Unit BGRABitmapTypes

đź“„ Source code


Basic types for BGRABitmap.

This unit is generally needed in the uses clause, along with the BGRABitmap unit.

It defines pixel types, image formats, text options, gemoetry types, colors and base classes.

Whether you're using LCL types or not, add also BGRAGraphics unit rather than Graphics unit to get the most portable types.




Name Description
Class ColorspaceCollection The collection of all colorspaces and conversions between them.
Interface IBGRAPath Interface for path functions.
Interface IBGRAScanner Interface for a scanner.
Packed Record TAdobeRGBA AdobeRGB color (8-bit channels)
Class TAdobeRGBAColorspace AdobeRGB colorspace (8-bit channels)
Record TAdobeRGBAHelper Helper for TAdobeRGBA color
Object TAffineBox Object representing an affine box.
Record TArcDef Definition of an arc of an ellipse
Record TBGRAColorDefinition Definition of a single color in RGB colorspace
Class TBGRAColorList Contains a fixed list of colors
Class TBGRACustomArrow Generic class configuring and rendering an arrow.
Class TBGRACustomBitmap Base class for TBGRABitmap.
Class TBGRACustomFillInfo Abstract class defining any shape that can be filled
Class TBGRACustomFontRenderer Abstract class for all font renderers
Class TBGRACustomGradient Defines a gradient of color, not specifying its shape but only the series of colors
Class TBGRACustomPath Generic class representing a path, providing methods for creation and exploration
Class TBGRACustomPathCursor Class that contains a cursor to browse an existing path
Class TBGRACustomPenStroker Generic class representing a pen stroker, used for drawing and styling lines with various attributes
Class TBGRACustomScanner Base class for implementing IBGRAScanner interface
Class TBGRACustomWriterPNG Generic definition for a PNG writer with alpha option
Class TBGRAImageReader Bitmap reader with additional features
Packed Record TBGRAPixel Each pixel is a sequence of 4 bytes containing blue, green, red and alpha channel.
Record TBGRAPixelBasicHelper Helper for basic conversions of TBGRAPixel
Class TBGRAPixelColorspace StdRGB colorspace (8-bit channels)
Record TBGRAPixelHelper Helper for TBGRAPixel color
Class TBGRAResourceManager Generic class for embedded resource management
Record TBridgedConversion Color conversion involving two steps
Packed Record TByteMask Grayscale color (8-bit channels)
Class TByteMaskColorspace Grayscale colorspace (8-bit channels)
Record TByteMaskHelper Helper for TByteMask color
Class TColorColorspace StdRGB colorspace (8-bit channels)
Type TColorHelper Helper for TColor color
Object TCubicBezierCurve Definition of a BĂ©zier curve of order 3.
Class TCustomColorspace Base class for a colorspace
Class TCustomUniversalBitmap Base class for the universal bitmap (of any colorspace)
Class TCustomUniversalDrawer Abstract class for a drawer on an universal bitmap
Packed Record TDefaultSolidBrushIndirectFixedData Default data structure for a solid brush
Object TEasyBezierCurve Object representing an easy-to-use Bezier curve.
Packed Record TExpandedPixel Stores a gamma expanded RGB color.
Record TExpandedPixelBasicHelper Helper for basic conversions of TExpandedPixel
Class TExpandedPixelColorspace LinearRGB colorspace (16-bit channels)
Record TExpandedPixelHelper Helper for TExpandedPixel color
Record TFontPixelMetric Measurements of a font
Record TFontPixelMetricF Measurements of a font in floating point values
Record TFPColorBasicHelper Helper for basic conversions of TFPColor
Class TFPColorColorspace StdRGB colorspace (16-bit channels)
Record TFPColorHelper Helper for TFPColor color
Class TGenericUniversalBitmap Abstract class for a bitmap in a specific colorspace
Packed Record TGSBAPixel Pixel color defined in corrected HSL colorspace.
Record TGSBAPixelBasicHelper Helper for basic conversion of TGSBAPixel
Class TGSBAPixelColorspace GSB colorspace (16-bit channels)
Record TGSBAPixelHelper Helper for TGSBAPixel color
Packed Record THSLAPixel Pixel color defined in linear HSL colorspace with gamma correction.
Record THSLAPixelBasicHelper Helper for basic conversions of THSLAPixel
Class THSLAPixelColorspace HSL colorspace (16-bit channels)
Record THSLAPixelHelper Helper for THSLAPixel color
Record TIlluminantSpectrumPoint Definition of the illuminant lightness for a wavelength
Class TIntersectionInfo Contains an intersection between an horizontal line and any shape.
Packed Record TLabA CIE Lab color (32-bit floating point channels)
Class TLabAColorspace CIE Lab colorspace (32-bit floating point channels)
Record TLabAHelper Helper for TLabA color
Packed Record TLChA CIE LCh color (32-bit floating point channels)
Class TLChAColorspace CIE LCh colorspace (32-bit floating point channels)
Record TLChAHelper Helper for TLChA color
Packed Record TLinearRGBA LinearRGB color (32-bit floating point channels)
Class TLinearRGBAColorspace LinearRGB colorspace (32-bit floating point channels)
Record TLinearRGBAHelper Helper for TLinearRGBA color
Record TLineDef Defition of a line in the euclidian plane
Record TPathCallbackData Data to be passed to the callback function of the path
Record TPoint3D Point in 3D with single-precision floating point coordinates
Record TPointFHelper Helper for TPointF structure providing additional functionality for point manipulation
Object TQuadraticBezierCurve Definition of a BĂ©zier curve of order 2.
Record TQuickImageInfo Image information from superficial analysis
Object TRationalQuadraticBezierCurve Quasi-standard rational quadratic Bezier curve.
Record TRectFHelper Helper for TRectF structure providing additional functionality for rectangle manipulation
Record TSpectralLocusPoint Definition of a point on the spectral locus in XYZ colorspace
Packed Record TStdCMYK StdCMYK color (32-bit floating point channels)
Class TStdCMYKColorspace StdCMYK colorspace (32-bit floating point channels)
Record TStdCMYKHelper Helper for TStdCMYK color
Packed Record TStdHSLA StdHSL color (32-bit floating point channels)
Class TStdHSLAColorspace StdHSL colorspace (32-bit floating point channels)
Record TStdHSLAHelper Helper for TStdHSLA color
Packed Record TStdHSVA StdHSV color (32-bit floating point channels)
Class TStdHSVAColorspace StdHSV colorspace (32-bit floating point channels)
Record TStdHSVAHelper Helper for TStdHSVA color
Packed Record TStdRGBA StdRGB color (32-bit floating point channels)
Class TStdRGBAColorspace StdRGB colorspace (32-bit floating point channels)
Record TStdRGBAHelper Helper for TStdRGBA color
Record TUniBrushContext Working area to be provided to a brush
Record TUniversalBrush Unversal brush (can be initialized for any colorspace and mode)
Packed Record TWordXYZA CIE XYZ color (16-bit channels)
Class TWordXYZAColorspace CIE XYZ colorspace (16-bit channels)
Record TWordXYZAHelper Helper for TWordXYZA color
Packed Record TXYZA CIE XYZ color (32-bit floating point channels)
Class TXYZAColorspace CIE XYZ colorspace (32-bit floating point channels)
Record TXYZAHelper Helper for TXYZA color
Packed Record TXYZReferenceWhite Definition of a reference white
Packed Record TYCbCr601 YCbCr BT.601 color (32-bit floating point channels)
Class TYCbCr601Colorspace YCbCr BT.601 colorspace (32-bit floating point channels)
Record TYCbCr601Helper Helper for TYCbCr601 color
Packed Record TYCbCr601JPEG YCbCr BT.601 JPEG color (32-bit floating point channels)
Class TYCbCr601JPEGColorspace YCbCr BT.601 JPEG colorspace (32-bit floating point channels)
Record TYCbCr601JPEGHelper Helper for TYCbCr601JPEG color
Packed Record TYCbCr709 YCbCr BT.709 color (32-bit floating point channels)
Class TYCbCr709Colorspace YCbCr BT.709 colorspace (32-bit floating point channels)
Record TYCbCr709Helper Helper for TYCbCr709 color
Packed Record TYCbCr709JPEG YCbCr BT.709 JPEG color (32-bit floating point channels)
Class TYCbCr709JPEGColorspace YCbCr BT.709 JPEG colorspace (32-bit floating point channels)
Record TYCbCr709JPEGHelper Helper for TYCbCr709JPEG color
Packed Record TYCbCrStdParameters Parameters for a YCbCr colorspace

