Unit BGRAClasses

📄 Source code


Basic Pascal types regardless of the framework (LCL, no LCL, MSEgui). To be used instead of Classes and Types in unit clause.



Functions and Procedures

procedure Dec64(var AValue: int64; const ADelta: int64); overload; inline;
procedure Dec64(var AValue: uint64; const ADelta: uint64); overload; inline;
procedure DecF(var ADest: single; ADelta: single); overload; inline;
procedure DecF(var ADest: double; ADelta: double); overload; inline;
procedure Inc64(var AValue: int64; const ADelta: int64); overload; inline;
procedure Inc64(var AValue: uint64; const ADelta: uint64); overload; inline;
procedure IncF(var ADest: single; ADelta: single); overload; inline;
procedure IncF(var ADest: double; ADelta: double); overload; inline;
function Point(AX, AY: Integer): TPoint;
function Rect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Integer): TRect;
function Size(AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TSize;


EFCreateError = Classes.EFCreateError;
EFOpenError = Classes.EFOpenError;
EInvalidOperation = Classes.EInvalidOperation;
Int32or64 = Int64;
PPoint = ˆTPoint;
PRect = ˆTRect;
PSize = ˆTSize;
TAlignment = Classes.TAlignment;
TComponent = Classes.TComponent;
TFPList = Classes.TFPList;
THandleStream = Classes.THandleStream;
TList = Classes.TList;
TMemoryStream = Classes.TMemoryStream;
TNotifyEvent = Classes.TNotifyEvent;
TPersistent = Classes.TPersistent;
TPoint = Types.TPoint;
TPointF = Types.TPointF;
TRect = Types.TRect;
TRectF = Types.TRectF;
TResourceStream = Classes.TResourceStream;
TSeekOrigin = Classes.TSeekOrigin;
TShiftState = Classes.TShiftState;
TSize = Types.TSize;
TStream = Classes.TStream;
TStringList = Classes.TStringList;
TStrings = Classes.TStrings;
TStringStream = Classes.TStringStream;
UInt32or64 = UInt64;


fmCreate = Classes.fmCreate;
fmOpenRead = Classes.fmOpenRead;
fmOpenReadWrite = Classes.fmOpenReadWrite;
fmOpenWrite = Classes.fmOpenWrite;
soBeginning = Classes.soBeginning;
soCurrent = Classes.soCurrent;
soEnd = Classes.soEnd;
soFromBeginning = Classes.soFromBeginning;
soFromCurrent = Classes.soFromCurrent;
soFromEnd = Classes.soFromEnd;
ssAlt = Classes.ssAlt;
ssCtrl = Classes.ssCtrl;
ssDouble = Classes.ssDouble;
ssLeft = Classes.ssLeft;
ssMiddle = Classes.ssMiddle;
ssRight = Classes.ssRight;
ssShift = Classes.ssShift;
ssTriple = Classes.ssTriple;
taCenter = Classes.taCenter;
taLeftJustify = Classes.taLeftJustify;
taRightJustify = Classes.taRightJustify;


Functions and Procedures

procedure Dec64(var AValue: int64; const ADelta: int64); overload; inline;

This item has no description.

procedure Dec64(var AValue: uint64; const ADelta: uint64); overload; inline;

This item has no description.

procedure DecF(var ADest: single; ADelta: single); overload; inline;

This item has no description.

procedure DecF(var ADest: double; ADelta: double); overload; inline;

This item has no description.

procedure Inc64(var AValue: int64; const ADelta: int64); overload; inline;

This item has no description.

procedure Inc64(var AValue: uint64; const ADelta: uint64); overload; inline;

This item has no description.

procedure IncF(var ADest: single; ADelta: single); overload; inline;

This item has no description.

procedure IncF(var ADest: double; ADelta: double); overload; inline;

This item has no description.

function Point(AX, AY: Integer): TPoint;

This item has no description.

function Rect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Integer): TRect;

This item has no description.

function Size(AWidth, AHeight: Integer): TSize;

This item has no description.


EFCreateError = Classes.EFCreateError;

File creation exception

EFOpenError = Classes.EFOpenError;

File open exception

EInvalidOperation = Classes.EInvalidOperation;

Invalid operation exception

Int32or64 = Int64;

Signed integer value of at least 32 bits

PPoint = ˆTPoint;

This item has no description.

PRect = ˆTRect;

This item has no description.

PSize = ˆTSize;

This item has no description.

TAlignment = Classes.TAlignment;

Horizontal alignment

TComponent = Classes.TComponent;

Base component class

TFPList = Classes.TFPList;

FreePascal list of pointers

THandleStream = Classes.THandleStream;

Stream attached to file handle

TList = Classes.TList;

Delphi list of pointers

TMemoryStream = Classes.TMemoryStream;

Memory stream

TNotifyEvent = Classes.TNotifyEvent;

Standard event without parameters

TPersistent = Classes.TPersistent;

Base persistent class

TPoint = Types.TPoint;

Represents a point with X and Y integer coordinates

TPointF = Types.TPointF;

Contains a point with single-precision floating point coordinates

TRect = Types.TRect;

This item has no description.

TRectF = Types.TRectF;

Represents a rectangle with single-precision floating point coordinates

TResourceStream = Classes.TResourceStream;

Resource stream

TSeekOrigin = Classes.TSeekOrigin;

Stream seek origin

TShiftState = Classes.TShiftState;

This item has no description.

TSize = Types.TSize;

Constains a size with integer with and height

TStream = Classes.TStream;

Stream base class

TStringList = Classes.TStringList;

String list

TStrings = Classes.TStrings;

Base string list

TStringStream = Classes.TStringStream;

String stream

UInt32or64 = UInt64;

Unsigned integer value of at least 32 bits


fmCreate = Classes.fmCreate;

This item has no description.

fmOpenRead = Classes.fmOpenRead;

This item has no description.

fmOpenReadWrite = Classes.fmOpenReadWrite;

This item has no description.

fmOpenWrite = Classes.fmOpenWrite;

This item has no description.

soBeginning = Classes.soBeginning;

This item has no description.

soCurrent = Classes.soCurrent;

This item has no description.

soEnd = Classes.soEnd;

This item has no description.

soFromBeginning = Classes.soFromBeginning;

This item has no description.

soFromCurrent = Classes.soFromCurrent;

This item has no description.

soFromEnd = Classes.soFromEnd;

This item has no description.

ssAlt = Classes.ssAlt;

This item has no description.

ssCtrl = Classes.ssCtrl;

This item has no description.

ssDouble = Classes.ssDouble;

This item has no description.

ssLeft = Classes.ssLeft;

This item has no description.

ssMiddle = Classes.ssMiddle;

This item has no description.

ssRight = Classes.ssRight;

This item has no description.

ssShift = Classes.ssShift;

This item has no description.

ssTriple = Classes.ssTriple;

This item has no description.

taCenter = Classes.taCenter;

This item has no description.

taLeftJustify = Classes.taLeftJustify;

types always imported from Classes

taRightJustify = Classes.taRightJustify;

This item has no description.