Unit BGRAVectorize

📄 Source code


This unit provides vectorizers for black'n'white images and text.

The TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer class can be provided as a renderer to TBGRABitmap.

Font rendering units : BGRAText, BGRATextFX, BGRAVectorize, BGRAFreeType




Name Description
Record TBGRAGlyphsInfo General information on glyph stream
Class TBGRAVectorizedFont Allows to vectorize and to load vectorized font and draw them
Record TBGRAVectorizedFontHeader Header of a serialized vectorized font
Class TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer Font renderer using vectorized fonts and with effects.

Functions and Procedures

function VectorizeMonochrome(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARect: TRect; AZoom: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AWhiteBackground: boolean = true; ADiagonalFillPercent: single = 66; AIntermediateDiagonals: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF;
function VectorizeMonochrome(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; AZoom: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AWhiteBackground: boolean = true; ADiagonalFillPercent: single = 66; AIntermediateDiagonals: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF;


TGlyphSizes = array of record Text, Glyph: String; Width,Height: single; end;


Functions and Procedures

function VectorizeMonochrome(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARect: TRect; AZoom: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AWhiteBackground: boolean = true; ADiagonalFillPercent: single = 66; AIntermediateDiagonals: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF;

Vectorize a rectangular area in a monochrome bitmap (actually checking the green channel)

function VectorizeMonochrome(ASource: TBGRACustomBitmap; AZoom: single; APixelCenteredCoordinates: boolean; AWhiteBackground: boolean = true; ADiagonalFillPercent: single = 66; AIntermediateDiagonals: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF;

Vectorize a monochrome bitmap (actually checking the green channel)


TGlyphSizes = array of record Text, Glyph: String; Width,Height: single; end;

Size of glyphs in text