Functions and Procedures

operator * (factor: single; const pt1: TPointF): TPointF; inline;
operator * (const c1, c2: TColorF): TColorF; inline;
operator * (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): single; inline;
operator * (const pt1: TPointF; factor: single): TPointF; inline;
operator * (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): single; inline;
operator * (const v1: TPoint3D; const factor: single): TPoint3D; inline;
operator * (const c1: TColorF; factor: single): TColorF; inline;
operator * (const factor: single; const v1: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
operator ** (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): single; inline;
operator + (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): TPointF; inline;
operator + (const c1, c2: TColorF): TColorF; inline;
operator + (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
operator - (const c1, c2: TColorF): TColorF; inline;
operator - (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
operator - (const v: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
operator - (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): TPointF; inline;
operator - (const pt2: TPointF): TPointF; inline;
operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TYCbCr709JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TWordXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TYCbCr709;
operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TLinearRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TYCbCr601;
operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TYCbCr601JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TFPColor;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TBGRAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TColor;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TStdRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TLabA;
operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TLChA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TAdobeRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TWordXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TLabA;
operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TYCbCr709JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TYCbCr601;
operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TYCbCr601JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TYCbCr709;
operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TStdHSVA;
operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TStdCMYK;
operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TByteMask;
operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TStdHSLA;
operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TLChA;
operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TStdRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TAdobeRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TStdHSLA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TStdCMYK;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TStdHSVA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TExpandedPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TByteMask;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TStdRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TFPColor;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TStdHSLA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TAdobeRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TYCbCr709JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TYCbCr709;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TWordXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): THSLAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TLinearRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TYCbCr601;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TGSBAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): THSLAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TLinearRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TYCbCr601JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TGSBAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TStdCMYK;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TStdHSVA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TExpandedPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TByteMask;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TLChA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TLabA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TBGRAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TColor;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TYCbCr709JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TYCbCr709;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TWordXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TLChA;
operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TStdRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TAdobeRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TLabA;
operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TYCbCr709JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TWordXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TStdHSLA;
operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TYCbCr601JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TYCbCr709;
operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TYCbCr709JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TYCbCr601;
operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TStdHSVA;
operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TStdCMYK;
operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TLinearRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TStdRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TAdobeRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TStdHSLA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TLChA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TWordXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TLabA;
operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TStdHSVA;
operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TYCbCr601;
operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TYCbCr601JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TYCbCr709;
operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TGSBAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TStdCMYK;
operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TLinearRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): THSLAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TWordXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TLabA;
operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TYCbCr709JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TYCbCr601;
operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TYCbCr601JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TYCbCr709;
operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TLChA;
operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TStdCMYK;
operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TByteMask;
operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TLinearRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TStdHSVA;
operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TStdRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TAdobeRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TStdHSLA;
operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TBGRAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TFPColor;
operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TStdRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TColor;
operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TWordXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TLabA;
operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TLChA;
operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TAdobeRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TExpandedPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): THSLAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TGSBAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TByteMask;
operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TStdHSLA;
operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TStdHSVA;
operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TStdCMYK;
operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TLabA;
operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TLChA;
operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TColor;
operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TYCbCr601JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TYCbCr709;
operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TYCbCr709JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TBGRAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TStdHSVA;
operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TStdCMYK;
operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TByteMask;
operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TStdHSLA;
operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TFPColor;
operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TStdRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TAdobeRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TStdRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TAdobeRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TStdHSLA;
operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TFPColor;
operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TLChA;
operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TColor;
operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TBGRAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TStdHSVA;
operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): THSLAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TGSBAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TYCbCr601;
operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TLinearRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TStdCMYK;
operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TByteMask;
operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TExpandedPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TExpandedPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TExpandedPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TLinearRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TLChA): THSLAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TByteMask;
operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TStdHSLA;
operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TStdHSVA;
operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TStdCMYK;
operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TGSBAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TWordXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TLabA;
operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TYCbCr709JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TYCbCr601;
operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TYCbCr601JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TYCbCr709;
operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TYCbCr601JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TYCbCr709;
operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TYCbCr709JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TYCbCr601;
operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TLinearRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TLabA): THSLAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TGSBAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TFPColor;
operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TStdRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TAdobeRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TBGRAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TWordXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TLChA;
operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TColor;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TWordXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TLabA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TLChA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TYCbCr601;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TYCbCr601JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TYCbCr709JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TColor;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TStdHSLA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TStdHSVA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TStdCMYK;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TAdobeRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TBGRAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TFPColor;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TStdRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TFPColor;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TStdRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TAdobeRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TBGRAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TLabA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TLChA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TColor;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TStdHSLA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TLinearRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): THSLAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TGSBAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TExpandedPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TStdHSVA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TStdCMYK;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TByteMask;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TByteMask;
operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TByteMask;
operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TExpandedPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TLinearRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TStdCMYK;
operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TAdobeRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TStdHSLA;
operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TStdHSVA;
operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): THSLAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TYCbCr709JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TWordXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TLabA;
operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TYCbCr709;
operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TGSBAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TYCbCr601;
operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TYCbCr601JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TYCbCr601;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TYCbCr601JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TYCbCr709;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TGSBAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TExpandedPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TLinearRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): THSLAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TBGRAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TFPColor;
operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TStdRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TColor;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TWordXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TLabA;
operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TLChA;
operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TStdRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TAdobeRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TLChA;
operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TWordXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TLabA;
operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TLinearRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TYCbCr601;
operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TStdCMYK;
operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TStdHSLA;
operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TStdHSVA;
operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TStdCMYK;
operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TLinearRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TStdHSVA;
operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TAdobeRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TStdHSLA;
operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TYCbCr709JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TYCbCr709;
operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TYCbCr601;
operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TYCbCr601JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TYCbCr601JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TByteMask;
operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TExpandedPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TStdCMYK;
operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TStdHSLA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TStdHSVA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TYCbCr601;
operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TYCbCr601JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TGSBAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TLinearRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): THSLAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TWordXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TLabA;
operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TYCbCr709;
operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TYCbCr709JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TFPColor;
operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TAdobeRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TBGRAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TLChA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TColor;
Operator := (const Source: TExpandedPixel): TGSBAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TColor): TGSBAPixel;
Operator := (const Source: TGSBAPixel): TExpandedPixel;
Operator := (const Source: TGSBAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
Operator := (const Source: TBGRAPixel): TGSBAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TColor): TByteMask;
operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TByteMask;
Operator := (const Source: THSLAPixel): TGSBAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TColor;
Operator := (const Source: TGSBAPixel): THSLAPixel;
Operator := (const Source: TBGRAPixel): TExpandedPixel;
Operator := (const Source: THSLAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
Operator := (const Source: TExpandedPixel): TBGRAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TColor;
operator := (const AValue: TColor): TExpandedPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TColor): THSLAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TColor;
Operator := (const Source: TExpandedPixel): THSLAPixel;
Operator := (const Source: TBGRAPixel): THSLAPixel;
Operator := (const Source: THSLAPixel): TExpandedPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TByteMask;
operator := (const AValue: TColor): TYCbCr709;
operator := (const AValue: TColor): TYCbCr709JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TColor): TYCbCr601JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TColor): TLinearRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TColor): TYCbCr601;
operator := (const AValue: TColor): TLChA;
operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TStdRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TColor): TLabA;
operator := (const AValue: TColor): TXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TColor): TWordXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TExpandedPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TByteMask;
operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TFPColor;
operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TColor;
operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TBGRAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TColor): TStdHSVA;
operator := (const AValue: TColor): TStdCMYK;
operator := (const AValue: TColor): TStdHSLA;
operator := (const AValue: TColor): TStdRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TColor): TAdobeRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TExpandedPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TLinearRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TByteMask;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TStdHSLA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TStdCMYK;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TYCbCr601JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TYCbCr709;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TYCbCr601;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): THSLAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TGSBAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TLabA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TLChA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TWordXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TYCbCr709JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TStdRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TAdobeRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TFPColor;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TColor;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TBGRAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TYCbCr709JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TLinearRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): THSLAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TExpandedPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TStdHSVA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TByteMask;
operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TYCbCr709;
operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TYCbCr709JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TYCbCr601JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TGSBAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TYCbCr601;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TLChA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TColor;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TLabA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TWordXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TAdobeRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TStdHSLA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TStdRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TBGRAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TFPColor;
operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TByteMask;
operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TExpandedPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TStdCMYK;
operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TStdHSLA;
operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TStdHSVA;
operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TYCbCr601;
operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TYCbCr601JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TGSBAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TLinearRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): THSLAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TWordXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TLabA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TYCbCr709;
operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TYCbCr709JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TFPColor;
operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TStdRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TBGRAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TLChA;
operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TColor;
operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TYCbCr709;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TStdCMYK;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TByteMask;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TExpandedPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TStdRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TAdobeRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TStdHSVA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TYCbCr601;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TYCbCr601JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TYCbCr709;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TLinearRGBA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): THSLAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TGSBAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TFPColor;
operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TWordXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TXYZA;
operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TYCbCr709JPEG;
operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TLabA;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TColor;
operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TBGRAPixel;
operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TLChA;
operator =(const AGuid1, AGuid2: TGuid): boolean;
operator = (const c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): boolean; inline;
operator = (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): boolean; inline;
operator = (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): boolean; inline;
procedure AddReferenceWhite(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
procedure AddReferenceWhite(AObserverAngle: integer; AIlluminant: string; AX, AY, AZ: single); overload;
function AdobeRGBAToXYZA(const ASource: TAdobeRGBA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA; overload;
function AdobeRGBAToXYZA(const ASource: TAdobeRGBA): TXYZA; overload;
function AlignmentToBidiTextAlignment(AAlign: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean): TBidiTextAlignment; overload;
function AlignmentToBidiTextAlignment(AAlign: TAlignment): TBidiTextAlignment; overload;
procedure AllocateBGRAPixelBuffer(var ABuffer: TBGRAPixelBuffer; ASize: integer);
procedure AllocateExpandedPixelBuffer(var ABuffer: TExpandedPixelBuffer; ASize: integer);
function ApplyIntensityFast(color: TBGRAPixel; lightness: LongWord): TBGRAPixel;
function ApplyLightnessFast(color: TBGRAPixel; lightness: word): TBGRAPixel; inline;
function ArcDef(cx, cy, rx,ry, xAngleRadCW, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single; anticlockwise: boolean) : TArcDef;
function BezierCurve(origin, control, destination: TPointF) : TQuadraticBezierCurve; overload;
function BezierCurve(origin, control1, control2, destination: TPointF) : TCubicBezierCurve; overload;
function BezierCurve(origin, control, destination: TPointF; Aweight:single) : TRationalQuadraticBezierCurve; overload;
function BezierCurve(origin, destination: TPointF) : TQuadraticBezierCurve; overload;
function BGRA(red, green, blue: byte): TBGRAPixel; overload; inline;
function BGRA(red, green, blue, alpha: byte): TBGRAPixel; overload; inline;
function BGRABitmapVersionStr: string;
procedure BGRADefaultWordBreakHandler(var ABefore, AAfter: string);
function BGRADiff(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): byte;
function BGRAGetGamma: single;
function BGRAPenStyle(dash1, space1: single; dash2: single=0; space2: single = 0; dash3: single=0; space3: single = 0; dash4 : single = 0; space4 : single = 0): TBGRAPenStyle;
function BGRAPixelToStdRGBA(const ABGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel): TStdRGBA;
procedure BGRASetGamma(AGamma: single = 1.7);
function BGRAToColor(c: TBGRAPixel): TColor;
function BGRAToColor16Bit(const AColor: TBGRAPixel): Word;
function BGRAToColorF(const a: array of TBGRAPixel; AGammaExpansion: boolean): ArrayOfTColorF; overload;
function BGRAToColorF(c: TBGRAPixel; AGammaExpansion: boolean): TColorF; overload;
function BGRAToFPColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): TFPColor; inline;
function BGRAToGrayscale(c: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
function BGRAToGrayscaleLinear(c: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
function BGRAToGSBA(c: TBGRAPixel): TGSBAPixel;
function BGRAToHSLA(c: TBGRAPixel): THSLAPixel;
function BGRAToMask(const ABGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel): TByteMask;
function BGRAToStr(c: TBGRAPixel; AColorList: TBGRAColorList = nil; AMaxDiff: Word= 0; AOptionalAlpha: boolean = false; AHashTagPrefix: boolean = false): string;
function BGRAWordDiff(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): word;
function BidiTextAlignmentToAlignment(ABidiAlign: TBidiTextAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean): TAlignment;
function ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(const AMask: TByteMask; AAlpha: byte = 255): TExpandedPixel;
function ByteSqrt(value: byte): byte; inline;
procedure ByteStdHSLToRGB(ASextant, APosition, ASaturation, ALightness: byte; out ARed, AGreen, ABlue: byte);
procedure ByteStdHSVToRGB(ASextant, APosition, ASaturation, AValue: byte; out ARed, AGreen, ABlue: byte);
function CheckPutImageBounds(x, y, tx, ty: integer; out minxb, minyb, maxxb, maxyb, ignoreleft: integer; const cliprect: TRect): boolean;
procedure ChromaticAdaptWordXYZ(var X,Y,Z: word; const AFrom, ATo: TXYZReferenceWhite); inline;
procedure ChromaticAdaptXYZ(var X,Y,Z: single; const AFrom, ATo: TXYZReferenceWhite); inline;
function CleanTextOutString(const s: string): string;
function Color16BitToBGRA(AColor: Word): TBGRAPixel;
function ColorF(red,green,blue,alpha: single): TColorF;
function ColorFToBGRA(c: TColorF; AGammaCompression: boolean): TBGRAPixel;
function ColorImportance(ec: TExpandedPixel): word;
function ColorToBGRA(color: TColor; opacity: byte): TBGRAPixel; overload;
function ColorToBGRA(color: TColor): TBGRAPixel; overload;
function CombineLightness(lightness1,lightness2: Int32or64): Int32or64;
function ConcatPointsF(const APolylines: array of ArrayOfTPointF; AInsertEmptyPointInBetween: boolean = false): ArrayOfTPointF;
function Cos65536(value: word): Int32or64; inline;
function CreateBGRAImageReader(AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat): TFPCustomImageReader;
function CreateBGRAImageWriter(AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat; AHasTransparentPixels: boolean): TFPCustomImageWriter;
procedure DefaultSolidBrushIndirectSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer; AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
procedure DefaultSolidBrushIndirectSkipPixels(AFixedData: Pointer; AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
function DetectFileFormat(AStream: TStream; ASuggestedExtensionUTF8: string = ''): TBGRAImageFormat;
function DetectFileFormat(AFilenameUTF8: string): TBGRAImageFormat;
function DoesQuadIntersect(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF): boolean;
function DoesSegmentIntersect(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF): boolean;
function EasyBezierCurve(APoints: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean; ACurveMode: TEasyBezierCurveMode; AMinimumDotProduct: single = EasyBezierDefaultMinimumDotProduct): TEasyBezierCurve; overload;
function EasyBezierCurve(APoints: array of TPointF; AStart, ACount: integer; AClosed: boolean; ACurveMode: TEasyBezierCurveMode; AMinimumDotProduct: single = EasyBezierDefaultMinimumDotProduct): TEasyBezierCurve; overload;
function EasyBezierCurve(APoints: array of TPointF; AStart, ACount: integer; AClosed: boolean; ACurveMode: array of TEasyBezierCurveMode; AMinimumDotProduct: single = EasyBezierDefaultMinimumDotProduct): TEasyBezierCurve; overload;
function EasyBezierCurve(APoints: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean; ACurveMode: array of TEasyBezierCurveMode; AMinimumDotProduct: single = EasyBezierDefaultMinimumDotProduct): TEasyBezierCurve; overload;
function ExpandedDiff(ec1, ec2: TExpandedPixel): word;
function ExpandedPixelToByteMask(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TByteMask;
function ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TLinearRGBA;
function ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TStdRGBA;
function ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TWordXYZA; overload;
function ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA; overload;
function ExpandedToFPColor(AExpanded: TExpandedPixel; AGammaCompression: boolean=true): TFPColor;
function ExpandedToGSBA(const ec: TExpandedPixel): TGSBAPixel;
function ExpandedToHSLA(const ec: TExpandedPixel): THSLAPixel;
function FastBGRAExpandedDiff(c1,c2: TBGRAPixel): word;
function FastBGRALinearDiff(c1,c2: TBGRAPixel): byte;
function FastRoundDiv257(valueWord: LongWord): byte; inline;
function FPColorToBGRA(AValue: TFPColor): TBGRAPixel;
function FPColorToExpanded(AColor: TFPColor; AGammaExpansion: boolean=true): TExpandedPixel;
function FPColorToStdRGBA(const AFPColor: TFPColor): TStdRGBA;
function GammaCompression(red,green,blue,alpha: word): TBGRAPixel; inline; overload;
function GammaCompression(const ec: TExpandedPixel): TBGRAPixel; inline; overload;
function GammaCompressionF(c: TColorF): TColorF;
function GammaCompressionW(AExpanded: word): word;
function GammaCompressionWF(AValue: Word): single;
function GammaExpansion(c: TBGRAPixel): TExpandedPixel; inline;
function GammaExpansionF(c: TColorF): TColorF;
function GammaExpansionFW(AValue: single): word;
function GammaExpansionW(ACompressed: word): word;
function GetByteStdLightness(ARed, AGreen, ABlue: byte): byte;
function GetHue(ec: TExpandedPixel): word;
function GetIntensity(c: TBGRAPixel): word; inline;
function GetIntensity(const c: TExpandedPixel): word; inline;
function GetLightness(c: TBGRAPixel): word; overload;
function GetLightness(const c: TExpandedPixel): word; inline; overload;
function GetReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite; overload;
function GetReferenceWhite(AObserverAngle: integer; AIlluminant: string): TXYZReferenceWhite; overload;
function GetReferenceWhiteByIndex(AIndex: integer): TXYZReferenceWhite;
function GetReferenceWhiteCount: integer;
function GetReferenceWhiteIndirect(AObserverAngle: integer; AIlluminant: string): PXYZReferenceWhite; overload;
function GetReferenceWhiteIndirect: PXYZReferenceWhite; overload;
function GrayscaleToBGRA(lightness: word): TBGRAPixel;
function GSBAToBGRA(const c: THSLAPixel): TBGRAPixel; overload;
function GSBAToBGRA(c: TGSBAPixel): TBGRAPixel; overload;
function GSBAToExpanded(c: TGSBAPixel): TExpandedPixel; overload;
function GSBAToExpanded(const c: THSLAPixel): TExpandedPixel; overload;
function GSBAToHSLA(const c: THSLAPixel): THSLAPixel; overload;
function GSBAToHSLA(const c: TGSBAPixel): THSLAPixel; overload;
function GtoH(ghue: word): word;
function HalfUp(value: single): integer;
function HalfUp64(value: single): Int64;
procedure HandleLinearRGBAOverflow(var result: TLinearRGBA; LumaRed, LumaGreen, LumaBlue: single); inline;
function HSLA(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha: word): THSLAPixel; overload; inline;
function HSLA(hue, saturation, lightness: word): THSLAPixel; overload; inline;
function HSLAToBGRA(const c: THSLAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
function HSLAToExpanded(const c: THSLAPixel): TExpandedPixel;
function HSLAToGSBA(const c: THSLAPixel): TGSBAPixel;
function HtoG(hue: word): word;
function HueDiff(h1, h2: word): word;
function IntersectLine(line1, line2: TLineDef): TPointF; overload;
function IntersectLine(line1, line2: TLineDef; out parallel: boolean): TPointF; overload;
function IsClockwise(const pts: array of TPointF): boolean;
function IsConvex(const pts: array of TPointF; IgnoreAlign: boolean = true): boolean;
function IsEmptyPoint(const APoint: TPoint): boolean;
function isEmptyPointF(const pt: TPointF): boolean;
function IsEmptyRectF(const ARect:TRectF): boolean;
function IsMostlyClockwise(const pts: array of TPointF): boolean;
function LabAToLChA(const ALabA: TLabA): TLChA;
function LabAToXYZA(const ALabA: TLabA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA; overload;
function LabAToXYZA(const ALabA: TLabA): TXYZA; overload;
function LChAToLabA(const ALChA: TLChA): TLabA;
function LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(const ALinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA): TExpandedPixel;
function LinearRGBAToStdRGBA(const ALinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA): TStdRGBA;
function LinearRGBAToXYZA(const ALinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA): TXYZA; overload;
function LinearRGBAToXYZA(const ALinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA; overload;
procedure LMSToXYZ(const L,M,S: Single; out X,Y,Z: single);
function MapHeight(Color: TBGRAPixel): Single;
function MapHeightToBGRA(Height: Single; Alpha: Byte): TBGRAPixel;
function MaskToBGRA(const AMask: TByteMask; AAlpha: byte = 255): TBGRAPixel;
function MergeBGRA(ec1: TExpandedPixel; weight1: integer; ec2: TExpandedPixel; weight2: integer): TExpandedPixel; overload;
function MergeBGRA(c1: TBGRAPixel; weight1: integer; c2: TBGRAPixel; weight2: integer): TBGRAPixel; overload;
function MergeBGRA(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; overload;
function MergeBGRA(const colors: array of TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; overload;
function MergeBGRA(ec1, ec2: TExpandedPixel): TExpandedPixel; overload;
function MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection(c1: TBGRAPixel; weight1: byte; c2: TBGRAPixel; weight2: byte): TBGRAPixel;
procedure Normalize3D(var v: TPoint3D); inline;
function PartialStrToBGRA(str: string; const fallbackValues: TBGRAPixel; out error: boolean): TBGRAPixel;
function Point3D(x,y,z: single): TPoint3D;
function PointF(pt: TPoint): TPointF; overload;
function PointF(x, y: single): TPointF; overload;
function PointsF(const pts: array of TPointF): ArrayOfTPointF;
function PolylineLen(const pts: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean = false): single;
function PositiveMod(value, cycle: Int32or64): Int32or64; inline; overload;
procedure PrecalcSin65536;
function PtInRect(const pt: TPoint; r: TRect): boolean; overload;
function RectF(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Single): TRectF;
function RectF(const ARect: TRect): TRectF;
function RectF(const ATopLeft,ABottomRight: TPointF): TRectF;
function RectWithSize(left,top,width,height: integer): TRect;
function RectWithSizeF(left,top,width,height: Single): TRectF;
function RemoveLineEnding(var s: string; indexByte: integer): boolean;
function RemoveLineEndingUTF8(var sUTF8: string; indexUTF8: integer): boolean;
function ResourceFile(AFilename: string): string;
procedure RGBToByteStdHSL(ARed, AGreen, ABlue: byte; out ASextant, APosition, ASaturation, ALightness: byte);
procedure RGBToByteStdHSV(ARed, AGreen, ABlue: byte; out ASextant, APosition, ASaturation, AValue: byte);
function SetIntensity(const c: TExpandedPixel; intensity: word): TExpandedPixel;
function SetIntensity(c: TBGRAPixel; intensity: word): TBGRAPixel;
function SetLightness(const c: TExpandedPixel; lightness: word; curLightness: word): TExpandedPixel; overload;
function SetLightness(c: TBGRAPixel; lightness: word): TBGRAPixel; overload;
function SetLightness(const c: TExpandedPixel; lightness: word): TExpandedPixel; overload;
procedure SetReferenceWhite(AObserverAngle: integer; AIlluminant: string); overload;
procedure SetReferenceWhite(AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;
function Sin65536(value: word): Int32or64; inline;
function SpectrumRangeReflectToXYZA(reflectance,wavelen1,wavelen2,alpha: single): TXYZA;
function StdCMYKToStdRGBA(const AStdCMYK: TStdCMYK; AAlpha: Single = 1): TStdRGBA;
function StdHSLAToStdHSVA(const AStdHSLA: TStdHSLA): TStdHSVA;
function StdHSLAToStdRGBA(const AStdHSLA: TStdHSLA): TStdRGBA;
function StdHSVAToStdHSLA(const AStdHSVA: TStdHSVA): TStdHSLA;
function StdHSVAToStdRGBA(const AStdHSVA: TStdHSVA): TStdRGBA;
function StdRGBAToBGRAPixel(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TBGRAPixel;
function StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TExpandedPixel;
function StdRGBAToFPColor(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TFPColor;
function StdRGBAToLinearRGBA(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TLinearRGBA;
function StdRGBAToStdCMYK(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TStdCMYK;
function StdRGBAToStdHSLA(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TStdHSLA;
function StdRGBAToStdHSVA(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TStdHSVA;
function StdRGBAToYCbCr601(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TYCbCr601;
function StdRGBAToYCbCr601JPEG(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TYCbCr601JPEG;
function StdRGBAToYCbCr709(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TYCbCr709;
function StdRGBAToYCbCr709JPEG(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TYCbCr709JPEG;
procedure StdRGBToYCbCr(const R, G, B: single; const AParameters: TYCbCrStdParameters; out Y, Cb, Cr: Single); inline;
function StrToBGRA(str: string): TBGRAPixel; overload;
function StrToBGRA(str: string; const DefaultColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; overload;
function StrToBlendOperation(str: string): TBlendOperation;
function StrToGradientType(str: string): TGradientType;
function StrToResampleFilter(str: string): TResampleFilter;
function SuggestImageExtension(AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat): string;
function SuggestImageFormat(AFilenameOrExtensionUTF8: string): TBGRAImageFormat;
procedure TryStrToBGRA(str: string; var parsedValue: TBGRAPixel; out missingValues: boolean; out error: boolean);
function VectDet(const v1,v2: TPointF): double; inline;
function VectLen(const v: TPointF): single; overload;
function VectLen(const dx,dy: single): single; overload; inline;
function VectLen3D(const v: TPoint3D): single;
procedure VectProduct3D(u,v: TPoint3D; out w: TPoint3D);
function WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(const AXYZA: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TExpandedPixel; overload;
function WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(const AXYZA: TWordXYZA): TExpandedPixel; overload;
function WordXYZAToXYZA(const AWordXYZA: TWordXYZA): TXYZA;
function XYZAToAdobeRGBA(const AXYZA: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TAdobeRGBA; overload;
function XYZAToAdobeRGBA(const AXYZA: TXYZA): TAdobeRGBA; overload;
function XYZAToLabA(const AXYZA: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLabA; overload;
function XYZAToLabA(const AXYZA: TXYZA): TLabA; overload;
function XYZAToLinearRGBA(const AXYZA: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLinearRGBA; overload;
function XYZAToLinearRGBA(const AXYZA: TXYZA): TLinearRGBA; overload;
function XYZAToWordXYZA(const AXYZA: TXYZA): TWordXYZA;
procedure XYZToLMS(const X,Y,Z: Single; out L,M,S: single);
function YCbCr601JPEGToStdRGBA(const AYCbCr: TYCbCr601JPEG; AAlpha: Single = 1): TStdRGBA;
function YCbCr601ToStdRGBA(const AYCbCr: TYCbCr601; ALumaRed, ALumaGreen, ALumaBlue, AAlpha: Single): TStdRGBA; overload;
function YCbCr601ToStdRGBA(const AYCbCr: TYCbCr601; AAlpha: Single = 1): TStdRGBA; overload;
function YCbCr709JPEGToStdRGBA(const AYCbCr: TYCbCr709JPEG; AAlpha: Single = 1): TStdRGBA;
function YCbCr709ToStdRGBA(const AYCbCr: TYCbCr709; AAlpha: Single = 1): TStdRGBA;
procedure YCbCrToStdRGB(const Y, Cb, Cr: Single; const AParameters: TYCbCrStdParameters; out R, G, B: Single); inline;


ArrayOfSingle = array of single;
ArrayOfTBGRAPixel = array of TBGRAPixel;
ArrayOfTColorF = array of TColorF;
ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo = array of TIntersectionInfo;
ArrayOfTPointF = array of TPointF;
Int32or64 = BGRAClasses.Int32or64;
PAdobeRGBA = ˆTAdobeRGBA;
PArcDef = ˆTArcDef;
PBGRAPixel = ˆTBGRAPixel;
PByteMask = ˆTByteMask;
PDefaultSolidBrushIndirectFixedData = ˆTDefaultSolidBrushIndirectFixedData;
PExpandedPixel = ˆTExpandedPixel;
PIntersectionInfo = ˆTIntersectionInfo;
PLabA = ˆTLabA;
PLinearRGBA = ˆTLinearRGBA;
PPoint3D = ˆTPoint3D;
PPointF = ˆBGRAClasses.TPointF;
PRectF = ˆTRectF;
PUniBrushContext = ˆTUniBrushContext;
PUniversalBrush = ˆTUniversalBrush;
PXYZReferenceWhite = ˆTXYZReferenceWhite;
PYCbCr601 = ˆTYCbCr601;
PYCbCr709 = ˆTYCbCr709;
TAffineMatrix = array[1..2,1..3] of single;
TAlphaChannelPaletteOption = (...);
TArcOption = (...);
TArcOptions = set of TArcOption;
TBGRAArrowStyle = (...);
TBGRABitmapAny = class of TBGRACustomBitmap;
TBGRAFontQuality = (...);
TBGRAGradientGetColorAtFloatFunc = function(position: single): TBGRAPixel of object;
TBGRAGradientGetColorAtFunc = function(position: integer): TBGRAPixel of object;
TBGRAGradientGetExpandedColorAtFloatFunc = function(position: single): TExpandedPixel of object;
TBGRAGradientGetExpandedColorAtFunc = function(position: integer): TExpandedPixel of object;
TBGRAImageFormat = (...);
TBGRALoadingOption = (...);
TBGRALoadingOptions = set of TBGRALoadingOption;
TBGRAPathAny = class of TBGRACustomPath;
TBGRAPathDrawProc = procedure(const APoints: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean; AData: Pointer) of object;
TBGRAPathFillProc = procedure(const APoints: array of TPointF; AData: pointer) of object;
TBGRAPenStyle = array Of Single;
TBGRAPixelBuffer = packed array of TBGRAPixel;
TBGRATextOutImproveReadabilityMode = (...);
TBGRATypeWriterAlignment = (...);
TBGRATypeWriterOutlineMode = (...);
TBidiTextAlignment = (...);
TBlendOperation = (...);
TChannel = (...);
TChannels = set of TChannel;
TColorF = packed array[1..4] of single;
TColorspaceAny = class of TCustomColorspace;
TColorspaceConvertArrayProc = procedure(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer; ADestStride:integer; AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite);
TColorspaceFlag = (...);
TColorspaceFlags = set of TColorspaceFlag;
TColorspaceOverflow = (...);
TColorTransparency = (...);
TDitheringAlgorithm = (...);
TDrawMode = (...);
TEasyBezierCurveMode = (...);
TEasyBezierPointTransformFunc = function(APoint: PPointF; AData: Pointer): TPointF of object;
TEmbossOption = (...);
TEmbossOptions = set of TEmbossOption;
TExpandedPixelBuffer = packed array of TExpandedPixel;
TFaceCulling = (...);
TFloodfillMode = (...);
TFontBidiMode = BGRAUnicode.TFontBidiMode;
TFontVerticalAnchor = (...);
TGetFineClearTypeAutoFunc = function(): TBGRAFontQuality;
TGradientType = (...);
TGraphicsBevelCut = GraphType.TGraphicsBevelCut;
TMedianOption = (...);
TMultiFileContainer = BGRAMultiFileType.TMultiFileContainer;
TPoint = BGRAClasses.TPoint;
TPointF = BGRAClasses.TPointF;
TPolygonOrder = (...);
TRadialBlurType = (...);
TRawImageBitOrder = GraphType.TRawImageBitOrder;
TRawImageByteOrder = GraphType.TRawImageByteOrder;
TRawImageLineOrder = GraphType.TRawImageLineOrder;
TRectF = BGRAClasses.TRectF;
TResampleFilter = (...);
TResampleMode = (...);
TResolutionUnit = (...);
TRoundRectangleOption = (...);
TRoundRectangleOptions = set of TRoundRectangleOption;
TScanAtFunction = function (X,Y: Single): TBGRAPixel of object;
TScanAtIntegerFunction = function (X,Y: Integer): TBGRAPixel of object;
TScanNextPixelFunction = function: TBGRAPixel of object;
TSize = BGRAClasses.TSize;
TSplineStyle = (...);
TTextLayout = BGRAGraphics.TTextLayout;
TUniBrushInitContextProc = procedure (AFixedData: Pointer; AContextData: PUniBrushContext);
TUniBrushPutNextPixelsProc = procedure (AFixedData: Pointer; AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);
TUniversalDrawerAny = class of TCustomUniversalDrawer;
TWordBreakHandler = procedure(var ABeforeUTF8, AAfterUTF8: string) of object;
TYCbCrStdColorspace = (...);
UInt32or64 = BGRAClasses.UInt32or64;


