drawn on the canvas. |
property matrix: TAffineMatrix read GetMatrix write SetMatrix; |
The transformation |
property miterLimit: single read GetMiterLimit write SetMiterLimit; |
The maximum miter length when connecting lines. |
property pixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean read GetPixelCenteredCoordinates write SetPixelCenteredCoordinates; |
Determines if coordinates are centered on pixels (false by default). |
property shadowBlur: single read GetShadowBlur write SetShadowBlur; |
The blur level of the shadow. |
property shadowFastest: boolean read GetShadowFastest write SetShadowFastest; |
If true, uses a faster but less accurate shadow algorithm. |
property shadowOffset: TPointF read GetShadowOffset write SetShadowOffset; |
The offset of the shadow as a TPointF. |
property shadowOffsetX: single read GetShadowOffsetX write SetShadowOffsetX; |
The horizontal offset of the shadow from the shape. |
property shadowOffsetY: single read GetShadowOffsetY write SetShadowOffsetY; |
The vertical offset of the shadow from the shape. |
property strokeMatrix: TAffineMatrix read GetStrokeMatrix write SetStrokeMatrix; |
The transformation matrix applied to pen. |
property surface: TBGRACustomBitmap read FSurface; |
The underlying bitmap where the canvas draws. |
property textAlign: string read GetTextAlign write SetTextAlign; |
Horizontal alignment of text ( |
property textAlignLCL: TAlignment read GetTextAlignLCL write SetTextAlignLCL; |
Horizontal alignment of text using LCL enumeration. |
property textBaseline: string read GetTextBaseline write SetTextBaseline; |
Vertical alignment of text ( |
property width: Integer read GetWidth; |
The |