BGRABitmapVersion = 11060200;
BlendOperationStr : array[TBlendOperation] of string = ('LinearBlend', 'Transparent', 'Lighten', 'Screen', 'Additive', 'LinearAdd', 'ColorDodge', 'Divide', 'NiceGlow', 'SoftLight', 'HardLight', 'Glow', 'Reflect', 'Overlay', 'DarkOverlay', 'Darken', 'Multiply', 'ColorBurn', 'Difference', 'LinearDifference', 'Exclusion', 'LinearExclusion', 'Subtract', 'LinearSubtract', 'SubtractInverse', 'LinearSubtractInverse', 'Negation', 'LinearNegation', 'Xor', 'SvgSoftLight', 'Mask', 'LinearMultiplySaturation', 'LinearHue', 'LinearColor', 'LinearLightness', 'LinearSaturation', 'CorrectedHue', 'CorrectedColor', 'CorrectedLightness', 'CorrectedSaturation');
boGlowMask = boGlow;
boLinearMultiply = boMultiply;
boNonLinearOverlay = boDarkOverlay;
bvLowered = GraphType.bvLowered;
bvNone = GraphType.bvNone;
bvRaised = GraphType.bvRaised;
bvSpace = GraphType.bvSpace;
clBlackOpaque = TColor($010000);
dmFastBlend = dmLinearBlend;
EasyBezierDefaultMinimumDotProduct = 0.707;
EmptyPoint : TPoint = (X: -2147483648; Y: -2147483648);
EmptyPointF: TPointF = (x: -3.402823e38; y: -3.402823e38);
EmptyRect : TRect = (left:0; top:0; right:0; bottom: 0);
EmptyRectF : TRectF = (left:0; top:0; right:0; bottom: 0);
EmptySingle = single(-3.402823e38);
fbmAuto = BGRAUnicode.fbmAuto;
fbmLeftToRight = BGRAUnicode.fbmLeftToRight;
fbmRightToLeft = BGRAUnicode.fbmRightToLeft;
fsBorder = GraphType.fsBorder;
fsSurface = GraphType.fsSurface;
GradientTypeStr : array[TGradientType] of string = ('Linear','Reflected','Diamond','Radial','Angular');
IlluminantSpectrumD65: array[0..94] of TIlluminantSpectrumPoint = ((W:360; Y:46.6383), (W:365; Y:49.3637), (W:370; Y:52.0891), (W:375; Y:51.0323), (W:380; Y:49.9755), (W:385; Y:52.3118), (W:390; Y:54.6482), (W:395; Y:68.7015), (W:400; Y:82.7549), (W:405; Y:87.1204), (W:410; Y:91.486), (W:415; Y:92.4589), (W:420; Y:93.4318), (W:425; Y:90.057), (W:430; Y:86.6823), (W:435; Y:95.7736), (W:440; Y:104.865), (W:445; Y:110.936), (W:450; Y:117.008), (W:455; Y:117.41), (W:460; Y:117.812), (W:465; Y:116.336), (W:470; Y:114.861), (W:475; Y:115.392), (W:480; Y:115.923), (W:485; Y:112.367), (W:490; Y:108.811), (W:495; Y:109.082), (W:500; Y:109.354), (W:505; Y:108.578), (W:510; Y:107.802), (W:515; Y:106.296), (W:520; Y:104.79), (W:525; Y:106.239), (W:530; Y:107.689), (W:535; Y:106.047), (W:540; Y:104.405), (W:545; Y:104.225), (W:550; Y:104.046), (W:555; Y:102.023), (W:560; Y:100), (W:565; Y:98.1671), (W:570; Y:96.3342), (W:575; Y:96.0611), (W:580; Y:95.788), (W:585; Y:92.2368), (W:590; Y:88.6856), (W:595; Y:89.3459), (W:600; Y:90.0062), (W:605; Y:89.8026), (W:610; Y:89.5991), (W:615; Y:88.6489), (W:620; Y:87.6987), (W:625; Y:85.4936), (W:630; Y:83.2886), (W:635; Y:83.4939), (W:640; Y:83.6992), (W:645; Y:81.863), (W:650; Y:80.0268), (W:655; Y:80.1207), (W:660; Y:80.2146), (W:665; Y:81.2462), (W:670; Y:82.2778), (W:675; Y:80.281), (W:680; Y:78.2842), (W:685; Y:74.0027), (W:690; Y:69.7213), (W:695; Y:70.6652), (W:700; Y:71.6091), (W:705; Y:72.979), (W:710; Y:74.349), (W:715; Y:67.9765), (W:720; Y:61.604), (W:725; Y:65.7448), (W:730; Y:69.8856), (W:735; Y:72.4863), (W:740; Y:75.087), (W:745; Y:69.3398), (W:750; Y:63.5927), (W:755; Y:55.0054), (W:760; Y:46.4182), (W:765; Y:56.6118), (W:770; Y:66.8054), (W:775; Y:65.0941), (W:780; Y:63.3828), (W:785; Y:63.8434), (W:790; Y:64.304), (W:795; Y:61.8779), (W:800; Y:59.4519), (W:805; Y:55.7054), (W:810; Y:51.959), (W:815; Y:54.6998), (W:820; Y:57.4406), (W:825; Y:58.8765), (W:830; Y:60.3125));
RadialBlurTypeToStr: array[TRadialBlurType] of string = ('Normal','Disk','Corona','Precise','Fast','Box');
ResampleFilterStr : array[TResampleFilter] of string = ('Box','Linear','HalfCosine','Cosine','Bicubic','Mitchell','Spline', 'Lanczos2','Lanczos3','Lanczos4','BestQuality');
riboBitsInOrder = GraphType.riboBitsInOrder;
riboLSBFirst = GraphType.riboLSBFirst;
riboMSBFirst = GraphType.riboMSBFirst;
riboReversedBits = GraphType.riboReversedBits;
riloBottomToTop = GraphType.riloBottomToTop;
riloTopToBottom = GraphType.riloTopToBottom;
SpectralLocus: array[0..94] of TSpectralLocusPoint = ((W:360; X:0.0001299; Y:0.000003917; Z:0.0006061), (W:365; X:0.0002321; Y:0.000006965; Z:0.001086), (W:370; X:0.0004149; Y:0.00001239; Z:0.001946), (W:375; X:0.0007416; Y:0.00002202; Z:0.003486), (W:380; X:0.001368; Y:0.000039; Z:0.006450001), (W:385; X:0.002236; Y:0.000064; Z:0.01054999), (W:390; X:0.004243; Y:0.00012; Z:0.02005001), (W:395; X:0.00765; Y:0.000217; Z:0.03621), (W:400; X:0.01431; Y:0.000396; Z:0.06785001), (W:405; X:0.02319; Y:0.00064; Z:0.1102), (W:410; X:0.04351; Y:0.00121; Z:0.2074), (W:415; X:0.07763; Y:0.00218; Z:0.3713), (W:420; X:0.13438; Y:0.004; Z:0.6456), (W:425; X:0.21477; Y:0.0073; Z:1.0390501), (W:430; X:0.2839; Y:0.0116; Z:1.3856), (W:435; X:0.3285; Y:0.01684; Z:1.62296), (W:440; X:0.34828; Y:0.023; Z:1.74706), (W:445; X:0.34806; Y:0.0298; Z:1.7826), (W:450; X:0.3362; Y:0.038; Z:1.77211), (W:455; X:0.3187; Y:0.048; Z:1.7441), (W:460; X:0.2908; Y:0.06; Z:1.6692), (W:465; X:0.2511; Y:0.0739; Z:1.5281), (W:470; X:0.19536; Y:0.09098; Z:1.28764), (W:475; X:0.1421; Y:0.1126; Z:1.0419), (W:480; X:0.09564; Y:0.13902; Z:0.8129501), (W:485; X:0.05795001; Y:0.1693; Z:0.6162), (W:490; X:0.03201; Y:0.20802; Z:0.46518), (W:495; X:0.0147; Y:0.2586; Z:0.3533), (W:500; X:0.0049; Y:0.323; Z:0.272), (W:505; X:0.0024; Y:0.4073; Z:0.2123), (W:510; X:0.0093; Y:0.503; Z:0.1582), (W:515; X:0.0291; Y:0.6082; Z:0.1117), (W:520; X:0.06327; Y:0.71; Z:0.07824999), (W:525; X:0.1096; Y:0.7932; Z:0.05725001), (W:530; X:0.1655; Y:0.862; Z:0.04216), (W:535; X:0.2257499; Y:0.9148501; Z:0.02984), (W:540; X:0.2904; Y:0.954; Z:0.0203), (W:545; X:0.3597; Y:0.9803; Z:0.0134), (W:550; X:0.4334499; Y:0.9949501; Z:0.008749999), (W:555; X:0.5120501; Y:1; Z:0.005749999), (W:560; X:0.5945; Y:0.995; Z:0.0039), (W:565; X:0.6784; Y:0.9786; Z:0.002749999), (W:570; X:0.7621; Y:0.952; Z:0.0021), (W:575; X:0.8425; Y:0.9154; Z:0.0018), (W:580; X:0.9163; Y:0.87; Z:0.001650001), (W:585; X:0.9786; Y:0.8163; Z:0.0014), (W:590; X:1.0263; Y:0.757; Z:0.0011), (W:595; X:1.0567; Y:0.6949; Z:0.001), (W:600; X:1.0622; Y:0.631; Z:0.0008), (W:605; X:1.0456; Y:0.5668; Z:0.0006), (W:610; X:1.0026; Y:0.503; Z:0.00034), (W:615; X:0.9384; Y:0.4412; Z:0.00024), (W:620; X:0.8544499; Y:0.381; Z:0.00019), (W:625; X:0.7514; Y:0.321; Z:0.0001), (W:630; X:0.6424; Y:0.265; Z:0.00005), (W:635; X:0.5419; Y:0.217; Z:0.00003), (W:640; X:0.4479; Y:0.175; Z:0.00002), (W:645; X:0.3608; Y:0.1382; Z:0.00001), (W:650; X:0.2835; Y:0.107; Z:0), (W:655; X:0.2187; Y:0.0816; Z:0), (W:660; X:0.1649; Y:0.061; Z:0), (W:665; X:0.1212; Y:0.04458; Z:0), (W:670; X:0.0874; Y:0.032; Z:0), (W:675; X:0.0636; Y:0.0232; Z:0), (W:680; X:0.04677; Y:0.017; Z:0), (W:685; X:0.0329; Y:0.01192; Z:0), (W:690; X:0.0227; Y:0.00821; Z:0), (W:695; X:0.01584; Y:0.005723; Z:0), (W:700; X:0.01135916; Y:0.004102; Z:0), (W:705; X:0.008110916; Y:0.002929; Z:0), (W:710; X:0.005790346; Y:0.002091; Z:0), (W:715; X:0.004106457; Y:0.001484; Z:0), (W:720; X:0.002899327; Y:0.001047; Z:0), (W:725; X:0.00204919; Y:0.00074; Z:0), (W:730; X:0.001439971; Y:0.00052; Z:0), (W:735; X:0.0009999493; Y:0.0003611; Z:0), (W:740; X:0.0006900786; Y:0.0002492; Z:0), (W:745; X:0.0004760213; Y:0.0001719; Z:0), (W:750; X:0.0003323011; Y:0.00012; Z:0), (W:755; X:0.0002348261; Y:0.0000848; Z:0), (W:760; X:0.0001661505; Y:0.00006; Z:0), (W:765; X:0.000117413; Y:0.0000424; Z:0), (W:770; X:8.307527E-05; Y:0.00003; Z:0), (W:775; X:5.870652E-05; Y:0.0000212; Z:0), (W:780; X:4.150994E-05; Y:0.00001499; Z:0), (W:785; X:2.935326E-05; Y:0.0000106; Z:0), (W:790; X:2.067383E-05; Y:7.4657E-06; Z:0), (W:795; X:1.455977E-05; Y:5.2578E-06; Z:0), (W:800; X:0.000010254; Y:3.7029E-06; Z:0), (W:805; X:7.221456E-06; Y:2.6078E-06; Z:0), (W:810; X:5.085868E-06; Y:1.8366E-06; Z:0), (W:815; X:3.581652E-06; Y:1.2934E-06; Z:0), (W:820; X:2.522525E-06; Y:9.1093E-07; Z:0), (W:825; X:1.776509E-06; Y:6.4153E-07; Z:0), (W:830; X:1.251141E-06; Y:4.5181E-07; Z:0));
TBGRAPixel_AlphaByteOffset = 3;
TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift = 24 - TBGRAPixel_AlphaByteOffset*8;
TBGRAPixel_BlueByteOffset = 0;
TBGRAPixel_BlueShift = 24 - TBGRAPixel_BlueByteOffset*8;
TBGRAPixel_ChannelByteOffset : array[TChannel] of integer = (TBGRAPixel_RedByteOffset, TBGRAPixel_GreenByteOffset, TBGRAPixel_BlueByteOffset, TBGRAPixel_AlphaByteOffset);
TBGRAPixel_GreenByteOffset = 1;
TBGRAPixel_GreenShift = 24 - TBGRAPixel_GreenByteOffset*8;
TBGRAPixel_RedByteOffset = 2;
TBGRAPixel_RedShift = 24 - TBGRAPixel_RedByteOffset*8;
TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder = False;
tlBottom = BGRAGraphics.tlBottom;
tlCenter = BGRAGraphics.tlCenter;
tlTop = BGRAGraphics.tlTop;
UniversalBrushFlag_DoNothing = 1;
UniversalBrushFlag_Reserved1 = 2;
UniversalBrushFlag_Reserved2 = 4;
UniversalBrushFlag_Reserved3 = 8;
UniversalBrushFlag_Reserved4 = 16;
UniversalBrushFlag_Reserved5 = 32;
UniversalBrushFlag_Reserved6 = 64;
UniversalBrushFlag_Reserved7 = 128;
YCbCrStdParameters : array[TYCbCrStdColorspace] of TYCbCrStdParameters = ( (LumaRed:0.299; LumaGreen:0.587; LumaBlue:0.114; MinY: 16; ScaleY: 219; MidC: 128; ScaleC: 112), (LumaRed:0.299; LumaGreen:0.587; LumaBlue:0.114; MinY: 0; ScaleY: 255; MidC: 128; ScaleC: 127.5), (LumaRed:0.2126; LumaGreen:0.7152; LumaBlue:0.0722; MinY: 16; ScaleY: 219; MidC: 128; ScaleC: 112), (LumaRed:0.2126; LumaGreen:0.7152; LumaBlue:0.0722; MinY: 0; ScaleY: 255; MidC: 128; ScaleC: 127.5), (LumaRed:0.212; LumaGreen:0.701; LumaBlue:0.087; MinY: 16; ScaleY: 219; MidC: 128; ScaleC: 112) );


BGRABitmapFactory: TBGRABitmapAny;
BGRABlack: TBGRAPixel;
BGRAPathFactory: TBGRAPathAny;
BGRAPixelTransparent: TBGRAPixel;
BGRAResource: TBGRAResourceManager;
BGRAWhite: TBGRAPixel;
CSSAliceBlue: TBGRAPixel;
CSSAntiqueWhite: TBGRAPixel;
CSSAqua: TBGRAPixel;
CSSAquamarine: TBGRAPixel;
CSSAzure: TBGRAPixel;
CSSBeige: TBGRAPixel;
CSSBisque: TBGRAPixel;
CSSBlack: TBGRAPixel;
CSSBlanchedAlmond: TBGRAPixel;
CSSBlue: TBGRAPixel;
CSSBlueViolet: TBGRAPixel;
CSSBrown: TBGRAPixel;
CSSBurlyWood: TBGRAPixel;
CSSCadetBlue: TBGRAPixel;
CSSChartreuse: TBGRAPixel;
CSSChocolate: TBGRAPixel;
CSSColors: TBGRAColorList;
CSSCoral: TBGRAPixel;
CSSCornflowerBlue: TBGRAPixel;
CSSCornsilk: TBGRAPixel;
CSSCrimson: TBGRAPixel;
CSSCyan: TBGRAPixel;
CSSDarkBlue: TBGRAPixel;
CSSDarkCyan: TBGRAPixel;
CSSDarkGoldenrod: TBGRAPixel;
CSSDarkGray: TBGRAPixel;
CSSDarkGreen: TBGRAPixel;
CSSDarkKhaki: TBGRAPixel;
CSSDarkMagenta: TBGRAPixel;
CSSDarkOliveGreen: TBGRAPixel;
CSSDarkOrange: TBGRAPixel;
CSSDarkOrchid: TBGRAPixel;
CSSDarkRed: TBGRAPixel;
CSSDarkSalmon: TBGRAPixel;
CSSDarkSeaGreen: TBGRAPixel;
CSSDarkSlateBlue: TBGRAPixel;
CSSDarkSlateGray: TBGRAPixel;
CSSDarkTurquoise: TBGRAPixel;
CSSDarkViolet: TBGRAPixel;
CSSDeepPink: TBGRAPixel;
CSSDeepSkyBlue: TBGRAPixel;
CSSDimGray: TBGRAPixel;
CSSDodgerBlue: TBGRAPixel;
CSSFireBrick: TBGRAPixel;
CSSFloralWhite: TBGRAPixel;
CSSForestGreen: TBGRAPixel;
CSSFuchsia: TBGRAPixel;
CSSGainsboro: TBGRAPixel;
CSSGhostWhite: TBGRAPixel;
CSSGold: TBGRAPixel;
CSSGoldenrod: TBGRAPixel;
CSSGray: TBGRAPixel;
CSSGreen: TBGRAPixel;
CSSGreenYellow: TBGRAPixel;
CSSHoneydew: TBGRAPixel;
CSSHotPink: TBGRAPixel;
CSSIndianRed: TBGRAPixel;
CSSIndigo: TBGRAPixel;
CSSIvory: TBGRAPixel;
CSSKhaki: TBGRAPixel;
CSSLavender: TBGRAPixel;
CSSLavenderBlush: TBGRAPixel;
CSSLawnGreen: TBGRAPixel;
CSSLemonChiffon: TBGRAPixel;
CSSLightBlue: TBGRAPixel;
CSSLightCoral: TBGRAPixel;
CSSLightCyan: TBGRAPixel;
CSSLightGoldenrodYellow: TBGRAPixel;
CSSLightGray: TBGRAPixel;
CSSLightGreen: TBGRAPixel;
CSSLightPink: TBGRAPixel;
CSSLightSalmon: TBGRAPixel;
CSSLightSeaGreen: TBGRAPixel;
CSSLightSkyBlue: TBGRAPixel;
CSSLightSlateGray: TBGRAPixel;
CSSLightSteelBlue: TBGRAPixel;
CSSLightYellow: TBGRAPixel;
CSSLime: TBGRAPixel;
CSSLimeGreen: TBGRAPixel;
CSSLinen: TBGRAPixel;
CSSMagenta: TBGRAPixel;
CSSMaroon: TBGRAPixel;
CSSMediumAquamarine: TBGRAPixel;
CSSMediumBlue: TBGRAPixel;
CSSMediumOrchid: TBGRAPixel;
CSSMediumPurple: TBGRAPixel;
CSSMediumSeaGreen: TBGRAPixel;
CSSMediumSlateBlue: TBGRAPixel;
CSSMediumSpringGreen: TBGRAPixel;
CSSMediumTurquoise: TBGRAPixel;
CSSMediumVioletRed: TBGRAPixel;
CSSMidnightBlue: TBGRAPixel;
CSSMintCream: TBGRAPixel;
CSSMistyRose: TBGRAPixel;
CSSMoccasin: TBGRAPixel;
CSSNavajoWhite: TBGRAPixel;
CSSNavy: TBGRAPixel;
CSSOldLace: TBGRAPixel;
CSSOlive: TBGRAPixel;
CSSOliveDrab: TBGRAPixel;
CSSOrange: TBGRAPixel;
CSSOrangeRed: TBGRAPixel;
CSSOrchid: TBGRAPixel;
CSSPaleGoldenrod: TBGRAPixel;
CSSPaleGreen: TBGRAPixel;
CSSPaleTurquoise: TBGRAPixel;
CSSPaleVioletRed: TBGRAPixel;
CSSPapayaWhip: TBGRAPixel;
CSSPeachPuff: TBGRAPixel;
CSSPeru: TBGRAPixel;
CSSPink: TBGRAPixel;
CSSPlum: TBGRAPixel;
CSSPowderBlue: TBGRAPixel;
CSSPurple: TBGRAPixel;
CSSRosyBrown: TBGRAPixel;
CSSRoyalBlue: TBGRAPixel;
CSSSaddleBrown: TBGRAPixel;
CSSSalmon: TBGRAPixel;
CSSSandyBrown: TBGRAPixel;
CSSSeaGreen: TBGRAPixel;
CSSSeashell: TBGRAPixel;
CSSSienna: TBGRAPixel;
CSSSilver: TBGRAPixel;
CSSSkyBlue: TBGRAPixel;
CSSSlateBlue: TBGRAPixel;
CSSSlateGray: TBGRAPixel;
CSSSnow: TBGRAPixel;
CSSSpringGreen: TBGRAPixel;
CSSSteelBlue: TBGRAPixel;
CSSTeal: TBGRAPixel;
CSSThistle: TBGRAPixel;
CSSTomato: TBGRAPixel;
CSSTurquoise: TBGRAPixel;
CSSViolet: TBGRAPixel;
CSSWheat: TBGRAPixel;
CSSWhite: TBGRAPixel;
CSSWhiteSmoke: TBGRAPixel;
CSSYellow: TBGRAPixel;
CSSYellowGreen: TBGRAPixel;
DefaultBGRAImageReader: array[TBGRAImageFormat] of TFPCustomImageReaderClass;
DefaultBGRAImageWriter: array[TBGRAImageFormat] of TFPCustomImageWriterClass;
ExpandedPixelTransparent: TExpandedPixel;
fqFineClearType: TGetFineClearTypeAutoFunc;
GammaCompressionTab: packed[0..65535] of byte;
GammaExpansionTab: packed[0..255] of word;
GammaExpansionTabHalf: packed[0..254] of word;
ReferenceWhite2D50: TXYZReferenceWhite;
ReferenceWhite2D65: TXYZReferenceWhite;
ReferenceWhite2E: TXYZReferenceWhite;
UniDrawerClass: TUniversalDrawerAny;
VGAAqua: TBGRAPixel;
VGABlack: TBGRAPixel;
VGABlue: TBGRAPixel;
VGAColors: TBGRAColorList;
VGAFuchsia: TBGRAPixel;
VGAGray: TBGRAPixel;
VGAGreen: TBGRAPixel;
VGALime: TBGRAPixel;
VGAMaroon: TBGRAPixel;
VGANavy: TBGRAPixel;
VGAOlive: TBGRAPixel;
VGAPurple: TBGRAPixel;
VGASilver: TBGRAPixel;
VGATeal: TBGRAPixel;
VGAWhite: TBGRAPixel;
VGAYellow: TBGRAPixel;
XYZToRGBOverflowMax: TColorspaceOverflow = xroSaturateEachChannel;
XYZToRGBOverflowMin: TColorspaceOverflow = xroSaturateEachChannel;


Functions and Procedures

operator * (factor: single; const pt1: TPointF): TPointF; inline;

Multiplies both x and y by factor. It scales the vector represented by (x, y)

operator * (const c1, c2: TColorF): TColorF; inline;

Multiply each component separately

operator * (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): single; inline;

Scalar product (deprecated): multiplies x and y components and returns the sum

operator * (const pt1: TPointF; factor: single): TPointF; inline;

Multiplies both x and y by factor. It scales the vector represented by (x, y)

operator * (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): single; inline;

Scalar product: multiplies components and returns the sum

operator * (const v1: TPoint3D; const factor: single): TPoint3D; inline;

Multiplies components by factor. It scales the vector represented by (x, y, z)

operator * (const c1: TColorF; factor: single): TColorF; inline;

Multiply each component by factor

operator * (const factor: single; const v1: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;

Multiplies components by factor. It scales the vector represented by (x, y, z)

operator ** (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): single; inline;

Scalar product: multiplies x and y components and returns the sum

operator + (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): TPointF; inline;

Adds x and y components separately. It is like adding vectors

operator + (const c1, c2: TColorF): TColorF; inline;

Add each component separately

operator + (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;

Adds components separately. It is like adding vectors

operator - (const c1, c2: TColorF): TColorF; inline;

Subtract each component separately

operator - (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;

Subtract components separately. It is like subtracting vectors

operator - (const v: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;

Returns a point with opposite values for all components

operator - (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): TPointF; inline;

Subtract x and y components separately. It is like subtracting vectors

operator - (const pt2: TPointF): TPointF; inline;

Returns a point with opposite values for x and y components

operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TYCbCr709JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TYCbCr709JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TWordXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TWordXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TYCbCr709;

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TYCbCr709

operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TLinearRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TLinearRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TYCbCr601;

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TYCbCr601

operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TYCbCr601JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TYCbCr601JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TFPColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TFPColor

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TBGRAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TBGRAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TColor

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TStdRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TStdRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TLabA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TLabA

operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TLChA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TLChA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TAdobeRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TAdobeRGBA

operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TXYZA

operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TWordXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TWordXYZA

operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TLabA;

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TLabA

operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TYCbCr709JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TYCbCr709JPEG

operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TYCbCr601;

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TYCbCr601

operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TYCbCr601JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TYCbCr601JPEG

operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TYCbCr709;

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TYCbCr709

operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TStdHSVA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TStdHSVA

operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TStdCMYK;

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TStdCMYK

operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TByteMask;

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TByteMask

operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TStdHSLA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TStdHSLA

operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TLChA;

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TLChA

operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TStdRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TStdRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TAdobeRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TGSBAPixel to TAdobeRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TStdHSLA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TStdHSLA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TStdCMYK;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TStdCMYK

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TStdHSVA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TStdHSVA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TExpandedPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TExpandedPixel

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TByteMask;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TByteMask

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TStdRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TStdRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TFPColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TFPColor

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TStdHSLA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TStdHSLA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TAdobeRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TAdobeRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TYCbCr709JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TYCbCr709JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TYCbCr709;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TYCbCr709

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TWordXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TWordXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): THSLAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to THSLAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TLinearRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TLinearRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TYCbCr601;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TYCbCr601

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TGSBAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TGSBAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): THSLAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to THSLAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TLinearRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TLinearRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TYCbCr601JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TYCbCr601JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TGSBAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TGSBAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TStdCMYK;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TStdCMYK

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TStdHSVA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TStdHSVA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TExpandedPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TExpandedPixel

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TByteMask;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TByteMask

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TLChA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TLChA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TLabA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TLabA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TBGRAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TBGRAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TColor

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TYCbCr709JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TYCbCr709JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TYCbCr709;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TYCbCr709

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TWordXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TWordXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601): TXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601 to TXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TLChA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TLChA

operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TStdRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TStdRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TAdobeRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TAdobeRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TLabA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TLabA

operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TYCbCr709JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TYCbCr709JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TWordXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TWordXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TStdHSLA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TStdHSLA

operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TYCbCr601JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TYCbCr601JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TYCbCr709;

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TYCbCr709

operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TYCbCr709JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TYCbCr709JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TYCbCr601;

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TYCbCr601

operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TStdHSVA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TStdHSVA

operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TStdCMYK;

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TStdCMYK

operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TLinearRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TLinearRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TStdRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TStdRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TAdobeRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TAdobeRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TStdHSLA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TStdHSLA

operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TLChA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TLChA

operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TWordXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TWordXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TLabA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TLabA

operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TStdHSVA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TStdHSVA

operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TYCbCr601;

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TYCbCr601

operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TYCbCr601JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TYCbCr601JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TYCbCr709;

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TYCbCr709

operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TGSBAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TGSBAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TStdCMYK;

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TStdCMYK

operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TLinearRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TLinearRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): THSLAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to THSLAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TWordXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TWordXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TLabA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TLabA

operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TYCbCr709JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TYCbCr709JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TYCbCr601;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TYCbCr601

operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TYCbCr601JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TYCbCr601JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TYCbCr709;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TYCbCr709

operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TLChA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TLChA

operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TStdCMYK;

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TStdCMYK

operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TByteMask;

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TByteMask

operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TLinearRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TLinearRGBA

operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TStdHSVA;

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TStdHSVA

operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TStdRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TStdRGBA

operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TAdobeRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TAdobeRGBA

operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TStdHSLA;

Implicit conversion of a color from THSLAPixel to TStdHSLA

operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TBGRAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TBGRAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TFPColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TFPColor

operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TStdRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TStdRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TColor

operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TWordXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TWordXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TLabA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TLabA

operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TLChA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TLChA

operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TAdobeRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TAdobeRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TExpandedPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TExpandedPixel

operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): THSLAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to THSLAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TGSBAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TGSBAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TByteMask;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TByteMask

operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TStdHSLA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TStdHSLA

operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TStdHSVA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TStdHSVA

operator := (const AValue: TLinearRGBA): TStdCMYK;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLinearRGBA to TStdCMYK

operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TLabA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TLabA

operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TLChA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TLChA

operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TColor

operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TYCbCr601JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TYCbCr601JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TYCbCr709;

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TYCbCr709

operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TYCbCr709JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TYCbCr709JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TBGRAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TBGRAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TStdHSVA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TStdHSVA

operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TStdCMYK;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TStdCMYK

operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TByteMask;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TByteMask

operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TStdHSLA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TStdHSLA

operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TFPColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TFPColor

operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TStdRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TStdRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TAdobeRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TAdobeRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TStdRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TStdRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TAdobeRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TAdobeRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TStdHSLA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TStdHSLA

operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TFPColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TFPColor

operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TLChA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TLChA

operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TColor

operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TBGRAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TBGRAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TStdHSVA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TStdHSVA

operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): THSLAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to THSLAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TGSBAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TGSBAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TYCbCr601;

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TYCbCr601

operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TLinearRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TLinearRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TStdCMYK;

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TStdCMYK

operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TByteMask;

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TByteMask

operator := (const AValue: TWordXYZA): TExpandedPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TWordXYZA to TExpandedPixel

operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TExpandedPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TExpandedPixel

operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TExpandedPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TExpandedPixel

operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TLinearRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TLinearRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TLChA): THSLAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to THSLAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TByteMask;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TByteMask

operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TStdHSLA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TStdHSLA

operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TStdHSVA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TStdHSVA

operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TStdCMYK;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TStdCMYK

operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TGSBAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TGSBAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TWordXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TWordXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TLabA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TLabA

operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TYCbCr709JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TYCbCr709JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TYCbCr601;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TYCbCr601

operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TYCbCr601JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TYCbCr601JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TYCbCr709;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TYCbCr709

operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TYCbCr601JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TYCbCr601JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TYCbCr709;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TYCbCr709

operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TYCbCr709JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TYCbCr709JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TYCbCr601;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TYCbCr601

operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TLinearRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TLinearRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TLabA): THSLAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to THSLAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TGSBAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TGSBAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TFPColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TFPColor

operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TStdRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TStdRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TAdobeRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TAdobeRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TBGRAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TBGRAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TWordXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TWordXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TLabA): TLChA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLabA to TLChA

operator := (const AValue: TLChA): TColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TLChA to TColor

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TWordXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TWordXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TLabA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TLabA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TLChA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TLChA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TYCbCr601;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TYCbCr601

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TYCbCr601JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TYCbCr601JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TYCbCr709JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TYCbCr709JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TColor

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TStdHSLA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TStdHSLA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TStdHSVA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TStdHSVA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TStdCMYK;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TStdCMYK

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TAdobeRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TAdobeRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TBGRAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TBGRAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TFPColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TFPColor

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TStdRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TStdRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TFPColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TFPColor

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TStdRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TStdRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TAdobeRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TAdobeRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TBGRAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TBGRAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TLabA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TLabA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr601JPEG): TLChA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr601JPEG to TLChA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TColor

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TStdHSLA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TStdHSLA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TLinearRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TLinearRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): THSLAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to THSLAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TGSBAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TGSBAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TExpandedPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TExpandedPixel

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TStdHSVA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TStdHSVA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TStdCMYK;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TStdCMYK

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709): TByteMask;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709 to TByteMask

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TByteMask;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TByteMask

operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TByteMask;

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TByteMask

operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TExpandedPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TExpandedPixel

operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TLinearRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TLinearRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TStdCMYK;

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TStdCMYK

operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TAdobeRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TAdobeRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TStdHSLA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TStdHSLA

operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TStdHSVA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TStdHSVA

operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): THSLAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to THSLAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TYCbCr709JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TYCbCr709JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TWordXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TWordXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TLabA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TLabA

operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TYCbCr709;

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TYCbCr709

operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TGSBAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TGSBAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TYCbCr601;

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TYCbCr601

operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TYCbCr601JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TYCbCr601JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TYCbCr601;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TYCbCr601

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TYCbCr601JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TYCbCr601JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TYCbCr709;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TYCbCr709

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TGSBAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TGSBAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TExpandedPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TExpandedPixel

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TLinearRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TLinearRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): THSLAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to THSLAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TBGRAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TBGRAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TFPColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TFPColor

operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TStdRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TStdRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TXYZA): TColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TXYZA to TColor

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TWordXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TWordXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TLabA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TLabA

operator := (const AValue: TYCbCr709JPEG): TLChA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TYCbCr709JPEG to TLChA

operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TStdRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TStdRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TAdobeRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TAdobeRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TLChA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TLChA

operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TWordXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TWordXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TLabA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TLabA

operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TLinearRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TLinearRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TYCbCr601;

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TYCbCr601

operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TStdCMYK;

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TStdCMYK

operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TStdHSLA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TStdHSLA

operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TStdHSVA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TStdHSVA

operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TStdCMYK;

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TStdCMYK

operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TLinearRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TLinearRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TStdHSVA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TStdHSVA

operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TAdobeRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TAdobeRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TStdHSLA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TStdHSLA

operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TYCbCr709JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TYCbCr709JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TYCbCr709;

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TYCbCr709

operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TYCbCr601;

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TYCbCr601

operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TYCbCr601JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TYCbCr601JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TYCbCr601JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TYCbCr601JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TByteMask;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TByteMask

operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TExpandedPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TExpandedPixel

operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TStdCMYK;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TStdCMYK

operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TStdHSLA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TStdHSLA

operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TStdHSVA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TStdHSVA

operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TYCbCr601;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TYCbCr601

operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TYCbCr601JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TYCbCr601JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TGSBAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TGSBAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TLinearRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TLinearRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): THSLAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to THSLAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TWordXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TWordXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TLabA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TLabA

operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TYCbCr709;

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TYCbCr709

operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TYCbCr709JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TYCbCr709JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TFPColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TFPColor

operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TAdobeRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TAdobeRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TBGRAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TBGRAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TLChA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TLChA

operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TColor

Operator := (const Source: TExpandedPixel): TGSBAPixel;

Implicit conversion of color from TExpandedPixel to TGSBAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TColor): TGSBAPixel;

Implicit conversion of color from TColor to TGSBAPixel

Operator := (const Source: TGSBAPixel): TExpandedPixel;

Implicit conversion of color from TGSBAPixel to TExpandedPixel

Operator := (const Source: TGSBAPixel): TBGRAPixel;

Implicit conversion of color from TGSBAPixel to TBGRAPixel

Operator := (const Source: TBGRAPixel): TGSBAPixel;

Implicit conversion of color from TBGRAPixel to TGSBAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TColor): TByteMask;

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TByteMask

operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TByteMask;

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TByteMask

Operator := (const Source: THSLAPixel): TGSBAPixel;

Assigns THSLAPixel to TGSBAPixel, just copying for backward compatibility (use ToHSLAPixel instead for conversion)

operator := (const AValue: TGSBAPixel): TColor;

Implicit conversion of color from TGSBAPixel to TColor

Operator := (const Source: TGSBAPixel): THSLAPixel;

Assigns TGSBAPixel to THSLAPixel without conversion, just copying for backward compatibility (use ToHSLAPixel instead for conversion)

Operator := (const Source: TBGRAPixel): TExpandedPixel;

Implicit conversion of color from TBGRAPixel to TExpandedPixel

Operator := (const Source: THSLAPixel): TBGRAPixel;

Implicit conversion of color from THSLAPixel to TBGRAPixel

Operator := (const Source: TExpandedPixel): TBGRAPixel;

Implicit conversion of color from TExpandedPixel to TBGRAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TColor;

Implicit conversion of color from TExpandedPixel to TColor

operator := (const AValue: TColor): TExpandedPixel;

Implicit conversion of color from TColor to TExpandedPixel

operator := (const AValue: TColor): THSLAPixel;

Implicit conversion of color from THSLAPixel to TColor

operator := (const AValue: THSLAPixel): TColor;

Implicit conversion of color from TColor to THSLAPixel

Operator := (const Source: TExpandedPixel): THSLAPixel;

Implicit conversion of color from TExpandedPixel to THSLAPixel

Operator := (const Source: TBGRAPixel): THSLAPixel;

Implicit conversion of color from TBGRAPixel to THSLAPixel

Operator := (const Source: THSLAPixel): TExpandedPixel;

Implicit conversion of color from THSLAPixel to TExpandedPixel

operator := (const AValue: TFPColor): TByteMask;

Implicit conversion of a color from TFPColor to TByteMask

operator := (const AValue: TColor): TYCbCr709;

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TYCbCr709

operator := (const AValue: TColor): TYCbCr709JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TYCbCr709JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TColor): TYCbCr601JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TYCbCr601JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TColor): TLinearRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TLinearRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TColor): TYCbCr601;

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TYCbCr601

operator := (const AValue: TColor): TLChA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TLChA

operator := (const AValue: TBGRAPixel): TStdRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TBGRAPixel to TStdRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TColor): TLabA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TLabA

operator := (const AValue: TColor): TXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TColor): TWordXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TWordXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TExpandedPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TExpandedPixel

operator := (const AValue: TExpandedPixel): TByteMask;

Implicit conversion of a color from TExpandedPixel to TByteMask

operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TFPColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TFPColor

operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TColor

operator := (const AValue: TByteMask): TBGRAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TByteMask to TBGRAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TColor): TStdHSVA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TStdHSVA

operator := (const AValue: TColor): TStdCMYK;

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TStdCMYK

operator := (const AValue: TColor): TStdHSLA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TStdHSLA

operator := (const AValue: TColor): TStdRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TStdRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TColor): TAdobeRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TColor to TAdobeRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TExpandedPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TExpandedPixel

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TLinearRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TLinearRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TByteMask;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TByteMask

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TStdHSLA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TStdHSLA

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TStdCMYK;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TStdCMYK

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TYCbCr601JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TYCbCr601JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TYCbCr709;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TYCbCr709

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TYCbCr601;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TYCbCr601

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): THSLAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to THSLAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TGSBAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TGSBAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TLabA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TLabA

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TLChA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TLChA

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TWordXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TWordXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TYCbCr709JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TYCbCr709JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TStdRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TStdRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TAdobeRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TAdobeRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TFPColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TFPColor

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TColor

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TBGRAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TBGRAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TYCbCr709JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TYCbCr709JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TLinearRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TLinearRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): THSLAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to THSLAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TExpandedPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TExpandedPixel

operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TStdHSVA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TStdHSVA

operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TByteMask;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TByteMask

operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TYCbCr709;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TYCbCr709

operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TYCbCr709JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TYCbCr709JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TYCbCr601JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TYCbCr601JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TGSBAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TGSBAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TYCbCr601;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TYCbCr601

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TLChA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TLChA

operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TColor

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TLabA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TLabA

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSVA): TWordXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSVA to TWordXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TAdobeRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TAdobeRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TStdHSLA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TStdHSLA

operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TStdRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TStdRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TBGRAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TBGRAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TStdCMYK): TFPColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdCMYK to TFPColor

operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TByteMask;

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TByteMask

operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TExpandedPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TExpandedPixel

operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TStdCMYK;

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TStdCMYK

operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TStdHSLA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TStdHSLA

operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TStdHSVA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TStdHSVA

operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TYCbCr601;

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TYCbCr601

operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TYCbCr601JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TYCbCr601JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TGSBAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TGSBAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TLinearRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TLinearRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): THSLAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to THSLAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TWordXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TWordXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TLabA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TLabA

operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TYCbCr709;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TYCbCr709

operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TYCbCr709JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TYCbCr709JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TFPColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TFPColor

operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TStdRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TStdRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TBGRAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TBGRAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TStdRGBA): TLChA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdRGBA to TLChA

operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TColor

operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TYCbCr709;

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TYCbCr709

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TStdCMYK;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TStdCMYK

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TByteMask;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TByteMask

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TExpandedPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TExpandedPixel

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TStdRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TStdRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TAdobeRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TAdobeRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TStdHSVA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TStdHSVA

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TYCbCr601;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TYCbCr601

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TYCbCr601JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TYCbCr601JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TYCbCr709;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TYCbCr709

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TLinearRGBA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TLinearRGBA

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): THSLAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to THSLAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TGSBAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TGSBAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TFPColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TFPColor

operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TWordXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TWordXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TXYZA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TXYZA

operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TYCbCr709JPEG;

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TYCbCr709JPEG

operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TLabA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TLabA

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TColor;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TColor

operator := (const AValue: TStdHSLA): TBGRAPixel;

Implicit conversion of a color from TStdHSLA to TBGRAPixel

operator := (const AValue: TAdobeRGBA): TLChA;

Implicit conversion of a color from TAdobeRGBA to TLChA

operator =(const AGuid1, AGuid2: TGuid): boolean;

Check whether to GUID are equal

operator = (const c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): boolean; inline;

Checks if two pixels are equal. If they are both transparent, RGB values are ignored

operator = (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): boolean; inline;

Checks if all components x, y and z are equal

operator = (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): boolean; inline;

Checks if both x and y are equal

procedure AddReferenceWhite(const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;

Add a new referene white given the description

procedure AddReferenceWhite(AObserverAngle: integer; AIlluminant: string; AX, AY, AZ: single); overload;

Add a new referene white color for the given viewing angle and illuminant

function AdobeRGBAToXYZA(const ASource: TAdobeRGBA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA; overload;

Converts color from TAdobeRGBA to TXYZA with specifed reference white

function AdobeRGBAToXYZA(const ASource: TAdobeRGBA): TXYZA; overload;

Converts color from TAdobeRGBA to TXYZA using current reference white

function AlignmentToBidiTextAlignment(AAlign: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean): TBidiTextAlignment; overload;

Converts an alignment to a bidi alignement relative to a bidi-mode

function AlignmentToBidiTextAlignment(AAlign: TAlignment): TBidiTextAlignment; overload;

Converts an alignment to a bidi alignement independent of bidi-mode

procedure AllocateBGRAPixelBuffer(var ABuffer: TBGRAPixelBuffer; ASize: integer);

Allocate a buffer of TBGRAPixel

procedure AllocateExpandedPixelBuffer(var ABuffer: TExpandedPixelBuffer; ASize: integer);

Allocate a buffer of TExpandedPixel

function ApplyIntensityFast(color: TBGRAPixel; lightness: LongWord): TBGRAPixel;

Sets the intensity quickly, by fading towards black if lightness is less than 32768, and multiplying all components if lightness is more than 32768. In case of saturation, it fades towards white

function ApplyLightnessFast(color: TBGRAPixel; lightness: word): TBGRAPixel; inline;

Sets the lightness quickly, by fading towards black if lightness is less than 32768, and fading towards white if lightness is more than 32768

function ArcDef(cx, cy, rx,ry, xAngleRadCW, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single; anticlockwise: boolean) : TArcDef;

Creates a structure for an arc definition

function BezierCurve(origin, control, destination: TPointF) : TQuadraticBezierCurve; overload;

Creates a structure for a quadratic BĂ©zier curve

function BezierCurve(origin, control1, control2, destination: TPointF) : TCubicBezierCurve; overload;

Creates a structure for a cubic BĂ©zier curve

function BezierCurve(origin, control, destination: TPointF; Aweight:single) : TRationalQuadraticBezierCurve; overload;

Creates a rational BĂ©zier curve

function BezierCurve(origin, destination: TPointF) : TQuadraticBezierCurve; overload;

Creates a structure for a quadratic BĂ©zier curve without curvature

function BGRA(red, green, blue: byte): TBGRAPixel; overload; inline;

Creates a opaque pixel with given RGB values

function BGRA(red, green, blue, alpha: byte): TBGRAPixel; overload; inline;

Creates a pixel with given RGBA values

function BGRABitmapVersionStr: string;

String representation of the version, numbers separated by dots

procedure BGRADefaultWordBreakHandler(var ABefore, AAfter: string);

Default word break handler

function BGRADiff(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): byte;

Computes the difference (with gamma correction) between two pixels, taking into account all dimensions, including transparency. The result ranges from 0 to 255

function BGRAGetGamma: single;

Gets the gamma value used for the sRGB colorspace

function BGRAPenStyle(dash1, space1: single; dash2: single=0; space2: single = 0; dash3: single=0; space3: single = 0; dash4 : single = 0; space4 : single = 0): TBGRAPenStyle;

Creates a pen style with the specified length for the dashes and the spaces

function BGRAPixelToStdRGBA(const ABGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel): TStdRGBA;

Converts a TBGRAPixel color to a TSTdRGBA

procedure BGRASetGamma(AGamma: single = 1.7);

Sets the gamma value used for the sRGB colorspace

function BGRAToColor(c: TBGRAPixel): TColor;

Converts a pixel into a TColor value, discarding the alpha value

function BGRAToColor16Bit(const AColor: TBGRAPixel): Word;

Converts a TBGRAPixel into a 16-bit packed color

function BGRAToColorF(const a: array of TBGRAPixel; AGammaExpansion: boolean): ArrayOfTColorF; overload;

Creates a TColorF array from an array of TBGRAPixel

function BGRAToColorF(c: TBGRAPixel; AGammaExpansion: boolean): TColorF; overload;

Creates a TColorF from a TBGRAPixel

function BGRAToFPColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): TFPColor; inline;

Converts a pixel into a TFPColor

function BGRAToGrayscale(c: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;

Converts a color into grayscale

function BGRAToGrayscaleLinear(c: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;

Converts a color into grayscale assuming linear colorspace

function BGRAToGSBA(c: TBGRAPixel): TGSBAPixel;

Converts a pixel from sRGB to correct HSL color space

function BGRAToHSLA(c: TBGRAPixel): THSLAPixel;

Converts a pixel from sRGB to HSL color space

function BGRAToMask(const ABGRAPixel: TBGRAPixel): TByteMask;

Converts a color from TBGRAPixel to TByteMask (grayscale) taking into account gamma correction

function BGRAToStr(c: TBGRAPixel; AColorList: TBGRAColorList = nil; AMaxDiff: Word= 0; AOptionalAlpha: boolean = false; AHashTagPrefix: boolean = false): string;

Converts a TBGRAPixel value into a string, using color names provided in AColorList, and considering that a color matches in the color list if its difference is within AMaxDiff

function BGRAWordDiff(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): word;

Computes the difference (with gamma correction) between two pixels, taking into account all dimensions, including transparency. The result ranges from 0 to 65535

function BidiTextAlignmentToAlignment(ABidiAlign: TBidiTextAlignment; ARightToLeft: boolean): TAlignment;

Converts a bidi alignment to a classic alignement according to bidi-mode

function ByteMaskToExpandedPixel(const AMask: TByteMask; AAlpha: byte = 255): TExpandedPixel;

Converts a TByteMask to a TExpandedPixel using the specified 8-bit alpha value

function ByteSqrt(value: byte): byte; inline;

Returns the square root of the given byte, considering that 255 is equal to unity

procedure ByteStdHSLToRGB(ASextant, APosition, ASaturation, ALightness: byte; out ARed, AGreen, ABlue: byte);

Convert from sHSL the sRGB (byte, lossless). Hue is defined by the sextant and position.

procedure ByteStdHSVToRGB(ASextant, APosition, ASaturation, AValue: byte; out ARed, AGreen, ABlue: byte);

Convert from sHSV the sRGB (byte, lossless). Hue is defined by the sextant and position.

function CheckPutImageBounds(x, y, tx, ty: integer; out minxb, minyb, maxxb, maxyb, ignoreleft: integer; const cliprect: TRect): boolean;

Checks the bounds of an image in the given clipping rectangle

procedure ChromaticAdaptWordXYZ(var X,Y,Z: word; const AFrom, ATo: TXYZReferenceWhite); inline;

Perform chromatic adaptation from one reference white to another (16-bit integer channels)

procedure ChromaticAdaptXYZ(var X,Y,Z: single; const AFrom, ATo: TXYZReferenceWhite); inline;

Perform chromatic adaptation from one reference white to another (floating point channels)

function CleanTextOutString(const s: string): string;

Removes line ending and tab characters from a string (for a function like TextOut that does not handle this). this works with UTF8 strings as well

function Color16BitToBGRA(AColor: Word): TBGRAPixel;

Converts a 16-bit packed color into a TBGRAPixel

function ColorF(red,green,blue,alpha: single): TColorF;

Creates a TColorF structure

function ColorFToBGRA(c: TColorF; AGammaCompression: boolean): TBGRAPixel;

Converts a TColorF into a TBGRAPixel

function ColorImportance(ec: TExpandedPixel): word;

Returns the importance of the color. It is similar to saturation in HSL colorspace, except it is gamma corrected. A value of zero indicates a black/gray/white, and a value of 65535 indicates a bright color

function ColorToBGRA(color: TColor; opacity: byte): TBGRAPixel; overload;

Converts a TColor value into a pixel with given opacity

function ColorToBGRA(color: TColor): TBGRAPixel; overload;

Converts a TColor value into an opaque pixel

function CombineLightness(lightness1,lightness2: Int32or64): Int32or64;

Combines two lightnesses together. A value of 32768 is neutral. The result may exceed 65535

function ConcatPointsF(const APolylines: array of ArrayOfTPointF; AInsertEmptyPointInBetween: boolean = false): ArrayOfTPointF;

Concatenates arrays of TPointF

function Cos65536(value: word): Int32or64; inline;

Returns an integer approximation of the cosine. Value ranges from 0 to 65535, where 65536 corresponds to the next cycle

function CreateBGRAImageReader(AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat): TFPCustomImageReader;

Create an image reader for the given format

function CreateBGRAImageWriter(AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat; AHasTransparentPixels: boolean): TFPCustomImageWriter;

Create an image writer for the given format. AHasTransparentPixels specifies if alpha channel must be supported

procedure DefaultSolidBrushIndirectSetPixels(AFixedData: Pointer; AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);

This item has no description.

procedure DefaultSolidBrushIndirectSkipPixels(AFixedData: Pointer; AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);

This item has no description.

function DetectFileFormat(AStream: TStream; ASuggestedExtensionUTF8: string = ''): TBGRAImageFormat;

Detect the file format of a given stream. ASuggestedExtensionUTF8 can be provided to guess the format

function DetectFileFormat(AFilenameUTF8: string): TBGRAImageFormat;

Detect the file format of a given file

function DoesQuadIntersect(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF): boolean;

Checks if the quad formed by the 4 given points intersects itself

function DoesSegmentIntersect(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF): boolean;

Checks if two segment intersect

function EasyBezierCurve(APoints: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean; ACurveMode: TEasyBezierCurveMode; AMinimumDotProduct: single = EasyBezierDefaultMinimumDotProduct): TEasyBezierCurve; overload;

Create a TEasyBezierCurve object with only one curve mode

function EasyBezierCurve(APoints: array of TPointF; AStart, ACount: integer; AClosed: boolean; ACurveMode: TEasyBezierCurveMode; AMinimumDotProduct: single = EasyBezierDefaultMinimumDotProduct): TEasyBezierCurve; overload;

Create a TEasyBezierCurve object with a subsection of the array of points, with only one curve mode

function EasyBezierCurve(APoints: array of TPointF; AStart, ACount: integer; AClosed: boolean; ACurveMode: array of TEasyBezierCurveMode; AMinimumDotProduct: single = EasyBezierDefaultMinimumDotProduct): TEasyBezierCurve; overload;

Create a TEasyBezierCurve object with a subsection of the array of points, with a curve mode for each point

function EasyBezierCurve(APoints: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean; ACurveMode: array of TEasyBezierCurveMode; AMinimumDotProduct: single = EasyBezierDefaultMinimumDotProduct): TEasyBezierCurve; overload;

Create a TEasyBezierCurve object with a curve mode for each point

function ExpandedDiff(ec1, ec2: TExpandedPixel): word;

Computes the difference (with gamma correction) between two pixels, taking into account all dimensions, including transparency. The result ranges from 0 to 65535

function ExpandedPixelToByteMask(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TByteMask;

Converts a TExpandedPixel color to a TByteMask (grayscale)

function ExpandedPixelToLinearRGBA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TLinearRGBA;

Converts a TExpandedPixel to a TLinearRGBA

function ExpandedPixelToStdRGBA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TStdRGBA;

Converts a TExpandedPixel to a TStdRGBA (applying gamma compression)

function ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel): TWordXYZA; overload;

This item has no description.

function ExpandedPixelToWordXYZA(const AExpandedPixel: TExpandedPixel; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TWordXYZA; overload;

This item has no description.

function ExpandedToFPColor(AExpanded: TExpandedPixel; AGammaCompression: boolean=true): TFPColor;

Converts from TExpandedPixel to TFPColor (with gamma compression by default)

function ExpandedToGSBA(const ec: TExpandedPixel): TGSBAPixel;

Converts a pixel from gamma expanded RGB to correct HSL color space

function ExpandedToHSLA(const ec: TExpandedPixel): THSLAPixel;

Converts a pixel from gamma expanded RGB to HSL color space

function FastBGRAExpandedDiff(c1,c2: TBGRAPixel): word;

Fast computation of difference, without weighing the alpha channel

function FastBGRALinearDiff(c1,c2: TBGRAPixel): byte;

Fast computation of difference, without weighing the alpha channel and without gamma correction

function FastRoundDiv257(valueWord: LongWord): byte; inline;

Fonction to divide by 257 (not quite the same as shr 8)

function FPColorToBGRA(AValue: TFPColor): TBGRAPixel;

Converts a TFPColor value into a pixel. Note that even if TFPColor have 16-bit values, they are not considered as gamma expanded

function FPColorToExpanded(AColor: TFPColor; AGammaExpansion: boolean=true): TExpandedPixel;

Converts from TFPColor to TExpandedPixel (with gamma expansion by default)

function FPColorToStdRGBA(const AFPColor: TFPColor): TStdRGBA;

Converts a TFPColor color to a TStdRGBA

function GammaCompression(red,green,blue,alpha: word): TBGRAPixel; inline; overload;

Converts a pixel from gamma expanded RGB to sRGB

function GammaCompression(const ec: TExpandedPixel): TBGRAPixel; inline; overload;

Converts a pixel from gamma expanded RGB to sRGB

function GammaCompressionF(c: TColorF): TColorF;

Applies gamma compression to a TColorF value (yielding non linear values)

function GammaCompressionW(AExpanded: word): word;

Apply gamma compression with word values

function GammaCompressionWF(AValue: Word): single;

Computes gamma compression of a 16-bit integer (linear value) into a float value (non linear value)

function GammaExpansion(c: TBGRAPixel): TExpandedPixel; inline;

Converts a pixel from sRGB to gamma expanded RGB

function GammaExpansionF(c: TColorF): TColorF;

Applies gamma expansion to a TColorF value (yielding linear values)

function GammaExpansionFW(AValue: single): word;

Computes gamma expansion of a float (non linear value) into a 16-bit integer (linear value)

function GammaExpansionW(ACompressed: word): word;

Apply gamma expansion with word values

function GetByteStdLightness(ARed, AGreen, ABlue: byte): byte;

Compute the lightness in sHSL (byte)

function GetHue(ec: TExpandedPixel): word;

Returns the hue of a gamma expanded pixel

function GetIntensity(c: TBGRAPixel): word; inline;

Returns the intensity of a pixel. The intensity is the maximum value reached by any component

function GetIntensity(const c: TExpandedPixel): word; inline;

Returns the intensity of an gamma-expanded pixel. The intensity is the maximum value reached by any component

function GetLightness(c: TBGRAPixel): word; overload;

Returns the lightness of a pixel. The lightness is the perceived brightness, 0 being black and 65535 being white

function GetLightness(const c: TExpandedPixel): word; inline; overload;

Returns the lightness of an gamma-expanded pixel. The lightness is the perceived brightness, 0 being black and 65535 being white

function GetReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite; overload;

Retrieves a copy of the current reference white used for color conversions

function GetReferenceWhite(AObserverAngle: integer; AIlluminant: string): TXYZReferenceWhite; overload;

Gets the reference white parameters by its viewing angle and illuminant

function GetReferenceWhiteByIndex(AIndex: integer): TXYZReferenceWhite;

Gets the reference white by its index

function GetReferenceWhiteCount: integer;

Returns the number of reference white that have been defined

function GetReferenceWhiteIndirect(AObserverAngle: integer; AIlluminant: string): PXYZReferenceWhite; overload;

Gets a pointer to the reference white parameters by its viewing angle and illuminant

function GetReferenceWhiteIndirect: PXYZReferenceWhite; overload;

Gets a pointer to the current reference white used for color conversions

function GrayscaleToBGRA(lightness: word): TBGRAPixel;

Create a gray color with the given lightness

function GSBAToBGRA(const c: THSLAPixel): TBGRAPixel; overload;

Converts a pixel from corrected HSL to sRGB

function GSBAToBGRA(c: TGSBAPixel): TBGRAPixel; overload;

Converts a pixel from corrected HSL to sRGB

function GSBAToExpanded(c: TGSBAPixel): TExpandedPixel; overload;

Converts a pixel from corrected HSL to gamma expanded RGB

function GSBAToExpanded(const c: THSLAPixel): TExpandedPixel; overload;

Converts a pixel from corrected HSL to gamma expanded RGB

function GSBAToHSLA(const c: THSLAPixel): THSLAPixel; overload;

Converts a pixel from corrected HSL to HSL

function GSBAToHSLA(const c: TGSBAPixel): THSLAPixel; overload;

Converts a pixel from corrected HSL to HSL

function GtoH(ghue: word): word;

Converts a G hue (GSBA) to a H hue (HSLA)

function HalfUp(value: single): integer;

Rounds the number to the nearest integer. If the number is exactly halfway between two integers, it rounds towards positive infinity.

function HalfUp64(value: single): Int64;

Rounds the number to the nearest 64-bit integer. If the number is exactly halfway between two integers, it rounds towards positive infinity.

procedure HandleLinearRGBAOverflow(var result: TLinearRGBA; LumaRed, LumaGreen, LumaBlue: single); inline;

Handle overflow by bringing values to the range 0 to 1. The luma parameters indicate the brightness of each RGB channel (typically green is brighter)

function HSLA(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha: word): THSLAPixel; overload; inline;

Creates a pixel with given HSLA values, where A stands for alpha

function HSLA(hue, saturation, lightness: word): THSLAPixel; overload; inline;

Creates an opaque pixel with given HSL values

function HSLAToBGRA(const c: THSLAPixel): TBGRAPixel;

Converts a pixel from HSL colorspace to sRGB

function HSLAToExpanded(const c: THSLAPixel): TExpandedPixel;

Converts a pixel from HSL colorspace to gamma expanded RGB

function HSLAToGSBA(const c: THSLAPixel): TGSBAPixel;

Converts a pixel from HSL to corrected HSL

function HtoG(hue: word): word;

Converts a H hue (HSLA) to a G hue (GSBA)

function HueDiff(h1, h2: word): word;

Computes the hue difference

function IntersectLine(line1, line2: TLineDef): TPointF; overload;

Computes the intersection of two lines. If they are parallel, returns the middle of the segment between the two origins

function IntersectLine(line1, line2: TLineDef; out parallel: boolean): TPointF; overload;

Computes the intersection of two lines. If they are parallel, returns the middle of the segment between the two origins. The value parallel is set to indicate if the lines were parallel

function IsClockwise(const pts: array of TPointF): boolean;

Checks if the points follow a clockwise curve

function IsConvex(const pts: array of TPointF; IgnoreAlign: boolean = true): boolean;

Checks if the polygon formed by the given points is convex. IgnoreAlign specifies that if the points are aligned, it should still be considered as convex

function IsEmptyPoint(const APoint: TPoint): boolean;

Checks if the given point is equivalent to EmptyPoint

function isEmptyPointF(const pt: TPointF): boolean;

Checks if the structure is empty (equal to EmptyPointF)

function IsEmptyRectF(const ARect:TRectF): boolean;

Checks if the given TRectF structure is empty (of zero size)

function IsMostlyClockwise(const pts: array of TPointF): boolean;

Checks if the curve is clockwise on the whole but accepting some counter-clockwise points

function LabAToLChA(const ALabA: TLabA): TLChA;

Converts color from TLabA to TLChA

function LabAToXYZA(const ALabA: TLabA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA; overload;

This item has no description.

function LabAToXYZA(const ALabA: TLabA): TXYZA; overload;

This item has no description.

function LChAToLabA(const ALChA: TLChA): TLabA;

Converts color from TLChA to TLabA

function LinearRGBAToExpandedPixel(const ALinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA): TExpandedPixel;

Converts a TLinearRGBA into a TExpandedPixel (clamped to 0..65535)

function LinearRGBAToStdRGBA(const ALinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA): TStdRGBA;

This item has no description.

function LinearRGBAToXYZA(const ALinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA): TXYZA; overload;

This item has no description.

function LinearRGBAToXYZA(const ALinearRGBA: TLinearRGBA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TXYZA; overload;

This item has no description.

procedure LMSToXYZ(const L,M,S: Single; out X,Y,Z: single);

Determines XYZ coordinates from cone stimulations (L, M, S)

function MapHeight(Color: TBGRAPixel): Single;

Get height [0..1] stored in a TBGRAPixel

function MapHeightToBGRA(Height: Single; Alpha: Byte): TBGRAPixel;

Get TBGRAPixel to store height [0..1]

function MaskToBGRA(const AMask: TByteMask; AAlpha: byte = 255): TBGRAPixel;

Converts a TByteMask to a TBGRAPixel using the specified alpha value

function MergeBGRA(ec1: TExpandedPixel; weight1: integer; ec2: TExpandedPixel; weight2: integer): TExpandedPixel; overload;

Merge two gamma expanded pixels with the given weights

function MergeBGRA(c1: TBGRAPixel; weight1: integer; c2: TBGRAPixel; weight2: integer): TBGRAPixel; overload;

Merge two colors without gamma correction. weight1 and weight2 indicates the weight of the color barycentre

function MergeBGRA(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; overload;

Merge two colors without gamma correction

function MergeBGRA(const colors: array of TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; overload;

Merge given colors without gamma correction

function MergeBGRA(ec1, ec2: TExpandedPixel): TExpandedPixel; overload;

Merge two gamma expanded pixels (implicit gamma correction)

function MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection(c1: TBGRAPixel; weight1: byte; c2: TBGRAPixel; weight2: byte): TBGRAPixel;

Merge two colors with gamma correction. weight1 and weight2 indicates the weight of the color barycentre

procedure Normalize3D(var v: TPoint3D); inline;

Normalize the vector, i.e. scale it so that its length be 1

function PartialStrToBGRA(str: string; const fallbackValues: TBGRAPixel; out error: boolean): TBGRAPixel;

Converts a string into a TBGRAPixel value. If the value is not fully defined, missing channels (expressed with '?') are filled with fallbackValues. You can check if there was an error with the provided boolean. Color names from VGAColors and CSSColors are used if there is an exact match.

function Point3D(x,y,z: single): TPoint3D;

Creates a new structure with values (x, y, z)

function PointF(pt: TPoint): TPointF; overload;

Creates a new structure converting integer values to single-precision floating-point coordinates

function PointF(x, y: single): TPointF; overload;

Creates a new structure with values x and y

function PointsF(const pts: array of TPointF): ArrayOfTPointF;

Creates an array of TPointF

function PolylineLen(const pts: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean = false): single;

Compute the length of the polyline contained in the array. AClosed specifies if the last point is to be joined to the first one

function PositiveMod(value, cycle: Int32or64): Int32or64; inline; overload;

Computes the value modulo cycle, and if the value is negative, the result is still positive

procedure PrecalcSin65536;

  • Compute all sin values now

function PtInRect(const pt: TPoint; r: TRect): boolean; overload;

Checks if a point is in a rectangle with integer coordinates. This follows usual convention that r.Right and r.Bottom are not considered to be included in the rectangle.

function RectF(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Single): TRectF;

Creates a TRectF structure with specified left, top, right, and bottom coordinates

function RectF(const ARect: TRect): TRectF;

Creates a TRectF structure from a TRect structure (integer coordinates converted to single precision)

function RectF(const ATopLeft,ABottomRight: TPointF): TRectF;

Creates a TRectF structure from two TPointF points representing the top-left and bottom-right corners

function RectWithSize(left,top,width,height: integer): TRect;

Creates a rectangle with integer coordinates with the specified width and height

function RectWithSizeF(left,top,width,height: Single): TRectF;

Creates a TRectF structure with a specified position (left, top) and size (width, height)

function RemoveLineEnding(var s: string; indexByte: integer): boolean;

Remove the line ending at the specified position or return False. This works with UTF8 strings however the index is the byte index

function RemoveLineEndingUTF8(var sUTF8: string; indexUTF8: integer): boolean;

Remove the line ending at the specified position or return False. The index is the character index, that may be different from the byte index

function ResourceFile(AFilename: string): string;

Return the full path for a resource file on the disk. On Windows and Linux, it can be next to the binary but on MacOS, it can be outside of the application bundle when debugging

procedure RGBToByteStdHSL(ARed, AGreen, ABlue: byte; out ASextant, APosition, ASaturation, ALightness: byte);

Convert from sRGB the sHSL (byte, lossless). Hue is defined by the sextant and position.

procedure RGBToByteStdHSV(ARed, AGreen, ABlue: byte; out ASextant, APosition, ASaturation, AValue: byte);

Convert from sRGB the sHSV (byte, lossless). Hue is defined by the sextant and position.

function SetIntensity(const c: TExpandedPixel; intensity: word): TExpandedPixel;

Sets the intensity of a gamma-expanded pixel

function SetIntensity(c: TBGRAPixel; intensity: word): TBGRAPixel;

Sets the intensity of a pixel

function SetLightness(const c: TExpandedPixel; lightness: word; curLightness: word): TExpandedPixel; overload;

Sets the lightness of a gamma expanded pixel, provided you already know the current value of lightness curLightness. It is a bit faster than the previous function

function SetLightness(c: TBGRAPixel; lightness: word): TBGRAPixel; overload;

Sets the lightness of a pixel

function SetLightness(const c: TExpandedPixel; lightness: word): TExpandedPixel; overload;

Sets the lightness of a gamma-expanded pixel

procedure SetReferenceWhite(AObserverAngle: integer; AIlluminant: string); overload;

Use the reference white, specified by viewing angle and illumant, when converting colors

procedure SetReferenceWhite(AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite); overload;

Use the specified reference white parameters when converting colors

function Sin65536(value: word): Int32or64; inline;

Returns an integer approximation of the sine. Value ranges from 0 to 65535, where 65536 corresponds to the next cycle

function SpectrumRangeReflectToXYZA(reflectance,wavelen1,wavelen2,alpha: single): TXYZA;

Computes reflected color in XYZ for a given wavelength range

function StdCMYKToStdRGBA(const AStdCMYK: TStdCMYK; AAlpha: Single = 1): TStdRGBA;

This item has no description.

function StdHSLAToStdHSVA(const AStdHSLA: TStdHSLA): TStdHSVA;

This item has no description.

function StdHSLAToStdRGBA(const AStdHSLA: TStdHSLA): TStdRGBA;

This item has no description.

function StdHSVAToStdHSLA(const AStdHSVA: TStdHSVA): TStdHSLA;

This item has no description.

function StdHSVAToStdRGBA(const AStdHSVA: TStdHSVA): TStdRGBA;

This item has no description.

function StdRGBAToBGRAPixel(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TBGRAPixel;

Converts a TStdRGBA color to a TBGRAPixel (clamped to 0..255)

function StdRGBAToExpandedPixel(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TExpandedPixel;

Converts a TStdRGBA to a TExpandedPixel (applying gamma expansion)

function StdRGBAToFPColor(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TFPColor;

Converts a TStdRGBA color to a TFPColor (clamped to 0..65535)

function StdRGBAToLinearRGBA(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TLinearRGBA;

This item has no description.

function StdRGBAToStdCMYK(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TStdCMYK;

This item has no description.

function StdRGBAToStdHSLA(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TStdHSLA;

This item has no description.

function StdRGBAToStdHSVA(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TStdHSVA;

This item has no description.

function StdRGBAToYCbCr601(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TYCbCr601;

This item has no description.

function StdRGBAToYCbCr601JPEG(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TYCbCr601JPEG;

This item has no description.

function StdRGBAToYCbCr709(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TYCbCr709;

This item has no description.

function StdRGBAToYCbCr709JPEG(const AStdRGBA: TStdRGBA): TYCbCr709JPEG;

This item has no description.

procedure StdRGBToYCbCr(const R, G, B: single; const AParameters: TYCbCrStdParameters; out Y, Cb, Cr: Single); inline;

This item has no description.

function StrToBGRA(str: string): TBGRAPixel; overload;

Converts a fully defined string into a TBGRAPixel value. Color names from VGAColors and CSSColors are used if there is an exact match

function StrToBGRA(str: string; const DefaultColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; overload;

Converts a string into a TBGRAPixel value. If the value is not fully defined or that there is an error, DefaultColor is returned. Color names from VGAColors and CSSColors are used if there is an exact match.

function StrToBlendOperation(str: string): TBlendOperation;

Returns the blend mode expressed by the string

function StrToGradientType(str: string): TGradientType;

Returns the gradient type represented by the given string

function StrToResampleFilter(str: string): TResampleFilter;

Gives the sample filter represented by a string

function SuggestImageExtension(AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat): string;

Returns a likely image extension for the format

function SuggestImageFormat(AFilenameOrExtensionUTF8: string): TBGRAImageFormat;

Returns the file format that is most likely to be stored in the given filename (according to its extension)

procedure TryStrToBGRA(str: string; var parsedValue: TBGRAPixel; out missingValues: boolean; out error: boolean);

Converts a string into a TBGRAPixel value into parsedValue. parsedValue is not changed if some channels are missing (expressed with '?'). You can check if there was an error with the provided boolean. Color names from VGAColors and CSSColors are used if there is an exact match.

function VectDet(const v1,v2: TPointF): double; inline;

Computes the determinant of the two vectors (equal to the determinant of the square matrix with those vectors as columns)

function VectLen(const v: TPointF): single; overload;

Returns the length of the vector represented by (x, y)

function VectLen(const dx,dy: single): single; overload; inline;

Returns the length of the vector (dx, dy)

function VectLen3D(const v: TPoint3D): single;

Computes the length of the vector from the origin to the point

procedure VectProduct3D(u,v: TPoint3D; out w: TPoint3D);

Computes the vectorial product w. It is perpendicular to both u and v

function WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(const AXYZA: TWordXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TExpandedPixel; overload;

This item has no description.

function WordXYZAToExpandedPixel(const AXYZA: TWordXYZA): TExpandedPixel; overload;

This item has no description.

function WordXYZAToXYZA(const AWordXYZA: TWordXYZA): TXYZA;

This item has no description.

function XYZAToAdobeRGBA(const AXYZA: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TAdobeRGBA; overload;

Converts color from TXYZA to TAdobeRGBA using specifed reference white

function XYZAToAdobeRGBA(const AXYZA: TXYZA): TAdobeRGBA; overload;

Converts color from TXYZA to TAdobeRGBA using current reference white

function XYZAToLabA(const AXYZA: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLabA; overload;

This item has no description.

function XYZAToLabA(const AXYZA: TXYZA): TLabA; overload;

This item has no description.

function XYZAToLinearRGBA(const AXYZA: TXYZA; const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite): TLinearRGBA; overload;

This item has no description.

function XYZAToLinearRGBA(const AXYZA: TXYZA): TLinearRGBA; overload;

This item has no description.

function XYZAToWordXYZA(const AXYZA: TXYZA): TWordXYZA;

This item has no description.

procedure XYZToLMS(const X,Y,Z: Single; out L,M,S: single);

Determines cone stimulations (L, M, S) from XYZ coordinates

function YCbCr601JPEGToStdRGBA(const AYCbCr: TYCbCr601JPEG; AAlpha: Single = 1): TStdRGBA;

This item has no description.

function YCbCr601ToStdRGBA(const AYCbCr: TYCbCr601; ALumaRed, ALumaGreen, ALumaBlue, AAlpha: Single): TStdRGBA; overload;

This item has no description.

function YCbCr601ToStdRGBA(const AYCbCr: TYCbCr601; AAlpha: Single = 1): TStdRGBA; overload;

This item has no description.

function YCbCr709JPEGToStdRGBA(const AYCbCr: TYCbCr709JPEG; AAlpha: Single = 1): TStdRGBA;

This item has no description.

function YCbCr709ToStdRGBA(const AYCbCr: TYCbCr709; AAlpha: Single = 1): TStdRGBA;

This item has no description.

procedure YCbCrToStdRGB(const Y, Cb, Cr: Single; const AParameters: TYCbCrStdParameters; out R, G, B: Single); inline;

This item has no description.


ArrayOfSingle = array of single;

Array of single-precision floating point values

ArrayOfTBGRAPixel = array of TBGRAPixel;

Array of pixels, not to be used as a buffer

ArrayOfTColorF = array of TColorF;

Array of TColorF

ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo = array of TIntersectionInfo;

An array of intersections between an horizontal line and any shape

ArrayOfTPointF = array of TPointF;

Contains an array of points with single-precision floating point coordinates


Device context handle (using LCL if available)

Int32or64 = BGRAClasses.Int32or64;

Signed integer value of at least 32 bits

PAdobeRGBA = ˆTAdobeRGBA;

Pointer to TAdobeRGBA color

PArcDef = ˆTArcDef;

Pointer to an arc definition

PBGRAPixel = ˆTBGRAPixel;

Pointer for direct pixel access. Data is stored as a sequence of TBGRAPixel. See Tutorial 4

PByteMask = ˆTByteMask;

Pointer to TByteMask color

PDefaultSolidBrushIndirectFixedData = ˆTDefaultSolidBrushIndirectFixedData;

Pointer to the default data structure for a solid brush

PExpandedPixel = ˆTExpandedPixel;

Pointer to a TExpandedPixel

PIntersectionInfo = ˆTIntersectionInfo;

This item has no description.

PLabA = ˆTLabA;

Pointer to TLabA color


Pointer to TLChA color

PLinearRGBA = ˆTLinearRGBA;

Pointer to TLinearRGBA color

PPoint3D = ˆTPoint3D;

Pointer to a TPoint3D structure

PPointF = ˆBGRAClasses.TPointF;

Pointer to a TPointF structure

PRectF = ˆTRectF;

Pointer to a TRectF structure


Pointer to TStdCMYK color


Pointer to TStdHSLA color


Pointer to TStdHSVA color


Pointer to TStdRGBA color

PUniBrushContext = ˆTUniBrushContext;

Pointer to working area to be provided to a brush

PUniversalBrush = ˆTUniversalBrush;

Pointer to a universal brush


Pointer to TWordXYZA color


Pointer to TXYZA color

PXYZReferenceWhite = ˆTXYZReferenceWhite;

Pointer to a reference white

PYCbCr601 = ˆTYCbCr601;

Pointer to TYCbCr601 color


Pointer to TYCbCr601JPEG color

PYCbCr709 = ˆTYCbCr709;

Pointer to TYCbCr709 color


Pointer to TYCbCr709JPEG color

TAffineMatrix = array[1..2,1..3] of single;

An affine matrix contains three 2D vectors: the image of x, the image of y and the translation

TAlphaChannelPaletteOption = (...);

Specifies how a palette handles the alpha channel

  • acIgnore: The alpha channel is ignored. The alpha channel is considered to be stored elsewhere
  • acTransparentEntry: One entry is allocated the fully transparent color
  • acFullChannelInPalette: The alpha channel is fully embedded in the palette so that a color is identified by its four RGBA channels
TArcOption = (...);

Possible options for drawing an arc of an ellipse (used in BGRACanvas)

  • aoClosePath: Close the path by joining the ending and starting point together
  • aoPie: Draw a pie shape by joining the ending and starting point to the center of the ellipse
  • aoFillPath: Fills the shape
TArcOptions = set of TArcOption;

Set of options for drawing an arc

TBGRAArrowStyle = (...);

Enumerates different styles of arrows that can be used in graphic rendering. Each style represents a unique visual appearance for arrowheads or tails

  • asNone: No arrow style. This option indicates that no arrowhead or tail is to be rendered
  • asNormal: A normal arrow style, representing a standard arrowhead with an angle
  • asCut: A cut arrow style, where the edge of the arrow are cut instead of using the pen end cap
  • asTriangle: A triangle arrow style, forming a simple triangular arrowhead
  • asHollowTriangle: A hollow triangle arrow style, similar to asTriangle but with an unfilled center
  • asFlipped: A flipped arrow style, where the arrowhead points in the opposite direction to the normal style
  • asFlippedCut: A flipped cut arrow style, combining the aspects of asFlipped and asCut
  • asTail: A small tail, typically used to depict the starting point of an arrow
  • asTailRepeat: A tail repeat arrow style, depicting a series of repeated patterns typically used for the starting point of an arrow
TBGRABitmapAny = class of TBGRACustomBitmap;

This item has no description.

TBGRAFontQuality = (...);

Quality to be used to render text

  • fqSystem: Use the system capabilities. It is rather fast however it may be not be smoothed.
  • fqSystemClearType: Use the system capabilities to render with ClearType. This quality is of course better than fqSystem however it may not be perfect.
  • fqFineAntialiasing: Garanties a high quality antialiasing.
  • fqFineClearTypeRGB: Fine antialiasing with ClearType assuming an LCD display in red/green/blue order
  • fqFineClearTypeBGR: Fine antialiasing with ClearType assuming an LCD display in blue/green/red order
TBGRAGradientGetColorAtFloatFunc = function(position: single): TBGRAPixel of object;

Function type to get the the color at a given single-precision floating type position

TBGRAGradientGetColorAtFunc = function(position: integer): TBGRAPixel of object;

Function type to get the the color at a given integer position

TBGRAGradientGetExpandedColorAtFloatFunc = function(position: single): TExpandedPixel of object;

Function type to get the the expanded color at a given single-precision floating type position

TBGRAGradientGetExpandedColorAtFunc = function(position: integer): TExpandedPixel of object;

Function type to get the the expanded color at a given integer position

TBGRAImageFormat = (...);

List of image formats

  • ifUnknown: Unknown format
  • ifJpeg: JPEG format, opaque, lossy compression
  • ifPng: PNG format, transparency, lossless compression. Can be animated (see BGRAAnimatedGif)
  • ifGif: GIF format, single transparent color, lossless in theory but only low number of colors allowed. Can be animated (see BGRAAnimatedGif)
  • ifBmp: BMP format, transparency, no compression. Note that transparency is not supported by all BMP readers so it is recommended to avoid storing images with transparency in this format
  • ifBmpMioMap: iGO BMP (16-bit, rudimentary lossless compression)
  • ifIco: ICO format, contains different sizes of the same image
  • ifCur: CUR format, has hotspot, contains different sizes of the same image
  • ifPcx: PCX format, opaque, rudimentary lossless compression
  • ifPaintDotNet: Paint.NET format, layers, lossless compression
  • ifLazPaint: LazPaint format, layers, lossless compression
  • ifOpenRaster: OpenRaster format, layers, lossless compression
  • ifPhoxo: Phoxo format, layers
  • ifPsd: Photoshop format, layers, rudimentary lossless compression
  • ifTarga: Targa format (TGA), transparency, rudimentary lossless compression
  • ifTiff: TIFF format, limited support
  • ifXwd: X-Window capture, limited support
  • ifXPixMap: X-Pixmap, text encoded image, limited support
  • ifPortableAnyMap: text or binary encoded image, no compression, extension PBM, PGM, PPM
  • ifSvg: Scalable Vector Graphic, vectorial, read-only as raster
  • ifWebP: Lossless or lossy compression using V8 algorithm (need libwebp library)
  • ifAvif: Lossless or lossy compression using Avif algorithm (need libavif library)
TBGRALoadingOption = (...);

Possible options when loading an image

  • loKeepTransparentRGB: Do not clear RGB channels when alpha is zero (not recommended)
  • loBmpAutoOpaque: Consider BMP to be opaque if no alpha value is provided (for compatibility)
  • loJpegQuick: Load JPEG quickly however with a lower quality
TBGRALoadingOptions = set of TBGRALoadingOption;

Set of options when loading

TBGRAPathAny = class of TBGRACustomPath;

Type for specifying any derived class of TBGRACustomPath

TBGRAPathDrawProc = procedure(const APoints: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean; AData: Pointer) of object;

Callback function when rendering a stroke

TBGRAPathFillProc = procedure(const APoints: array of TPointF; AData: pointer) of object;

Callback function when filling a shape

TBGRAPenStyle = array Of Single;

A pen style can be dashed, dotted, etc. It is defined as a list of floating point number. The first number is the length of the first dash, the second number is the length of the first gap, the third number is the length of the second dash... It must have an even number of values. This is used as a complement to [[BGRABitmap Types imported from Graphics|TPenStyle]]

TBGRAPixelBuffer = packed array of TBGRAPixel;

Array of TBGRAPixel to be used as a buffer

TBGRATextOutImproveReadabilityMode = (...);

Output mode for the improved renderer for readability. This is used by the font renderer based on LCL in BGRAText

  • irMask: Render the grayscale mask
  • irNormal: Render normally with provided the color or texture
  • irClearTypeRGB: Render with ClearType for RGB ordered display
  • irClearTypeBGR: Render with ClearType for BGR ordered display
TBGRATypeWriterAlignment = (...);

Alignment for a typewriter, that does not have any more information than a square shape containing glyphs

  • twaTopLeft
  • twaTop
  • twaTopRight
  • twaLeft
  • twaMiddle
  • twaRight
  • twaBottomLeft
  • twaBottom
  • twaBottomRight
TBGRATypeWriterOutlineMode = (...);

How a typewriter must render its content on a Canvas2d

  • twoPath
  • twoFill
  • twoStroke
  • twoFillOverStroke
  • twoStrokeOverFill
  • twoFillThenStroke
  • twoStrokeThenFill
TBidiTextAlignment = (...);

Alignment relative to the bidi-mode

  • btaNatural: Natural alignment: left-aligned for left-to-right and right-aligned for right-to-left text
  • btaOpposite: Opposite of natural alignment
  • btaLeftJustify: Always left-aligned
  • btaRightJustify: Always right-aligned
  • btaCenter: Centered
TBlendOperation = (...);

Advanced blending modes. See Paint.NET blend modes and Formulas. Blending layers has two steps. The first one is to apply the blend operations listed below, and the second is the actual merging of the colors

  • boLinearBlend: Simple blend, except that it forces a linear merge so it is equivalent to dmLinearBlend
  • boTransparent: Simple blend. It is equivalent to dmLinearBlend or dmDrawWithTransparency
  • boLighten: Lighting blend modes (tends to increase the luminosity)
  • boScreen
  • boAdditive
  • boLinearAdd
  • boColorDodge
  • boDivide
  • boNiceGlow
  • boSoftLight
  • boHardLight
  • boGlow: Masking blend modes (tends to decrease the luminosity)
  • boReflect
  • boOverlay
  • boDarkOverlay
  • boDarken
  • boMultiply
  • boColorBurn
  • boDifference: Difference blend modes
  • boLinearDifference
  • boExclusion
  • boLinearExclusion
  • boSubtract
  • boLinearSubtract
  • boSubtractInverse
  • boLinearSubtractInverse
  • boNegation: Negation blend modes
  • boLinearNegation
  • boXor: Xor blend mode. It is sightly different from dmXor because the alpha value is used like in other blends modes
  • boSvgSoftLight: SVG implementation of soft light
  • boMask: Apply mask
  • boLinearMultiplySaturation: Standard HSL colorspace
  • boLinearHue
  • boLinearColor
  • boLinearLightness
  • boLinearSaturation
  • boCorrectedHue: Corrected HSL colorspace (GSB)
  • boCorrectedColor
  • boCorrectedLightness
  • boCorrectedSaturation
TChannel = (...);

Possible channels in a bitmap using any RGBA colorspace

  • cRed
  • cGreen
  • cBlue
  • cAlpha
TChannels = set of TChannel;

Combination of channels

TColorF = packed array[1..4] of single;

General purpose color variable with single-precision floating point values. It can be linear like TExpandedPixel or not, like TBGRAPixel.

TColorspaceAny = class of TCustomColorspace;

Any colorspace class

TColorspaceConvertArrayProc = procedure(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; ASourceStride:integer; ADestStride:integer; AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite);

Function signature to convert from one colorspace to another

TColorspaceFlag = (...);

Flag about a colorspace

  • cfFixedReferenceWhite: Reference white is fixed (relative to a certain illuminant). Example: sRGB and AdobeRGB are fixed at D65
  • cfMovableReferenceWhite: Reference white is not fixed, it can be changed. Example: XYZ
  • cfReferenceWhiteIndependent: Independent from reference white, it expresses subjective perception. Example: L*a*b*, LCh
  • cfHasImaginaryColors: Whether imaginary colors can be expressed (colors that cannot be perceived in normal viewing conditions). Example: XYZ, L*a*b*, LCh
TColorspaceFlags = set of TColorspaceFlag;

Set of flags about a colorspace

TColorspaceOverflow = (...);

How to handle overflow when converting from XYZ

  • xroClipToTarget: Colors outside of target colorspace are converted to transparent
  • xroSaturateEachChannel: Each color channel is saturated independently (hue may be lost)
  • xroPreserveHue: Hue is preserved by reducing intensity or saturation
TColorTransparency = (...);

Color transparency

  • ctFullyTransparent: Fully transparent
  • ctSemiTransparent: Semi-transparent (neither fully transparent nor opaque)
  • ctFullyOpaque: Fully opaque
TDitheringAlgorithm = (...);

Dithering algorithms that specifies how to handle colors that are not found in the palette

  • daNearestNeighbor: The nearest color is to be used instead
  • daFloydSteinberg: The nearest color may be used however another color may be used to compensate for the error, following Floyd-Steinberg algorithm
TDrawMode = (...);

Possible modes when drawing a pixel over another one

  • dmSet: The pixel is replaced
  • dmSetExceptTransparent: The pixel is replaced if the pixel over has an alpha value of 255
  • dmLinearBlend: The pixel is blend over the other one according to alpha values, however no gamma correction is applied. In other words, the color space is assumed to be linear
  • dmDrawWithTransparency: The pixel is blend over the other one according to alpha values, and a gamma correction is applied. In other word, the color space is assumed to be sRGB
  • dmXor: Values of all channels are combined with Xor. This is useful to compute the binary difference, however it is not something that makes much sense to display on the screen
TEasyBezierCurveMode = (...);

Enumerates modes for handling curves in a Bezier curve sequence

  • cmAuto: Automatically determines whether to curve or form an angle based on the points' positions
  • cmCurve: Forces a curve at the point
  • cmAngle: Forces an angle at the point, meaning the point is reached and forms an angle instead of a curve
TEasyBezierPointTransformFunc = function(APoint: PPointF; AData: Pointer): TPointF of object;

Function type for transforming Bezier curve points

TEmbossOption = (...);

Possible options when applying emboss filter

  • eoTransparent: Transparent output except when there borders were detected
  • eoPreserveHue: Preserve the original hue
TEmbossOptions = set of TEmbossOption;

Sets of emboss options

TExpandedPixelBuffer = packed array of TExpandedPixel;

Array of TExpandedPixel to be used as a buffer

TFaceCulling = (...);

Enumerates the modes of face culling in rendering. Face culling is a technique used to determine which faces of a polygon are visible and should be rendered

  • fcNone: No face culling is applied. All faces of the polygon are rendered
  • fcKeepCW: Keeps only the faces that are clockwise (CW) from the viewer's perspective. Typically used to remove back faces when the convention is that CW is for front faces
  • fcKeepCCW: Keeps only the faces that are counter-clockwise (CCW) from the viewer's perspective. Typically used to remove back faces when the convention is that CCW is for front faces
TFloodfillMode = (...);

Options when doing a floodfill (also called bucket fill)

  • fmSet: Pixels that are filled are replaced
  • fmDrawWithTransparency: Pixels that are filled are drawn upon with the fill color
  • fmLinearBlend: Pixels that are filled are drawn without gamma correction upon with the fill color
  • fmXor: Pixels that are XORed with the fill color
  • fmProgressive: Pixels that are filled are drawn upon to the extent that the color underneath is similar to the start color. The more different the different is, the less it is drawn upon
TFontBidiMode = BGRAUnicode.TFontBidiMode;

Bidi-mode preference (right-to-left or left-to-right)

TFontVerticalAnchor = (...);

Vertical anchoring of the font. When text is drawn, a start coordinate is necessary. Text can be positioned in different ways. This enum defines what position it is regarding the font

  • fvaTop: The top of the font. Everything will be drawn below the start coordinate.
  • fvaCenter: The center of the font
  • fvaCapLine: The top of capital letters
  • fvaCapCenter: The center of capital letters
  • fvaXLine: The top of small letters
  • fvaXCenter: The center of small letters
  • fvaBaseline: The baseline, the bottom of most letters
  • fvaDescentLine: The bottom of letters that go below the baseline
  • fvaBottom: The bottom of the font. Everything will be drawn above the start coordinate
TGetFineClearTypeAutoFunc = function(): TBGRAFontQuality;

Function type to detect the adequate ClearType mode

TGradientType = (...);

Shape of a gradient

  • gtLinear: The color changes along a certain vector and does not change along its perpendicular direction
  • gtReflected: The color changes like in gtLinear however it is symmetrical to a specified direction
  • gtDiamond: The color changes along a diamond shape
  • gtRadial: The color changes in a radial way from a given center
  • gtAngular: The color changes according to the angle relative to a given center
TGraphicsBevelCut = GraphType.TGraphicsBevelCut;

Definition of a single line 3D bevel

TMedianOption = (...);

Specifies how much smoothing is applied to the computation of the median

  • moNone
  • moLowSmooth
  • moMediumSmooth
  • moHighSmooth
TMultiFileContainer = BGRAMultiFileType.TMultiFileContainer;

Generic definition of a multifile container

TPoint = BGRAClasses.TPoint;

Represents a point with X and Y integer coordinates

TPointF = BGRAClasses.TPointF;

Contains a point with single-precision floating point coordinates

TPolygonOrder = (...);

Order of polygons when rendered using TBGRAMultiShapeFiller (in unit BGRAPolygon)

  • poNone: No order, colors are mixed together
  • poFirstOnTop: First polygon is on top
  • poLastOnTop: Last polygon is on top
TRadialBlurType = (...);

Specifies the shape of a predefined blur

  • rbNormal: Gaussian-like, pixel importance decreases progressively
  • rbDisk: Disk blur, pixel importance does not decrease progressively
  • rbCorona: Pixel are considered when they are at a certain distance
  • rbPrecise: Gaussian-like, but 10 times smaller than rbNormal
  • rbFast: Gaussian-like but simplified to be computed faster
  • rbBox: Box blur, pixel importance does not decrease progressively and the pixels are included when they are in a square. This is much faster than rbFast however you may get square shapes in the resulting image
TRawImageBitOrder = GraphType.TRawImageBitOrder;

Order of the bits in a byte containing pixel values

TRawImageByteOrder = GraphType.TRawImageByteOrder;

Order of the bytes in a group of byte containing pixel values

TRawImageLineOrder = GraphType.TRawImageLineOrder;

Order of the lines in an image

TRectF = BGRAClasses.TRectF;

Represents a rectangle with single-precision floating point coordinates

TResampleFilter = (...);

List of resample filter to be used with rmFineResample

  • rfBox: Equivalent of simple stretch with high quality and pixel-centered coordinates
  • rfLinear: Linear interpolation giving slow transition between pixels
  • rfHalfCosine: Mix of rfLinear and rfCosine giving medium speed stransition between pixels
  • rfCosine: Cosine-like interpolation giving fast transition between pixels
  • rfBicubic: Simple bi-cubic filter (blurry)
  • rfMitchell: Mitchell filter, good for downsizing interpolation
  • rfSpline: Spline filter, good for upsizing interpolation, however slightly blurry
  • rfLanczos2: Lanczos with radius 2, blur is corrected
  • rfLanczos3: Lanczos with radius 3, high contrast
  • rfLanczos4: Lanczos with radius 4, high contrast
  • rfBestQuality: Best quality using rfMitchell or rfSpline
TResampleMode = (...);

How the resample is to be computed

  • rmSimpleStretch: Low quality resample by repeating pixels, stretching them
  • rmFineResample: Use resample filters. This gives high quality resampling however this the proportion changes slightly because the first and last pixel are considered to occupy only half a unit as they are considered as the border of the picture (pixel-centered coordinates)
TResolutionUnit = (...);

Unit used to specify the resolution of a bitmap

  • ruNone: No unit used, only aspect ratio specified
  • ruPixelsPerInch: Pixels per inch (DPI)
  • ruPixelsPerCentimeter: Pixels per centimeters
TRoundRectangleOption = (...);

Possible options for a round rectangle

  • rrTopLeftSquare: specify that a corner is a square (not rounded)
  • rrTopRightSquare
  • rrBottomRightSquare
  • rrBottomLeftSquare
  • rrTopLeftBevel: specify that a corner is a bevel (cut)
  • rrTopRightBevel
  • rrBottomRightBevel
  • rrBottomLeftBevel
  • rrDefault: default option, does nothing particular
TRoundRectangleOptions = set of TRoundRectangleOption;

A set of options for a round rectangle

TScanAtFunction = function (X,Y: Single): TBGRAPixel of object;

A type of function of a scanner that returns the content at floating point coordinates

TScanAtIntegerFunction = function (X,Y: Integer): TBGRAPixel of object;

A type of function of a scanner that returns the content at integer coordinates

TScanNextPixelFunction = function: TBGRAPixel of object;

A type of function of a scanner that returns the next pixel

TSize = BGRAClasses.TSize;

Constains a size with integer with and height

TSplineStyle = (...);

Different types of spline. A spline is a series of points that are used as control points to draw a curve. The first point and last point may or may not be the starting and ending point

  • ssInside: The curve is drawn inside the polygonal envelope without reaching the starting and ending points
  • ssInsideWithEnds: The curve is drawn inside the polygonal envelope and the starting and ending points are reached
  • ssCrossing: The curve crosses the polygonal envelope without reaching the starting and ending points
  • ssCrossingWithEnds: The curve crosses the polygonal envelope and the starting and ending points are reached
  • ssOutside: The curve is outside the polygonal envelope (starting and ending points are reached)
  • ssRoundOutside: The curve expands outside the polygonal envelope (starting and ending points are reached)
  • ssVertexToSide: The curve is outside the polygonal envelope and there is a tangeant at vertices (starting and ending points are reached)
  • ssEasyBezier: The curve is rounded using Bezier curves when the angle is less than or equal to 45°
TTextLayout = BGRAGraphics.TTextLayout;

Text layout (vertical position)

TUniBrushInitContextProc = procedure (AFixedData: Pointer; AContextData: PUniBrushContext);

Additional initialization of the brush context (optional)

TUniBrushPutNextPixelsProc = procedure (AFixedData: Pointer; AContextData: PUniBrushContext; AAlpha: Word; ACount: integer);

Outputs pixels from current position defined in context

TUniversalDrawerAny = class of TCustomUniversalDrawer;

This item has no description.

TWordBreakHandler = procedure(var ABeforeUTF8, AAfterUTF8: string) of object;

Definition of a function that handles work-break

TYCbCrStdColorspace = (...);

YCbCr colorspaces based on sRGB colorspace (with some minor variations in the definition of the primary colors)

  • ITUR601
  • ITUR709
  • SMPTE240M
UInt32or64 = BGRAClasses.UInt32or64;

Unsigned integer value of at least 32 bits


BGRABitmapVersion = 11060200;

Current version expressed as an integer with each part multiplied by 100

BlendOperationStr : array[TBlendOperation] of string = ('LinearBlend', 'Transparent', 'Lighten', 'Screen', 'Additive', 'LinearAdd', 'ColorDodge', 'Divide', 'NiceGlow', 'SoftLight', 'HardLight', 'Glow', 'Reflect', 'Overlay', 'DarkOverlay', 'Darken', 'Multiply', 'ColorBurn', 'Difference', 'LinearDifference', 'Exclusion', 'LinearExclusion', 'Subtract', 'LinearSubtract', 'SubtractInverse', 'LinearSubtractInverse', 'Negation', 'LinearNegation', 'Xor', 'SvgSoftLight', 'Mask', 'LinearMultiplySaturation', 'LinearHue', 'LinearColor', 'LinearLightness', 'LinearSaturation', 'CorrectedHue', 'CorrectedColor', 'CorrectedLightness', 'CorrectedSaturation');

String constants for blend modes

boGlowMask = boGlow;

Alias to glow that express that this blend mode masks the part where the top layer is black

boLinearMultiply = boMultiply;

Alias because linear or non linear multiply modes are identical

boNonLinearOverlay = boDarkOverlay;

Alias to express that dark overlay is simply an overlay with gamma correction

bvLowered = GraphType.bvLowered;

Bevel for lowered surface

bvNone = GraphType.bvNone;

No bevel

bvRaised = GraphType.bvRaised;

Bevel for raised surface

bvSpace = GraphType.bvSpace;

Spacing only

clBlackOpaque = TColor($010000);

This color [#000001] looks just like black. It is needed for drawing black shapes using the Canvas property of TBGRABitmap. This is a standard TCanvas and when drawing with pure black (clBlack), there is no way to know if something has been drawn or if it is transparent

dmFastBlend = dmLinearBlend;

An alias for the linear blend, because it is faster than blending with gamma correction

EasyBezierDefaultMinimumDotProduct = 0.707;

Minimum dot product, corresponding to approximately 45 degrees, to form a curve instead of an angle

EmptyPoint : TPoint = (X: -2147483648; Y: -2147483648);

A constant representing an empty point (with minimum possible integer values for X and Y) that can be used as a separator in a list of TPoint

EmptyPointF: TPointF = (x: -3.402823e38; y: -3.402823e38);

Value indicating that there is an empty TPointF structure. It is also used as a separator in lists of points

EmptyRect : TRect = (left:0; top:0; right:0; bottom: 0);

A value for an empty rectangle with integer coordinates

EmptyRectF : TRectF = (left:0; top:0; right:0; bottom: 0);

A constant representing an empty rectangle with all coordinates set to 0

EmptySingle = single(-3.402823e38);

Value indicating that there is nothing in the single-precision floating point value. It is also used as a separator in lists

fbmAuto = BGRAUnicode.fbmAuto;

This item has no description.

fbmLeftToRight = BGRAUnicode.fbmLeftToRight;

This item has no description.

fbmRightToLeft = BGRAUnicode.fbmRightToLeft;

This item has no description.

fsBorder = GraphType.fsBorder;

fill this color (it fills only connected pixels of this color) 

fsSurface = GraphType.fsSurface;

fill till the color (it fills all except this color)

GradientTypeStr : array[TGradientType] of string = ('Linear','Reflected','Diamond','Radial','Angular');

List of string to represent gradient types

IlluminantSpectrumD65: array[0..94] of TIlluminantSpectrumPoint = ((W:360; Y:46.6383), (W:365; Y:49.3637), (W:370; Y:52.0891), (W:375; Y:51.0323), (W:380; Y:49.9755), (W:385; Y:52.3118), (W:390; Y:54.6482), (W:395; Y:68.7015), (W:400; Y:82.7549), (W:405; Y:87.1204), (W:410; Y:91.486), (W:415; Y:92.4589), (W:420; Y:93.4318), (W:425; Y:90.057), (W:430; Y:86.6823), (W:435; Y:95.7736), (W:440; Y:104.865), (W:445; Y:110.936), (W:450; Y:117.008), (W:455; Y:117.41), (W:460; Y:117.812), (W:465; Y:116.336), (W:470; Y:114.861), (W:475; Y:115.392), (W:480; Y:115.923), (W:485; Y:112.367), (W:490; Y:108.811), (W:495; Y:109.082), (W:500; Y:109.354), (W:505; Y:108.578), (W:510; Y:107.802), (W:515; Y:106.296), (W:520; Y:104.79), (W:525; Y:106.239), (W:530; Y:107.689), (W:535; Y:106.047), (W:540; Y:104.405), (W:545; Y:104.225), (W:550; Y:104.046), (W:555; Y:102.023), (W:560; Y:100), (W:565; Y:98.1671), (W:570; Y:96.3342), (W:575; Y:96.0611), (W:580; Y:95.788), (W:585; Y:92.2368), (W:590; Y:88.6856), (W:595; Y:89.3459), (W:600; Y:90.0062), (W:605; Y:89.8026), (W:610; Y:89.5991), (W:615; Y:88.6489), (W:620; Y:87.6987), (W:625; Y:85.4936), (W:630; Y:83.2886), (W:635; Y:83.4939), (W:640; Y:83.6992), (W:645; Y:81.863), (W:650; Y:80.0268), (W:655; Y:80.1207), (W:660; Y:80.2146), (W:665; Y:81.2462), (W:670; Y:82.2778), (W:675; Y:80.281), (W:680; Y:78.2842), (W:685; Y:74.0027), (W:690; Y:69.7213), (W:695; Y:70.6652), (W:700; Y:71.6091), (W:705; Y:72.979), (W:710; Y:74.349), (W:715; Y:67.9765), (W:720; Y:61.604), (W:725; Y:65.7448), (W:730; Y:69.8856), (W:735; Y:72.4863), (W:740; Y:75.087), (W:745; Y:69.3398), (W:750; Y:63.5927), (W:755; Y:55.0054), (W:760; Y:46.4182), (W:765; Y:56.6118), (W:770; Y:66.8054), (W:775; Y:65.0941), (W:780; Y:63.3828), (W:785; Y:63.8434), (W:790; Y:64.304), (W:795; Y:61.8779), (W:800; Y:59.4519), (W:805; Y:55.7054), (W:810; Y:51.959), (W:815; Y:54.6998), (W:820; Y:57.4406), (W:825; Y:58.8765), (W:830; Y:60.3125));

D65 illumination per wavelength

RadialBlurTypeToStr: array[TRadialBlurType] of string = ('Normal','Disk','Corona','Precise','Fast','Box');

String constants to represent TRadialBlurType values

ResampleFilterStr : array[TResampleFilter] of string = ('Box','Linear','HalfCosine','Cosine','Bicubic','Mitchell','Spline', 'Lanczos2','Lanczos3','Lanczos4','BestQuality');

List of strings to represent resample filters

riboBitsInOrder = GraphType.riboBitsInOrder;

Bit 0 is pixel 0

riboLSBFirst = GraphType.riboLSBFirst;

least significant byte first (little endian)

riboMSBFirst = GraphType.riboMSBFirst;

most significant byte first (big endian)

riboReversedBits = GraphType.riboReversedBits;

Bit 0 is pixel 7 (Bit 1 is pixel 6, ...)

riloBottomToTop = GraphType.riloBottomToTop;

The first line (line 0) is the bottom line

riloTopToBottom = GraphType.riloTopToBottom;

The first line (line 0) is the top line

SpectralLocus: array[0..94] of TSpectralLocusPoint = ((W:360; X:0.0001299; Y:0.000003917; Z:0.0006061), (W:365; X:0.0002321; Y:0.000006965; Z:0.001086), (W:370; X:0.0004149; Y:0.00001239; Z:0.001946), (W:375; X:0.0007416; Y:0.00002202; Z:0.003486), (W:380; X:0.001368; Y:0.000039; Z:0.006450001), (W:385; X:0.002236; Y:0.000064; Z:0.01054999), (W:390; X:0.004243; Y:0.00012; Z:0.02005001), (W:395; X:0.00765; Y:0.000217; Z:0.03621), (W:400; X:0.01431; Y:0.000396; Z:0.06785001), (W:405; X:0.02319; Y:0.00064; Z:0.1102), (W:410; X:0.04351; Y:0.00121; Z:0.2074), (W:415; X:0.07763; Y:0.00218; Z:0.3713), (W:420; X:0.13438; Y:0.004; Z:0.6456), (W:425; X:0.21477; Y:0.0073; Z:1.0390501), (W:430; X:0.2839; Y:0.0116; Z:1.3856), (W:435; X:0.3285; Y:0.01684; Z:1.62296), (W:440; X:0.34828; Y:0.023; Z:1.74706), (W:445; X:0.34806; Y:0.0298; Z:1.7826), (W:450; X:0.3362; Y:0.038; Z:1.77211), (W:455; X:0.3187; Y:0.048; Z:1.7441), (W:460; X:0.2908; Y:0.06; Z:1.6692), (W:465; X:0.2511; Y:0.0739; Z:1.5281), (W:470; X:0.19536; Y:0.09098; Z:1.28764), (W:475; X:0.1421; Y:0.1126; Z:1.0419), (W:480; X:0.09564; Y:0.13902; Z:0.8129501), (W:485; X:0.05795001; Y:0.1693; Z:0.6162), (W:490; X:0.03201; Y:0.20802; Z:0.46518), (W:495; X:0.0147; Y:0.2586; Z:0.3533), (W:500; X:0.0049; Y:0.323; Z:0.272), (W:505; X:0.0024; Y:0.4073; Z:0.2123), (W:510; X:0.0093; Y:0.503; Z:0.1582), (W:515; X:0.0291; Y:0.6082; Z:0.1117), (W:520; X:0.06327; Y:0.71; Z:0.07824999), (W:525; X:0.1096; Y:0.7932; Z:0.05725001), (W:530; X:0.1655; Y:0.862; Z:0.04216), (W:535; X:0.2257499; Y:0.9148501; Z:0.02984), (W:540; X:0.2904; Y:0.954; Z:0.0203), (W:545; X:0.3597; Y:0.9803; Z:0.0134), (W:550; X:0.4334499; Y:0.9949501; Z:0.008749999), (W:555; X:0.5120501; Y:1; Z:0.005749999), (W:560; X:0.5945; Y:0.995; Z:0.0039), (W:565; X:0.6784; Y:0.9786; Z:0.002749999), (W:570; X:0.7621; Y:0.952; Z:0.0021), (W:575; X:0.8425; Y:0.9154; Z:0.0018), (W:580; X:0.9163; Y:0.87; Z:0.001650001), (W:585; X:0.9786; Y:0.8163; Z:0.0014), (W:590; X:1.0263; Y:0.757; Z:0.0011), (W:595; X:1.0567; Y:0.6949; Z:0.001), (W:600; X:1.0622; Y:0.631; Z:0.0008), (W:605; X:1.0456; Y:0.5668; Z:0.0006), (W:610; X:1.0026; Y:0.503; Z:0.00034), (W:615; X:0.9384; Y:0.4412; Z:0.00024), (W:620; X:0.8544499; Y:0.381; Z:0.00019), (W:625; X:0.7514; Y:0.321; Z:0.0001), (W:630; X:0.6424; Y:0.265; Z:0.00005), (W:635; X:0.5419; Y:0.217; Z:0.00003), (W:640; X:0.4479; Y:0.175; Z:0.00002), (W:645; X:0.3608; Y:0.1382; Z:0.00001), (W:650; X:0.2835; Y:0.107; Z:0), (W:655; X:0.2187; Y:0.0816; Z:0), (W:660; X:0.1649; Y:0.061; Z:0), (W:665; X:0.1212; Y:0.04458; Z:0), (W:670; X:0.0874; Y:0.032; Z:0), (W:675; X:0.0636; Y:0.0232; Z:0), (W:680; X:0.04677; Y:0.017; Z:0), (W:685; X:0.0329; Y:0.01192; Z:0), (W:690; X:0.0227; Y:0.00821; Z:0), (W:695; X:0.01584; Y:0.005723; Z:0), (W:700; X:0.01135916; Y:0.004102; Z:0), (W:705; X:0.008110916; Y:0.002929; Z:0), (W:710; X:0.005790346; Y:0.002091; Z:0), (W:715; X:0.004106457; Y:0.001484; Z:0), (W:720; X:0.002899327; Y:0.001047; Z:0), (W:725; X:0.00204919; Y:0.00074; Z:0), (W:730; X:0.001439971; Y:0.00052; Z:0), (W:735; X:0.0009999493; Y:0.0003611; Z:0), (W:740; X:0.0006900786; Y:0.0002492; Z:0), (W:745; X:0.0004760213; Y:0.0001719; Z:0), (W:750; X:0.0003323011; Y:0.00012; Z:0), (W:755; X:0.0002348261; Y:0.0000848; Z:0), (W:760; X:0.0001661505; Y:0.00006; Z:0), (W:765; X:0.000117413; Y:0.0000424; Z:0), (W:770; X:8.307527E-05; Y:0.00003; Z:0), (W:775; X:5.870652E-05; Y:0.0000212; Z:0), (W:780; X:4.150994E-05; Y:0.00001499; Z:0), (W:785; X:2.935326E-05; Y:0.0000106; Z:0), (W:790; X:2.067383E-05; Y:7.4657E-06; Z:0), (W:795; X:1.455977E-05; Y:5.2578E-06; Z:0), (W:800; X:0.000010254; Y:3.7029E-06; Z:0), (W:805; X:7.221456E-06; Y:2.6078E-06; Z:0), (W:810; X:5.085868E-06; Y:1.8366E-06; Z:0), (W:815; X:3.581652E-06; Y:1.2934E-06; Z:0), (W:820; X:2.522525E-06; Y:9.1093E-07; Z:0), (W:825; X:1.776509E-06; Y:6.4153E-07; Z:0), (W:830; X:1.251141E-06; Y:4.5181E-07; Z:0));

Horseshoe shape of visible colors at 2° (illuminant E)

TBGRAPixel_AlphaByteOffset = 3;

Offset of the alpha channel

TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift = 24 - TBGRAPixel_AlphaByteOffset*8;

This item has no description.

TBGRAPixel_BlueByteOffset = 0;

Offset of the blue channel (when BGRA)

TBGRAPixel_BlueShift = 24 - TBGRAPixel_BlueByteOffset*8;

This item has no description.

TBGRAPixel_ChannelByteOffset : array[TChannel] of integer = (TBGRAPixel_RedByteOffset, TBGRAPixel_GreenByteOffset, TBGRAPixel_BlueByteOffset, TBGRAPixel_AlphaByteOffset);

Offsets of the different channels in a pixel

TBGRAPixel_GreenByteOffset = 1;

Offset of the green channel (when BGRA)

TBGRAPixel_GreenShift = 24 - TBGRAPixel_GreenByteOffset*8;

This item has no description.

TBGRAPixel_RedByteOffset = 2;

Offset of the blue channel (when BGRA)

TBGRAPixel_RedShift = 24 - TBGRAPixel_RedByteOffset*8;

This item has no description.

TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder = False;

Order of the channels (when BGRA)

tlBottom = BGRAGraphics.tlBottom;

This item has no description.

tlCenter = BGRAGraphics.tlCenter;

This item has no description.

tlTop = BGRAGraphics.tlTop;

This item has no description.

UniversalBrushFlag_DoNothing = 1;

number of pixels to output

UniversalBrushFlag_Reserved1 = 2;

the brush does nothing at all and can be skipped

UniversalBrushFlag_Reserved2 = 4;

This item has no description.

UniversalBrushFlag_Reserved3 = 8;

This item has no description.

UniversalBrushFlag_Reserved4 = 16;

This item has no description.

UniversalBrushFlag_Reserved5 = 32;

This item has no description.

UniversalBrushFlag_Reserved6 = 64;

This item has no description.

UniversalBrushFlag_Reserved7 = 128;

This item has no description.

YCbCrStdParameters : array[TYCbCrStdColorspace] of TYCbCrStdParameters = ( (LumaRed:0.299; LumaGreen:0.587; LumaBlue:0.114; MinY: 16; ScaleY: 219; MidC: 128; ScaleC: 112), (LumaRed:0.299; LumaGreen:0.587; LumaBlue:0.114; MinY: 0; ScaleY: 255; MidC: 128; ScaleC: 127.5), (LumaRed:0.2126; LumaGreen:0.7152; LumaBlue:0.0722; MinY: 16; ScaleY: 219; MidC: 128; ScaleC: 112), (LumaRed:0.2126; LumaGreen:0.7152; LumaBlue:0.0722; MinY: 0; ScaleY: 255; MidC: 128; ScaleC: 127.5), (LumaRed:0.212; LumaGreen:0.701; LumaBlue:0.087; MinY: 16; ScaleY: 219; MidC: 128; ScaleC: 112) );

YCbCr parameters for conversion from and to sRGB


BGRABitmapFactory: TBGRABitmapAny;

used to create instances of the same type (see NewBitmap)

BGRABlack: TBGRAPixel;

[#000000] Black opaque

BGRAPathFactory: TBGRAPathAny;

Factory provided to create a TBGRAPath object

BGRAPixelTransparent: TBGRAPixel;

This is the value used for transparent pixels. In theory, any color with alpha = 0 is transparent, however it is recommended to use all other channels to zero as well.

BGRAResource: TBGRAResourceManager;

Provides a resource manager 

BGRAWhite: TBGRAPixel;

[#FFFFFF] White opaque

CSSAliceBlue: TBGRAPixel;

White colors

CSSAntiqueWhite: TBGRAPixel;

White colors

CSSAqua: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSAquamarine: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSAzure: TBGRAPixel;

White colors

CSSBeige: TBGRAPixel;

White colors

CSSBisque: TBGRAPixel;

Brown colors

CSSBlack: TBGRAPixel;

Gray colors

CSSBlanchedAlmond: TBGRAPixel;

Brown colors

CSSBlue: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSBlueViolet: TBGRAPixel;

Purple colors

CSSBrown: TBGRAPixel;

Brown colors

CSSBurlyWood: TBGRAPixel;

Brown colors

CSSCadetBlue: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSChartreuse: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSChocolate: TBGRAPixel;

Brown colors

CSSColors: TBGRAColorList;

List of [https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_colors.asp web colors].

Shortcut constants are provided: [#000000] CSSBlack, [#FF0000] CSSRed...

CSSCoral: TBGRAPixel;

Orange colors

CSSCornflowerBlue: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSCornsilk: TBGRAPixel;

Brown colors

CSSCrimson: TBGRAPixel;

Red colors

CSSCyan: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSDarkBlue: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSDarkCyan: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSDarkGoldenrod: TBGRAPixel;

Brown colors

CSSDarkGray: TBGRAPixel;

Gray colors

CSSDarkGreen: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSDarkKhaki: TBGRAPixel;

Yellow colors

CSSDarkMagenta: TBGRAPixel;

Purple colors

CSSDarkOliveGreen: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSDarkOrange: TBGRAPixel;

Orange colors

CSSDarkOrchid: TBGRAPixel;

Purple colors

CSSDarkRed: TBGRAPixel;

Red colors

CSSDarkSalmon: TBGRAPixel;

Red colors

CSSDarkSeaGreen: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSDarkSlateBlue: TBGRAPixel;

Purple colors

CSSDarkSlateGray: TBGRAPixel;

Gray colors

CSSDarkTurquoise: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSDarkViolet: TBGRAPixel;

Purple colors

CSSDeepPink: TBGRAPixel;

Pink colors

CSSDeepSkyBlue: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSDimGray: TBGRAPixel;

Gray colors

CSSDodgerBlue: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSFireBrick: TBGRAPixel;

Red colors

CSSFloralWhite: TBGRAPixel;

White colors

CSSForestGreen: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSFuchsia: TBGRAPixel;

Purple colors

CSSGainsboro: TBGRAPixel;

Gray colors

CSSGhostWhite: TBGRAPixel;

White colors

CSSGold: TBGRAPixel;

Yellow colors

CSSGoldenrod: TBGRAPixel;

Brown colors

CSSGray: TBGRAPixel;

Gray colors

CSSGreen: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSGreenYellow: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSHoneydew: TBGRAPixel;

White colors

CSSHotPink: TBGRAPixel;

Pink colors

CSSIndianRed: TBGRAPixel;

Red colors

CSSIndigo: TBGRAPixel;

Purple colors

CSSIvory: TBGRAPixel;

White colors

CSSKhaki: TBGRAPixel;

Yellow colors

CSSLavender: TBGRAPixel;

Purple colors

CSSLavenderBlush: TBGRAPixel;

White colors

CSSLawnGreen: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSLemonChiffon: TBGRAPixel;

Yellow colors

CSSLightBlue: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSLightCoral: TBGRAPixel;

Red colors

CSSLightCyan: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSLightGoldenrodYellow: TBGRAPixel;

Yellow colors

CSSLightGray: TBGRAPixel;

Gray colors

CSSLightGreen: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSLightPink: TBGRAPixel;

Pink colors

CSSLightSalmon: TBGRAPixel;

Orange colors

CSSLightSeaGreen: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSLightSkyBlue: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSLightSlateGray: TBGRAPixel;

Gray colors

CSSLightSteelBlue: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSLightYellow: TBGRAPixel;

Yellow colors

CSSLime: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSLimeGreen: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSLinen: TBGRAPixel;

White colors

CSSMagenta: TBGRAPixel;

Purple colors

CSSMaroon: TBGRAPixel;

Brown colors

CSSMediumAquamarine: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSMediumBlue: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSMediumOrchid: TBGRAPixel;

Purple colors

CSSMediumPurple: TBGRAPixel;

Purple colors

CSSMediumSeaGreen: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSMediumSlateBlue: TBGRAPixel;

Purple colors

CSSMediumSpringGreen: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSMediumTurquoise: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSMediumVioletRed: TBGRAPixel;

Pink colors

CSSMidnightBlue: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSMintCream: TBGRAPixel;

White colors

CSSMistyRose: TBGRAPixel;

White colors

CSSMoccasin: TBGRAPixel;

Yellow colors

CSSNavajoWhite: TBGRAPixel;

Brown colors

CSSNavy: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSOldLace: TBGRAPixel;

White colors

CSSOlive: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSOliveDrab: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSOrange: TBGRAPixel;

Orange colors

CSSOrangeRed: TBGRAPixel;

Orange colors

CSSOrchid: TBGRAPixel;

Purple colors

CSSPaleGoldenrod: TBGRAPixel;

Yellow colors

CSSPaleGreen: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSPaleTurquoise: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSPaleVioletRed: TBGRAPixel;

Pink colors

CSSPapayaWhip: TBGRAPixel;

Yellow colors

CSSPeachPuff: TBGRAPixel;

Yellow colors

CSSPeru: TBGRAPixel;

Brown colors

CSSPink: TBGRAPixel;

Pink colors

CSSPlum: TBGRAPixel;

Purple colors

CSSPowderBlue: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSPurple: TBGRAPixel;

Purple colors


Red colors

CSSRosyBrown: TBGRAPixel;

Brown colors

CSSRoyalBlue: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSSaddleBrown: TBGRAPixel;

Brown colors

CSSSalmon: TBGRAPixel;

Red colors

CSSSandyBrown: TBGRAPixel;

Brown colors

CSSSeaGreen: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSSeashell: TBGRAPixel;

White colors

CSSSienna: TBGRAPixel;

Brown colors

CSSSilver: TBGRAPixel;

Gray colors

CSSSkyBlue: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSSlateBlue: TBGRAPixel;

Purple colors

CSSSlateGray: TBGRAPixel;

Gray colors

CSSSnow: TBGRAPixel;

White colors

CSSSpringGreen: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSSteelBlue: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors


Brown colors

CSSTeal: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

CSSThistle: TBGRAPixel;

Purple colors

CSSTomato: TBGRAPixel;

Orange colors

CSSTurquoise: TBGRAPixel;

Blue/Cyan colors

CSSViolet: TBGRAPixel;

Purple colors

CSSWheat: TBGRAPixel;

Brown colors

CSSWhite: TBGRAPixel;

White colors

CSSWhiteSmoke: TBGRAPixel;

White colors

CSSYellow: TBGRAPixel;

Yellow colors

CSSYellowGreen: TBGRAPixel;

Green colors

DefaultBGRAImageReader: array[TBGRAImageFormat] of TFPCustomImageReaderClass;

List of stream readers for images

DefaultBGRAImageWriter: array[TBGRAImageFormat] of TFPCustomImageWriterClass;

List of stream writers for images

ExpandedPixelTransparent: TExpandedPixel;

This item has no description.

fqFineClearType: TGetFineClearTypeAutoFunc;

Provide function to detect the adequate ClearType mode

GammaCompressionTab: packed[0..65535] of byte;

Equivalence for channel from TExpandedPixel to TBGRAPixel

GammaExpansionTab: packed[0..255] of word;

Equivalence for channel from TBGRAPixel to TExpandedPixel

GammaExpansionTabHalf: packed[0..254] of word;

Equivalence for channel from TBGRAPixel to TExpandedPixel (for value with offset 0.5)

ReferenceWhite2D50: TXYZReferenceWhite;

This item has no description.

ReferenceWhite2D65: TXYZReferenceWhite;

This item has no description.

ReferenceWhite2E: TXYZReferenceWhite;

This item has no description.

UniDrawerClass: TUniversalDrawerAny;

This item has no description.

VGAAqua: TBGRAPixel;

VGA colors

VGABlack: TBGRAPixel;

VGA colors

VGABlue: TBGRAPixel;

VGA colors

VGAColors: TBGRAColorList;

List of VGA colors:

[#000000] Black, [#808080] Gray, [#C0C0C0] Silver, [#FFFFFF] White, [#800000] Maroon, [#FF0000] Red, [#800080] Purple, [#FF00FF] Fuchsia, [#008000] Green, [#00FF00] Lime, [#808000] Olive, [#FFFF00] Yellow, [#000080] Navy, [#0000FF] Blue, [#008080] Teal, [#00FFFF] Aqua.

Shortcut constants are provided: [#000000] VGABlack, [#808080] VGAGray...

VGAFuchsia: TBGRAPixel;

VGA colors

VGAGray: TBGRAPixel;

VGA colors

VGAGreen: TBGRAPixel;

VGA colors

VGALime: TBGRAPixel;

VGA colors

VGAMaroon: TBGRAPixel;

VGA colors

VGANavy: TBGRAPixel;

VGA colors

VGAOlive: TBGRAPixel;

VGA colors

VGAPurple: TBGRAPixel;

VGA colors


VGA colors

VGASilver: TBGRAPixel;

VGA colors

VGATeal: TBGRAPixel;

VGA colors

VGAWhite: TBGRAPixel;

VGA colors

VGAYellow: TBGRAPixel;

VGA colors

XYZToRGBOverflowMax: TColorspaceOverflow = xroSaturateEachChannel;

How to handle overflow when values are above the maximum values in RGB colorspace

XYZToRGBOverflowMin: TColorspaceOverflow = xroSaturateEachChannel;

How to handle overflow when values are below the minimum values in RGB colorspace